Neji was mad. Well, as much as his features would let him. To most he looked rather calm, albeit the frown. But obviously since they were among ninja, the aura he radiated sent chills down even Shino's spine. He asked to himself once again, why he was here. Lee, having quickly befriended Naruto, eagerly wanted to go, and Tenten also obliged in case Lee got any drop of alcohol. Therefore, here was Neji sitting around a circle with tipsy shinobi and having a shitty time.

The blond idiot obviously, was oblivious to Neji's irritation. His little reunion involved a little game of probability and guts. Drawing sticks, dares.

The girls were giddy, even though Sasuke wasn't here, but the idea of a little dare was rather appealing, especially with the growing attractiveness of the boys they used to chide. The more rowdy of the boys, thrown straight in the peaks of puberty glanced hungrily over at the over-numbered girls. Neji caught a few eyes staring a bit too long at Tenten and his attempts at peace and meditation were even more aggravated.

Obviously, the boys refused to do anything weird in a sexual way with another boy. They instead allowed themselves to be wedgied by an overtly excited Chouji, caked in the face, mimic Lee's proclamation of youth (poor, poor Kiba) and even beaten (in Shikamaru's case). Therefore, Naruto divided the sticks into two piles for his next dare.

His smirk reached ear to ear. "Next, whoever both gets twelve will kiss for 10 seconds, dattebayo!"

Sakura and Ino squealed in protest, quickly glancing over at the boys in nervous anticipation, Hinata turned bright red, and Tenten only smiled. The girls eagerly took their sticks. Sakura and Ino were quick to voice their losing numbers, Hinata's entire body shook but she had a nine. All eyes fell on Tenten, who looked pensively down at her numbered stick. Her brown eyes looked up and shrugged.

"I guess I have it, then."

And then our hero remembered of a fantastic little thing he had to his advantage. The Byakugan could easily pick out his winning number. Neji quickly activated it, and there it was, in his black and white world, that little number twelve. He blinked away back into the vibrant colors and smirked. Tenten had caught his eye but her impression wasn't readable. Had she seen him? Shit shit shit.

When Naruto had bounced over to Neji, who reached for that twelve, Naruto halted him.

"You think I wouldn't see, eh, Neji? I saw you use that Byakugan! You just want to kiss Tenten sooo bad!"

Tenten's face turned pink, much to Neji's amusement.

"That's preposterous Uzumaki. You're drunk."

He valiantly fought back a winning grin, which in the next few seconds easily dropped to a frown. Naruto was shuffling the sticks. Behind his back. Now Neji couldn't use his Byakugan or else it was obvious what his plans were.

And now in front of him were jumbled sticks. Which one was twelve? Without hesitating, he grabbed a number.


Neji cursed fate. As he continued to stare at his terrible, losing stick, Naruto let out a whoop.


Shino's face could turn an impeccable shade of red. All the boys clapped him on the back; the girls were squealing and professing whispered apologies that Tenten had to kiss the bug boy. Tenten giggled nervously, shaking her buns around and shrugging. Everyone else flocked to Tenten, to mentally prepare her. Kiba growled his drunken jealousy.

Neji turned to clap Shino on the back, except it was rather rough. The poor Aburame coughed.

There was a silent agreement between the two men. Aburame took a step back as the boys finally pushed Tenten over.

Neji in one motion wrapped an arm around her waist and lip-locked with the shocked kunoichi. The eyes of every other shinobi in the room bugged out.

"Neji's way past drunk!" Ino shrieked.

"I see tongue!" Kiba barked.

Hinata promptly fainted.

As the chaos was occurring, Aburame Shino smirked behind his collar. He thumbed the money in his pocket. This was enough to pay for a new bug nest.