Sorry I haven't updated in, like, forever. Here's a random little chapter for you it's both new and fresh so enjoy and please review. I'll still be taking some time to update but I have an idea for the next chapter so it's all okay.

I haven't had this beta'd by anyone and I havent really proofed it so any mistakes that are in there just ignore 'cause I'm too lazy to find them.

Don't own Charmed. I can't since it ended like a year ago.


She walked slowly to the front door and knocked. Dressed in the top he loved so much and the jeans that hugged her hips perfectly she looked the part. He opened the door and her red lips curved upwards into a smile and she let herself in, Cole stood and watched. Jenny was back.

Paige Matthews drowned out the rest of the world with the songs on her I-Pod, she plugged the earphones into her ears, clipped the wires onto her top and danced around her room as she cleaned up behind herself. Her awkward movements only made up for by her singing voice which rang through the house, creativity seemed to run through her veins and her artistic abilities showed in her art and her vocal talent. She picked up the truck which Ben had made with some Lego and threw it into the toy chest she had at the end of the room. She cherished the time that Phoebe decided she was broody and took Ben out to the park or to the fair to play mom for the day. She pulled a face at the next song that burst into her ears and turned it off, putting it back into her pocket and finding something else to do. She sat on the bed and picked up the blouse she had put there already to change into when her and Cole went out for dinner later. She fell back and closed her eyes letting random images of her and Cole with Ben float in and out of her mind, all the while a voice at the back of her head screamed for her to hold on tighter this time. If he could leave once before he could do it again.

Cole watched as Jenny lent against the wall, cocking an eyebrow and moving her head to the side. Her blonde hair hanging straight down and highlighting her blue eyes which sparkled with something Cole couldn't quite put a finger on. Her sleek, slender, frame hugged her clothes to her body and her slightly tanned skin stood out against the white top she wore, it dipped hard and left nothing at all to the imagination. She stayed casual but Cole broke out in a sweat watching as her hips swayed and her body invited him to look, daring him in silent motion to touch.

"What are you doing here, Jenny?" He asked finally tearing himself from looking at everywhere else apart from her eyes. "I thought you were going on holiday." His eyes scanned her again and he saw her pregnancy bump was showing against the tight top, but she pulled it off easily. She was already 5 months but she was one of those lucky women who hardly showed as much as others.

"Been and came back." She replied after a short pause "It was nice but with the pregnancy I could hardly have a great time. Didn't feel comfortable wearing bikinis or anything else come to think of it." She straightened herself and walked towards him. "I'm here to make sure we're okay after everything. I mean I know we have made up and whatever but I just want to know we are on good terms."

"We are."

"Good. But that's not what I only came here for." Cole looked at her 'this dosen't sound good.' She took a pause and put her hand on his bicep "I miss you." Damn, I knew it. He didn't reply at first and gave her a forced smile before moving her hand and shaking his head.

"I'm with Paige."

She parted her lips and sighed. "Oh, please Cole don't give me that."

"I'm with Paige." Repetition was good. Repetition kept your mind in focus and your eyes up north.

"She's - Damn it. I love you, okay?" Cole paused for a moment, that was the first time she had said it with meaning and some sort of feeling behind it. "I'm carrying your child. I still have a picture of you in my purse and I need you to help me with the baby. You know I'm not good at looking after children and you're so good. Just be with me."

He watched her for a moment before replying. "Jenny, I'm in love with Paige."

"Fine." The bitterness rolled off of her tongue, she rolled her eyes as Cole nodded and turned her head to the side in time to see the woman he so clearly made an effort to love making her way down the stairs and holding onto a teddy-bear in desperate need of a wash. She stopped at the bottom and let her hazel eyes wander over the two figures stood in her hallway, her eyebrow raised and she walked forward taking her place next to Cole.

"Jenny." Her voice was cold and hard and held no emotion. It was a greeting and she didn't want a conversation, she felt uneasy enough looking at her in her tight clothes while she stood in her hooded sweater and baggy tracksuit bottoms.

Jenny acknowledged her with a tight smile and a quick nod of the head but her eyes scanned her body and Paige knew she was feeling smug. Very smug. "Nice top." She commented to the brunette, Paige put the teddy down on a small table and linked her arm through Cole's in attempt not to walk forward and slap the grin off of her face.

"I'd say the same for you but I'm a mother and I don't think it's acceptable to be wearing clothes like that." Paige: 1 - Jenny: 0.

"Cole would disagree I think Paige." She glanced at Paige before letting her look linger at the man in the middle. "What do you think?" Paige bristled and forced her lips into a smile.

"How's everything with you Jenny? Holding yourself well I see." The blonde looked at Paige confused before licking her lips and pulling the bottom one in with her teeth. Unsure on how to reply straight away she played with the silver chain around her neck, her eyes focused on the young witch almost like an animal targeting it's prey. Almost.



"Yes. Good."

Cole looked between the two growing more uncomfortable and less than happy with the situation.

"So what is it that you do now, Jenny? Barmaid, nurse." She paused with a small smile on her face "Or other?" She held back from saying hooker or anything else of the sort but by the fire that lit straight away in her rivals eyes and the snort she gave out signaled she had understood what she was getting at.

"I'm still working at the hospital, thank you. What about you? Still jobless and sponging off Cole?" Paige flinched, snake bites hurt. Paige: 1 - Jenny: 1.

"Okay!" Cole clapped his hands together after pulling it away from Paige's. "Time out ladies." The two hardly looked up and Cole felt foolish, who was he to stand in the way of snide comments and smirks?

Paige waited for a moment before taking the bait. "No, actually, I stay at home and look after our son. You know, mine and Coles." She flashed her a smile and folded her arms.

"Well I'm sure you won't mind helping out looking after mine and Cole's baby then."

"I'd rather take a running jump of the Golden Gate Bridge than hold your child, Jenny." She held her stare to show how truthful and serious her statement was and felt slightly sorry when she saw a flicker of hurt cross Jenny's face until it was replaced with more spite.

"I wish you would."

Paige had never before felt so talked down to in her life. Demons and warlocks could try but she'd always kick their ass, so, why couldn't Jenny be any different? She slapped the woman in front of her hard, her hand stung from the sensation and by the way Jenny was holding onto her cheek - it hurt her too. "Don't come back again, Jenny. Nobody wants you here."

"There's only one person I will listen to and it's not you." Jenny looked up still holding her left cheek with her hand "Cole? Are you just going to stand there?" Staring hard she finally got the demon to move and he shook his head.

"No." He stepped forward and held her arm gently "I think it's best if you go now. I'll speak to you soon." His voice was calm and soothing and after a moment Jenny succumbed to his charm and agreed with a nod of the head and a silent exit. The door clicked shut behind her and she closed her eyes, the harsh sting on her cheek still present but fading, licking her lips she re-opened her eyes and took in her surroundings before walking down the few steps and getting into her small black car. She had started the crack between the Cole and Paige relationship, now all she needed was some leverage to finish the job.

He didn't say anything to her as he closed the door and he walked past her without a second glance. Paige sighed and followed him, "What did you expect me to do? She was being a bitch, Cole."

"Yeah, and so were you." He turned to her trying desperately not to get angry, afterall, it wasn't just her fault. "She was alright until you came downstairs."

"Oh." Paige folded her arms and looked out of the window before turning her gaze to him "So I can't walk around my own house in case she's there?" She nodded "Alright then Cole, I'll sit in my room and let the two of you get comfortable down here next time."

Cole rolled his eyes "I didn't mean it like that." He put his hands on her arms "She's pregnant with my child I can't just block her out completely." He felt her flinch at the thought of someone else having his second child and she shrugged.

"I don't want her here again."

"Fine, okay, she won't come here again. You have to let it go though, baby, me and her are over." He continued his insisting by placing a chaste kiss on her lips and staying close until a smile graced her features.

"Okay. Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have been such a cow. I'll make it up to you."

"I know you will." He grinned at her and flashed her one of his looks "Tonight anyway." She felt her arms wrap around his neck and the pressure caused him to lower his head once more and fall victim to her lips crashing onto his.

"No. Not tonight, Cole, now." She smiled and returned his kisses, drowning in his embrace and melting to him. The few harsh words and the precious moments of bickering before left her mind as she let Cole lead her upstairs. Checking in on Ben she saw he was focused entirely on the television screen as he punched the controller with some anger every few moments making sure he killed as many men as he could to complete the mission. Phoebe was laid on the bed with her eyes closed, probably falling asleep, Paige figured Ben would have orbed them home - loving he could use his powers with his Aunt. He glanced at her and gave her a smile which read 'if you don't want me then leave because I'm very busy saving the world.' She smiled and closed the door walking to her own bedroom and looking at Cole who was sat on the bed with an expectant flicker in his eyes. Closing the door and turning to him she gave him a tempting look, "No sex. Ben is playing a game."

Cole mumbled something in response before turning his eyes to the cabinet where an envelope lay "Open that."

Doing as she was told Paige opened the white paper to find two tickets inside, closer inspection gave away what they were "Why have you booked us into an hotel?"

"So we can have some proper alone time. Three days in a nice warm place where I can be as charming as I like with you." He pulled her onto his lap and held her around her waist.

"What about Ben?"

"Your sisters."

"Are they okay with it? I mean we can't keep asking them to look after him. They have their own -" She struggled to finish her sentence as Coles finger moved over her mouth and silenced her.

"Piper suggested it." He moved his hand and kissed her cheek "You should pack though, we leave tomorrow." He was about to tease her a little more but found himself being pushed back and a small body maneuvering itself above him as lips assaulted his neck.

"I love you." She unbuttoned some shirt buttons "I really -" More buttons came undone "really -" her lips found his chest and he pushed his body to meet hers "do." She continued to place kisses over his torso lingering on the places where his breath deepened and his body flinched, finally she pulled away and sat on top of him legs draped either side. She shivered under his touch and the light patterns his fingernails made on the inside of her thigh were making it a little harder to think.

"Go pack. I need to go out but I'll be back tonight." Paige pulled a face but re-buttoned his shirt back up and moved off of him. She wasn't fond of him leaving her but she could live without him for a few hours.

"Promise you'll come back before the meal tonight?" He nodded and she smiled, then watched as he left the room and waited until the front door shut.

Cole walked down the few steps and turned right taking the route he was used to getting into town, he slowed as he saw Jennies car and when he saw her signaling to him sighed and leaned in the window.

"Can we talk properly, Cole?" She held his stare with a soft look and smiled inwardly as she saw him agreeing.

"Drive me into town. We can talk on the way." With that he climbed into her car and shut the door. Guilt would be a feeling he'd face when he went home.

Finished. Next chapter will be up soon 'cause I've started it already.