Forever Mine

This is the sequel to "No Return To Innocence"


Two Years Later:

Tsuzuki looks to the sky from his small apartment window. Having not bought curtains for the tiny window, he covered it with a sheet so as to keep his room dark and shadowy.

Tusuzki hated mornings. Actually he despised them, as he would much rather have stayed in bed for just a few more hours. He knew Tatsumi would have his head if he were not at work on time.

"This time only five mintues late," he muses as he looks at his watch. He sits down on a hard brown desk chair before a computer. But something was different. There was no paperwork covering his desk. He looked across from him toward a similar work area.

"Where was Hisoka?" he wondered.

In fact, he didn't see anyone when he arrived this morning. The puzzled brunette walked out to the hallway, the silence making his thoughts louder then normal. The stretch of the hall seemed to go on forever with the white walls surrounding him, reminding him of a maze.

"Where is everyone?" Suddenly, he hears laughter coming from the lounge.

The employee lounge was filled with the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and donuts.
The TV was blasting the morning news. Tsuzuki could see Tatsumi sitting on the couch reading the paper, blowing on his hot coffee before taking a sip. The other two shinigamis, Watari and Hisoka, were sitting by a laptop laughing. Tsuzuki walked in sitting next to Tatsumi looking up at the news.

"Tsuzuki-san, you never watch the news."

Tatsumi looks up from his paper fixing his glasses up further the bridge of his nose, cocking one eyebrow at the brunette. Tsuzuki just stares at the television as Tatsumi becames annoyed.


The Shinigami turns his head over toward Tatsumi.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Tatsumi. I was in a daze, I guess. Were you saying something?"

news reporter

Reporter One: A young girl, discovered early this morning by a group of school children, was found to have had her throat cut.

Reporter Two: Have the police found out any evidence on the scene? Any clues of any sort?

Reporter One: No, Mr.Huika. The only thing that was found was a single rose petal lying within the wound.

Reporter Two: Maybe a jealous boyfriend..."

Tsuzuki looks up to the television. His face that of a disbelief.

"It can't be..."

Arthur Notes: Ok this is the sequel to No Retrun to Innocence .A prelude for what is to come. Questions to be answered.

Is Muraki really gone?

How is Tsuzuki taking the lose of Muraki?

How are the other Shinigami taking Tsuzuki action towards his feelings for Muraki's lose?

Will Hisoka ever forgive Tsuzuki for what he has done with Muraki?

Next chapter: What will I do without your Rose?

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