Disclaimer: Don't own Doctor Who, or a certain movie mentioned in this...fic.

I'm so so sorry - I decided to write a little one shot fic for Lar and it somehow turned into this...It isn't very good, but I get to take the piss out of this movie I really really hate, so that's one good thing. Anyway, read on and review if you want to, and once again - sorry

Trip To Munchkin Land

"Uh oh." The Doctor said as he stopped running round the TARDIS control panel, hyperly checking readouts and pulling levers.

"What's 'uh oh'?" Rose asked looking up from a random glossy magazine she had nicked from her mum last time they had gone home.

"Oh nothing to worry about… I just pulled on this too hard." The Doctor smirked, blushing as he held up a lever that obviously should be attached to the control panel.

"What's gonna happen?" Rose squeaked in panic.

"Nothing, it's fine, we will stay on course and land at The Who concert fine – Then I can fix the lever when we stop…Provided the time and place mechanism doesn't malfunction causing us to get thrown to a random point in the universe"

"Oh…That's ok then." Rose replied

"Uh oh." The Doctor said again after a few seconds.

"Is that uh oh what I think it is?"


"Fantastic!" Rose sighed sarcastically, as they flew on an unstoppable course to crash on a planet somewhere – Why couldn't they just for once go where they wanted to? Or did fate and the TARDIS have a secret dislike for visiting music concerts?...

"Where the hell are we?" Rose asked as she opened the door to find the whole place surrounded by colours and weird little oompa loompa reject people all looking very pissed.

"Ooooooh!" The Doctor grinned with realisation. "We're in Munchkin Land!"

Rose blinked. "But that was in a movie! It wasn't real!"

"You didn't seriously think it was just the product of a serious LSD trip did you?" The Doctor smirked before turning to the still pissed looking people of Munchkin Land.

"Hey there!"

"Who sent you!" The leader demanded and The Doctor frowned.

"Well fate I guess, though the fact I was pulling on that lever too hard may be somewhat related to the matter." He said with a grin, but no one else was finding it funny.

"You carry out the New Wicked Witch Of The West's evil plan to kill the Good Fairy and then grin!?!?" The leaser bellowed and The Doctor ran a hand through his hair nervously before turning to see the Good Fairy's feet stick out from where the rest of her was crushed under the TARDIS.

"Ah…Sorry about that." The Doctor replied and suddenly grabbed Rose's hand and dragged her to find somewhere to hide as the munchkins started chasing them angrily with pitchforks and other pointy things.

"I thought they were nice!?" Rose breathed, ignoring for a second that they had just committed death by TARDIS.

"Ha! Nice!?!? Even if we hadn't just killed that fairy, they would be quite vicious, that movie used way too much poetic license!" The Doctor replied as they ran around in a circle, the stupid Munchkins not thinking to surround them so as to prevent escape.

The Doctor and Rose ran back into the TARDIS and the door was locked, so all the Munchkin's attempt to breaking were useless as The Doctor quickly fixed the TARDIS and less than 20 minutes later they were flying through space again and everything was back to normal.

"So…We going to The Who concert now? Rose asked after a couple of minutes, deciding it was best to forget the random thing that had just happened.

"In a minute. First stop is a car wash…You really don't wanna know what those things will have done to the outside of my poor TARDIS." The Doctor grimaced as he patted a beam of the TARDIS lovingly.

Rose sighed heavily. What was next? The Planet Of The Utterly Terrifying & Almost Unbeatable Killer Oranges?

The End