The computer...THIS computer...I type on it now...


On a planet very far from Earth, a war was taking place. A divided planet with two sides, no third party to be found, and there was no evidence of so. The two factions fought, because they believed in a different main god. The "good" god, simply called "Hev", and the "evil" god, "Hel". The sentients of this planet were humanoid, much like humans.

Only thing was, they evolved from reptiles. More specifically, snakes. They all had green, cat like eyes (some yellow-green, some forest green, stuff like that).

Along with these snake-like people, came meta-humans. Humans that looked more snake then human. Back then, the more snake they were, the more respected they usually were.

The higher-ups, such as the reigning Khan (or King, in that manner) and Khaness were always "pure" blooded snake-like meta-humans.

Their technology was a bit of a mystery. Capable of the clothes we have on now, but they only had bows and arrows sorta technology.

Of course, metal was hard to find on the planet. The hardest thing common were the scales on their backs.

This planet--called "Ssathra" by her people, and was the same name as their goddess--was jungle like, filled to the brim with animals of many colors.

These "pure" blooded meta-human snakes were rare, and capable of amazing feats. Their heads were cobra, their tails were spiked, and their strength, speed, and even intelligence are far better then most others outside their "pure" blood.

And so you're asking me, "is there discrimination"? Funny thing is, no.

Though I said the more meta-human, generally, the more buff and more intelligent. But the more human ones could get pretty smart, too. And why not? They all had the same, yellow-greenish blood, the same strange eyes, and they worshiped the same goddess. And with that, came balance. And peace, too.

Well, at least until he came.

He came in a white and black shadow, one wing white, one was dark, tainted, and evil. Slowly, he corrupted the minds of the priests and filled their heads with lies.

Lies such as their goddess didn't exist, and that there were only two deities on this world: Heav, and Hel.

He remained on the planet in a tower he instantly created, located where the capitol used to be. The snakes, though disappointed that their goddess did not exist, decided to live on like they always did.

Their leaders thought so, too. Until, out of nowhere, the two main hierarchs of these two factions declared war, out of no where. One by one, some people just all of a sudden thought so, too. They thought, there could only be one god--theirs.

Only the most free willed, purest of heart, and courageous would be unaffected by this twist of mind. Every one of these few searched for the reason of this war that had no meaning, find the secret to this mysterious winged being, and stop it all.

This is the chapter about one such person--a woman of the young age of 32, though these people age slower then people do, so she appears more in her early twenties.--and how she will find out what no one on her planet could...and how she will be the only one to tell about it.

Karla searched throughout the ruins of the old, musty temple.

Of course, her eyes worked perfectly well in the darkness of the cave, but the dimly lit torches helped. Karla was a meta-human, of sorts, who had a nose that was almost a pair of slits, a thin, spike ridged tail, and some green patches on her skin in a few places.

This was the old temple of Ssathra, the goddess of long past. Karla's father told her to explore the temple, to search for any clues.

And if no clues could be found, she would pray for at least a small hope.

This temple was weird. It was just under the tower that the winged being lived in, and on the walls had hieroglyphics on the walls in some spots. Karla could read them, of course.

Nearing a dull lighted spot on a nearby wall, her features stuck out. An explorer's uniform, tied in a knot, as the heat was hot under there, and she had limited water.

'We're cold blooded,' thought Karla, 'our blood can take lots of heat, but we still need some nice cool air and water.'

The hieroglyphics depicted some sort of record. But of what, so she read on.

It showed the winged being, his wings, his cloak, and what would appear to be the shining armor he wore. Little of the armor showed, though, but it was definently armor. The goddess, that supposedly didn't exist, was depicted apparently contemplating the armor, as her attention was towards the being's helmet. It was like a knights, only the top of it was more crown shaped, like he was a lord or something. 'If he's a being of peace,' thought Karla, 'then why does he need that armor?'

Out of nowhere, something knocked her down. The lights went out as she hit the ground, but she didn't need light to see that a strange life form with yellow, pupil less eyes were staring at her. And it was right on top of her. This creature swapped at her face, but she guarded her head with her arms.

Though the being had knocked her down, it was actually quite feeble. It's claws only did so much as scrape her. With her own sharpened claws, Karla batted the creature aside, and thought that would kill it.

But the being merely hit the wall, and turned into a shadow.

'No,' Karla thought, 'it was the shadow!"

The shadow creature crawled along the wall in a zig zag style, then leaped out from the wall at her. Karla ducked and it was sliced by the ridges of her spiked tail. Upon the creature's apparent death, it disappeared in a poof of black smoke. From the smoke arouse a greenish phantasm, a soul, Karla thought.

The soul rose up through the darkness and disappeared. Karla made a short prayer for the soul, rising to heaven.

Because this sure just became hell.

All of a sudden, all of the torches went out. An eerie wind blew, and an obese figure in a white armor not too different then what the winged being would have looked like.

This new figure must be some subordinate of the winged being. But that wasn't good.

The winged being was never seen without any servants. It was just the being, and no one else.

"So if this guy is keeping secrets," Karla whispered, "then that cannot be a good thing."

Whatever Karla thought of this fat figure before, she knew now it was as evil as the thing that attacked her. He roared, and with that, dozens more pairs of the same yellow eyes appeared out from behind him. "Kill her," the obese figure said, "kill the trespasser! Kill her and take her soul!"

Take her soul, wow, this guy is a new generation of evil. Not.

Karla took the only way out--the corridor to her right.

She ran and ran, and ran some more, but the creatures never grew tired. It was usually a while before Karla could get tired, what with her amazing strength and all, but these things were relentless. She needed a plan, and fast.

Meta-human or not, she couldn't take them all out.

She chanced a look back, and a chance she would never take again, as she literally slammed into a dead end. "Ow," bruised Karla, "hm? What's on this wall?"

The wall showed a large hieroglyph of what was apparently the goddess, Ssathra. She had four arms, meaning she was pure blooded, and on her chest was an orb of unknown power and origin.

Praying to Ssathra that she failed, Karla was ready for her death.

But the soul from before would not let that happen.

The soul came out of nowhere, many times faster then the creatures, and it went into the sphere that the picture of Ssathra held. It shone a bright light that warded off the creatures, and killed any stragglers.

The area crumbled around her, but the wall with Ssathra on it opened. Hope came, then gone.

Two more beings, these ones winged, flew from where the creatures retreated and sped towards her. One was much bigger then the other, almost ape-like. The other one was about her size, if not a little taller. The big one's weapon was a massive hammer, his armor was white and green, like the fields of her old home.

The other one was white and blue, like the ocean. He had a javelin sort of weapon, with some sort of writing on it. At first, she thought they wanted to kill her. But something told her that was not the case.

She needed to know. Lately, she's been having these episodes where she'd instantly know what someone nearby was thinking. And then other times she awaken to learn that she and just set nearby foliage on fire in a bluish blaze.

Her prayers were answered. The smaller one shouted "Hurry! Run!"

And run some more, she did. There were no more corridors, only this remaining hallway. Had she lost them? Nope. She could hear their wings beat on every such occasion. As if on a whim, Karla felt herself lifted off of the ground. The smaller one had picked her up and was flying her to safety.

Guess these ARE good guys.

"Hang on, Miss, we're going airborne," quoted the one who was holding her, "and try to hold on."

Karla nodded, and held on to the surprisingly gentle armor of the being. But it was not long until the nasties pulled out their ranged creatures and shot through the being's wing. Strange, how his wing was pierced, but he neither yelped nor screamed. The only thing that he said was, "hang on".

Oh, hang on. That's it?


They crash landed into a room. A room with only two exits. The one they came in, and the other exit. There was an offering plate in the middle of the room. The oafish being was also shot down by multiple spikes fired from the creatures. He landed pretty ok, though unlike the smaller one, didn't look like he'd live for much longer.

As soon as she got up, Karla ran to the oaf and put her hand on his massive arm. Weak, but not without that sign did he remove a sphere from his hammer and gave it to her. He said, with his last breath (though it appeared to be the only breath, as he must not have needed oxygen), "Give to angel, Senil." With his purpose fulfilled, the mighty being died. Karla somehow sensed it.

Her tears were offered to the giant, but the creatures were closing fast, and the other being needed her attention.

Senil? That was the other's name. And what did the giant say they were? Angels? What were those? Senil shifted and got up, more weakened then she thought. Before he could collapse, however, Karla caught him. He wasn't too heavy, too. That must be some armor.

Slinging his arm around her shoulder, Karla continued down the opposite hallway. The soul from before followed her and showed her the way she thought she should go. Senil regained his consciousness and said, "Where's...gahhh...Grunkct? Is he alright?"

Karla was too soft hearted to tell him.

"He's...uhh, fine. Just fine. He said he'd go another way," the meta-human lied. The angel wasn't fooled. "So. He's dead."

Karla felt a tear fall across her cheek as she said, "yes...Do angels have friends? Better yet, what exactly is an angel?"

Senil was not amused. His friend was dead, and now this young Ssathrainian was asking questions. Instead, he just didn't answer. Sadness, she thought, must be tough for an angel.

"I can't exactly feel sadness like mortals do," Senil interjected, "but why do you so? Is that a mortal thing? You don't even know him."

Ok, so HE isn't sad. "Well," Karla answered, "yeah. Not many like me."

"You must have such kindness. What is your name?"

"My name is Karla. The giant called you 'Senil', is that right?"

"...Indeed. But this is not time for idle chat. Try to concentrate up ahead. I believe we are almost there."

Anime sweat droplet en route on Karla's head. 'Not a guy of words,' she thought.

Last room, dead end, again.

Karla was, however, not alone. And not just with the angel. "There is someone else in here," observed Karla.

"Oh? You mean you noticed?" Senil noted.

"Yeah. It's kinda hard to explain, but...It's like I've got some powers or something."

"That is not far from the truth then."

Karla took notice of the horde of the retreating creatures, afraid to enter the blackened room they were in. Looking around herself, the Ssathrainian was perplexed by the details of the room. It was nothing like the rest of the temple. It was rather...chromed.

But Senil knew about the room, Karla did sense (her sixth sense was definently kicking in lately) that he was not surprised. He knew so much, she wanted to know.

"This place is familiar to you. Why does this room look so different?" asked Karla.

Senil sat down on what appeared a metal table and looked over at her. She put her arm behind her back and giggled a bit, another anime antic. Whilst doing this, she politely asked, "Uhh, heh heh, I mean, if it isn't too much to ask, uh heh-"

"No need. I'll tell. This is a technologically advanced room compared to your own usual society."

"A what?"

"Ugh. It's farther in the future, in the sense. This room, for example, doesn't have the need for arrows. Instead, it would use something else, something new. Like..." Senil turned his helmet-head around and said, "like a gun."

"A...gun? Wha?"

"Heh, perhaps you shouldn't know about those. Anyway, the reason why it's like this is because it's owner can make it this way."

"Do you know who made the room like this?"

"Yep," Senil said. He got off the table and stood next to Karla facing towards the door, but the meta-human didn't turn his way. Instead, she asked, "Well, could you please tell me?"

"I'll give you a hint. She's someone somebody else didn't want you to think existed. That's it."

"'She'? Didn't think she?...Could you be meaning?..."

"Yes, my child," came a voice from behind Karla. It was both female and harmonic. A turn, a twist, a flick of the hip, Karla turned. Behind her, is what Karla could undoubtedly confirm as...

...the goddess, Ssathra.

It was unmistakenable; her eyes were brighter then the moon itself, a calm and invirogating aura was about her.

Though the most convincing feature was that she looked exactly like the mural of Ssathra that was on the door from earlier. All the details were correct in every way. And Karla was sure that this was her. The Goddess, Ssathra.

"Child of my world," said Ssathra, "it is most fortuitous that you are here."

Karla, least to say, was perplexed. How was her being here a good thing right now? "Umm, uhhh..." It didn't take a genius to know that she was a to say this...nervous? Hey, you would be too if your goddess was standing and looking right at you.

For a moment, she thought. A quick moment. "L-Lady Ssathra, something is wrong on our world. There is war. What does the Winged Being have to do with this?"

The goddess knew this well. "Indeed, he does," Ssathra said, "he sealed me here, in this room."

Karla was shocked. Who was strong enough to seal a goddess? But wait...

"What's going to happen? Please, I must know what will happen to my people!" pleaded Karla. Senil would rather have not said that himself. He knew what was coming. He's been in the business for 4000 years. And he doesn't seem more then 22.

"'re people are dead, Karla. This isn't some two-bit sorcerer; this is a fallen Archangel." Senil put it blunt.

Karla didn't want to hear that, but she turned her attention to Senil. "What!? N-No! My people, they can't- Can I not do something!?" she yelled. At the first letter she uttered, Karla thought that Ssathra might extend her cobra hood in surprise. But, surprisingly, the goddess sensed Karla's increasing distress and softly stroked her daughter's face. "I'm sorry, child, but nothing is what I can do about it. The Fallen One is too powerful, even for me. But you, however, can be saved because you are here. And I feel as you do. Never forget that."

"Yes..." whispered Karla. She could already feel the tears coming. Her entire be exterminated. All except her. Lucky break?...then again, it was not going to be pretty.

And it wasn't.

The ruins shook. Everything shook. You know what? Here's a secret: the whole planet shook. And the source? The Fallen's tower. Good thing that the Chamber of Ssathra was holding quite well. A field must have been erected on the inside of the room. But not enough, some of the ceiling collapsed.

The goddess held Karla with two of her four arms, and somehow, another invisible field repelled any debris that fell. Senil magically shielded himself as well.

Ssathra looked up from Karla, and now her hood was up. "It's started, my child," Ssathra said, "hold strong. None will be alive save for us when it's over."

A great build-up of light (yet SINISTER!!!) magic slathered the tower of the Fallen One. The skies turned cloudy, dark, and stormy. The earthquakes toppled everything. The denizens, fighting or not, ran for cover. But would it matter?

Karla's father looked from his lookout tree. He knew the true reason he sent his daughter there. The prophet told him that only one could be saved, by sending, in his own words, "her", to the ruins under the tower. It would destroy every sentient being on the level of the dominant species of the planet (the Ssathrainians). By noon that day...

...every sentient would be killed.

The moment had come, Karla's father said, prayed for his daughter. was the last words he uttered. The white energy-like magic burst, engulfed the planet, and everyone was killed.

All except one.

Karla dared not open her eyes when the shaking stopped. But, it had to happen. The young Ssathrainian looked up at the goddess, now tall as she could stand with her cobra good snapped back. The goddess' head looked like a normal snake's head, except when the hood came, and made things clear that she was a pureblood.

But she's a goddess. THE goddess of the planet of now almost extinct sentients. The tears on Karla's face, however, would not stop. After all, they were the only three left on the planet left alive.

That was about as much as her pure-heartedness could take. Karla fainted, just in time for Senil to catch her. Lifting her in his arms, Senil turned to Ssathra. "She must rest."

"Indeed, Angel. I can see your former master has indeed become diabolical. But his aims are not clear. But, for now, she will rest. She will not awaken until the time is right, of course." said Ssathra. The angel layed Karla's unconscious body onto a bed that he materialized out of nowhere (man I wish I could do that).

Goddess Ssathra placed her top pair hands on Karla's face and closed her eyes. In seconds, Karla was surrounded by a green colored light. The light then faded after coursing her body.

Senil sat next to Karla and began sharpening his weapon. "I shall remain here, Goddess. But, I must ask; what will you do?"

"This is only the beginning of my duty. I have sealed the key. When the key awakens, she will seek out the champions of other planets who have survived your master's holocausts. Eventually, there will be a way to stave off this evil for now. Perhaps..." Ssathra explained, "...perhaps the Chaos. The Chaos has power none the universe has seen."

"The Chaos is still not strong enough for him."

"Perhaps. But, what should happen if they were to combine into one being? A strong being?"

"...That would be effective."

"The Chaos is always effective. It's the most feared power in the universe. But enough of such talk. The Fallen no longer holds power over me. I must leave, with haste," solemnly said Ssathra. She leaned before her child, descended from the first snake Ssathra created and kissed her forehead, planting her mark on her forehead. As well as the love the goddess had for all her children.

"Goodbye, Karla of my children. Watch over her, Senil of the Fifth Order."

In a blinding flash, the goddess Ssathra was gone.

Senil sat down next to Karla and started to stroke her head.

"Well, it begins," he said, "this could take a while."