So, a while back I lost a bet with the Reaper, and I told him I would write one chapter of his choosing. He asked me to rewrite my own spin on one of his chapters from Singular Digital Drive. I chose Destined Tamers.

This was back in November or so. It is now March. I'M A TERRIBLE, LAZY PERSON AND FOR THAT I APOLOGIZE.

Also, as a motivation to keep me posting in the Digimon fan fiction site (and actually checking my inbox messages again-I'm sorry to those who I talk to but reply sporadically) I'm transcribing a Digimon RP I'm running. It's called Liberation, and will NOT be a Rukato fic. In fact, it will be years after the latest current Digimon season.

I'm such a terrible person for plugging this. But you all knew this already. OH WELL.

Remember ya'll, I don't own anything.

Destined Tamers Revamped

A young girl lay in a grassy plain, her left arm protectively wrapped around a small fox-like creature. The gentle breeze blew a strand of her fiery red hair into her face and across an open wound over her temple. Wincing a bit, the girl cracked open her eyes.

They were a magnificent shade of violet, and a rare eye color to boot. But the girl didn't remember that. She didn't remember much of anything in fact.

"What," she mumbled, placing a hand over the agitated injury. "Where am I?" Pulling her hand away from her face, she saw some red glisten on her hand. "What the hell is going on?"

Finally taking notice of the unconscious fox in her arm, she blinked in surprise. It quickly softened to a look of pity when she noticed it, like her, was sporting injuries.

"Well, look at you. Don't know much of what's going on, but it looks like you and I are in the same boat huh?"

Roused by the girl's voice, the small fox opened its eyes. The girl smiled softly. She was relieved the little fox was alright.

"Hey there," she cooed softly. "You feeling alright?" The fox looked at her blankly for a few minutes before nodding its head slowly. She beamed. "Aren't you a tough sport? What's your name?"

The fox blinked in surprise and seemed to think about it. After a moment's thought, it flattened its ears against its head in shame.

"I don't know," it was a whisper, but the fox spoke. "Do you know Miss, uhm, what is your name?" The girl blinked for a moment before smiling sheepishly.

"No idea," she said apologetically as the fox shot her a look of 'are you kidding me?' "But let's see if I can't find out," She added on quickly, not liking the disapproving look the fox had given her.

Rifling through her pockets she came across a deck of what looked like trading cards; an odd light blue rectangular object with a screen which had a hinge which allowed the front to flip open and reveal another screen on the top part and a row of numbers on the bottom; another rectangular object, but unlike the last one it was worn to the touch; and an odd blue device which had a circular screen with a few buttons.

Examining the last one with curiosity, she accidently pointed the device in the direction of the small fox. All of a sudden a picture of the fox with writing underneath appeared, catching both the girl and the fox by surprise.

"Woah!" the girl yelped in surprise. "What the hell!"

"Look! It's me!" the little fox cried out pointing to the picture. "What do those odd symbols stand for? Can you translate them Miss?"

Placing a hand over her racing heart, the girl looked down at the expectant fox then at the symbols which had popped up on the screen. For some reason or another they made perfect sense to her.

"Viximon," she started slowly. "Level: In-Training. Attack: Killing Stone." Blinking in confusion she looked down at the fox-no, Viximon-in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"No idea!" Viximon chirped. "But at least I got my name. Why don't you try to see if it has your name too! Do the same thing you did for me, except for you!" The girl nodded and turned the device so it was pointed towards her. Unlike with Viximon, the screen remained blank.

There was an awkward silence between the two for a few seconds before Viximon decided to break it.

"Well perhaps it only works on a few things? Why don't you try looking through those other items?" The girl nodded her head and placed the device down gently on the grass before reaching over to the worn rectangular object. Carefully opening it she noticed pieces of paper were stuffed inside. Pulling one out, there was a 1000 number on the edge and a face in the middle. Whatever this was, it wasn't jogging any of her memories.

Slipping the paper back inside, she notice a flap on the right hand slide. Gently pulling at it she was faced with a picture of young woman with eyes and hair the same shade of hers. However, it wasn't her. That much she was sure of. However, the sense of longing in the pit of her chest must mean she was somebody close. Flipping through the pictures she felt a sense of familiarity of the people in the pictures. While they certainly weren't her, they knew her. That much she was certain of. And she knew them. Just not at this moment.

"Hey that's you!" She jumped slightly in surprise. She didn't even notice Viximon looking over her shoulder. Giving Viximon a reproachful look, she looked at what Viximon was pointing at.

Indeed it was her. A tight scowl was painted on her face and she seemed to be wearing some sort of uniform in the picture. Next to the picture were more of the strange symbols.

"Ruki Makino," she read slowly, the name sounding familiar on her mouth. It sounded right. "Yeah. My name is Ruki Makino. You're Viximon, and I'm Ruki." Viximon nodded her head.

"That sounds right for some reason. But what is going on?"

Ruki shrugged.

"I have just as much as an idea as you do. We should check out the area for clues."

Viximon quickly agreed. Ruki placed all the items back into her pockets. She would figure out what these things were later. Figuring out what the hell was going on came first. Scooping up the small fox in her arms, Ruki started to hike out until a beeping noise came from her pocket.

Viximon and her exchanged looks. Fishing into her pocket she pulled out the blue device which gave Viximon's name. Except this time there was an arrow on the screen.

"What do you think that is?" Viximon asked curiously. Ruki shrugged.

"I don't know," she admitted. "But it looks like it wants us to go somewhere."

"Should we follow it?"

"Not like we have much of a choice. We don't know what's going on, and this might be our only clue."

There was a momentary silence between them before both sighed in resignation.

"This is stupid," Viximon complained under her breath as Ruki followed the directions of the weird device. Ruki couldn't help but agree, but they had no other clues but this.

"Woah! Look there!" Viximon's sudden shout startled Ruki who had been staring at the device and not paying attention to her surroundings. Looking up she saw a brown haired boy lying face-down in the grass.

"Look at that," Ruki commented. "This just gets more confusing." She walked over to the boy and prodded him with a foot. "Oi. Kid. Are you dead? Alive? Somewhere in between?"

All she got in response was a groan. Somewhere in between she decided. The word zombie was the first word that came to mind. Whatever that was.

"Doesn't he look familiar?" Viximon's question took Ruki off guard. Studying the boy for a moment he did look familiar for some reason. Perhaps he had some answers as to what was going on.



Feeling thoroughly irritated at being ignored, Ruki was about to show the boy what happened when people ignored her when a little red dinosaur about the size of Viximon crawled out from underneath the boy. Ruki paused for a second, confused.

"Hi!" the little red dinosaur chirped. Ruki was about to say something back when the blue device in her hands beeped and a screen appeared, this time showing the little red dinosaur. Ruki looked at the screen, reading the symbols that appeared.

"Gigimon," she read matter-o-factly. "Level: In-training. Attack: Hot Bite."

"Are you alright Ruki, Viximon?" Gigimon asked. Ruki and Viximon were taken aback. How did this creature know both of their names? All of a sudden Gigimon started to hit the sleeping boy.

"Takatomon!" It chirped. "Wake up! Ruki and Viximon are here! They look alright." The boy opened his eyes and seemed confused for a moment until he saw the red headed girl and little fox staring at him. Jumping to his feet, he gently placed his hands on Ruki's shoulders.

"Ruki," he said quickly. "You're OK. And so is Viximon. I was really afraid that you got seriously injured. I'm glad that's not the case." Ruki just stared at the boy (Takatomon?) flummoxed. OK, what the hell was going on here?

However, before she could ask anything could be said, a new voice announced its presence.

"Hey," Ruki and Takato turned to see a boy with ridiculous brown hair being followed seven other children. "Who are you guys? I didn't know there was any other Digidestined besides us eight. Explain yourselves!"

Ruki and Takato could only stare.

What the hell was going on?

Forums are time consumers. They are worse then Facebook, I swear to God.