This is my second Fanfiction and its a Harry Potter and Naruto crossover. I love reading Harry and Naruto crossover so i wrote one. Anyway, I'm sorry for the short chap. When ever i write chap. stories the chap. always seem to be short.

All the ninjas are 18, except for Lee, Neji and Tenten who are 19. All of them are at Chunin level. And Akamaru has not grow yet, he is still the small puppy he used to be, and Sasuke is not in this story.

Pairings- NejiTenten (main, are Engaged)

SakuraLee (are boyfriend and Girlfriend)

NarutoHinta (are married)

ShikamaruIno (just started to go out)

Disclamier- Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling

In Konoha

Tsunade was sitting behind her desk and looking around making sure no one else was there. When she saw no one she took out a bottle of Saka and was about to open it when her door flew open.

"Tsunade-sama! There's a guest here to see you. And he says it's impotent. Do you wish to see him?" Tsunade's young assistant said as she walked in the room. Tsunade sighed and put her Saka back in her hiding place 'Guess that will have to wait for another day' she thought as she looked at her assistant.

"Yes Yes, send him in" The assistant bowed and left the room, she then returned after a few minutes Behind her followed an old man. His beard was white and was long; he wore a hat on that was longer or bigger then his head and most lay on the back of his head, a wizard's hat. He wore a robe that was navy in color but was big and looked to be two sizes to much for the old wizard. Tsunade smiled as she saw her old friend, her assistant closed the door on her way out. "It is good to see you again my friend" Tsunade then leaned over and gave him a hug then sat back down in her seat. "So what brings you here?"

"I would have liked to come here on more of a friend visit but it seems that work has gotten very busy of a last" The old man said as he held on to his cane.

"Yes I know what you mean" Tsunade looked at the three huge piles of paper stacked on her desk and let out a heavy sigh.

"I have come here to ask for a favor"

"And what is this favor?" The Houkage questioned

"If you remember in my last letter I wrote, I was telling you about the Tri Wizard tournament." Tsunade shock her head as a yes. "Well it seems that one school, Beauxbatons, is unable to attend due to some test results or something. But that's not why I'm here. I am here to ask if your top wizards could attend the Tournament." Even though the two were old friends the old man still didn't know that Konoha was filled with Ninja's not wizards, Tsunade had told him that her 'wizards' used wand less magic.

"Hmmmmm...Well this would give them something to do" Tsunade thought aloud. "What would they have to do?" she asked looking back at the wizard.

"Well, your students would come to Hogwarts for the time of one full length school year, you would come as well, and those who are the age of 17 and above could enter in the tournament, but only one student from each school is chosen and the names are chosen by the goblet of fire." The old man said as he stroked his long white beard.

"Well that sounds fun" she said smiling, then her smile turned in to an evil grin "Would they have to wear uniforms" she asked as she stood up.

"Yes." Was his reply as Tsunade walked over to him. Her grin become wider as she laughed evily in her head.

"Well then you have yourself a third school" She shook his hand and the deal was set. "When do we need to be at Hogwarts" She asked as she led him to the door, all of while having a grin on her face.

"Be there in about a month's time" She bowed to him as he left, she then returned to her desk as her assistant reentered the room.

"Bring me my 11 favorite ninjas" Tsunade told her as she leaned back in her chair and smiled an evil smile.

"Ai." Was the assistants reply as she left the room.

After about 20 min. there was a loud voice outside of the door. Her assistant opened the door a little. "Houkage-sama, they are here do you wish for them to come in?"

"Yes send them..." she was cut off as a blonde boy burst into the room.

"Old Hag, you better have a good reason for sending ANBU to come and get me!!!I was eating my favorite type of Ramen!" The blonde said as he walked over to the 5th Houkage.

"I'm sorry he just busted in, do you want the others as well?" Her assistant bowed as she apologized.

"Yes, send them in." Tsunade said as she rubbed her head. The other ninjas, now Chunin, entered the room. The girl with pink hair walked over to the blonde one and hit him on the head. The two then rejoined the group, with the blonde one mumbling something under his breath.

"Naruto, Sakura, Hinta, Kiba, Shino. Ino, Shikamaru, Choji. Lee, Neji and Tenten you all are going on a mission. The mission will be in one mouth. You will be staying on the mission for the time of around one year, so don't pack lightly. You will not be given any new mission's during the next mouth. So go home and get lots of rest and start training more. You are dismissed for now, the day before we leave for the mission, I will be coming with you, come to my office to receive further information on the mission." The ninja's nodded and left the room. When she heard the door shut she sighed 'this is going to be a fast mouth and a slow year' she thought.

Sorry for any OOCness, aslo the old man if you couldn't guess was Dumbledore. Please R&R and please no flammers.