Well here is the sequel! Sorry it took so long but go to my profile for explanation if you already haven't! Anyways hope you enjoy this first chapter! Oh and I need a beta for this story...anyone want the job? Just let me know! Now on with the chapter!


Chapter 1

Naruto's P.O.V.

It had been three weeks since we had seen Tsunade and she had told us the news of my pregnancy.



"Your pregnant, now there are a few things that I need to discuss with you." she said more directed towards Sasuke since I was sort of in a state of panic and he seemed to have regained his calm face.

"You will need monthly check ups since you are male, I'm not sure how your body is going to reacting to the changes you will go through since your body isn't made to carry a baby." she said as she walked over to a chair sitting down and looking over her file.

"Now, Sasuke, you're going to notice a increase in his intake in food and he might want some weird stuff but just get him whatever he wants. And he'll start getting moody at times but just bare with it okay?"

"I got it."

"Good now any more questions feel free to ask." she said and then looked over at me and then back at Sasuke.

"Now you can take your little lover home and calm him down since he still seems to be in shock."

End of Flashback

I sat at the kitchen table eating my fifth bowl of ramen when Sasuke came home and walked into the kitchen. At seeing me he smiled slightly and walked over to me putting his arms around me while I smiled back up at him and continued my eating.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked.

"Okay I guess." I said as I finished eating and got up and out of his arms as I put my bowl into the sink.

"Naruto...can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure." I said looking at him worried about what he had to say. We walked over to the couch and sat down next to each other and I turned to face him and waited for him to say something.

"Well while I was out today Tsunade wanted to see me about a mission...now normally she wouldn't send me on any missions like this but everyone else is either not able to do it or on another mission and the council elders think just because your pregnant doesn't mean I have to stop missions...so she told me I have to leave in the morning for a month long mission."

I stared at him not knowing what to say to this. Sasuke's going to be gone for a whole month! Who's going to be here when I get sick or need something when I'm to tired to get it! How could that stupid council elders do this to me! Don't they know I need Sasuke when I'm pregnant like this!

Tears started coming down my face and Sasuke seeing me crying pulled me into his arms as I started to sob. He leaned down and gently kissed my cheek trying to calm me down.

"Naruto I'm sorry, please don't cry it will be okay." he said softly.

"How is it going to be okay! Who is going to be here when I need something or I get sick and don't want to be alone! Don't you remember last time you left me!" I yelled still sobbing in his arms.

He held me tighter and started stroking my hair lovingly and I slowly started to calm down until I had stopped crying and was now just lying in his lap.

"Naruto you don't have to worry about being alone, Sakura and Ino have said they would stay with you until I get back so at least one of them will be here with you." he said but it still didn't make me feel any better about him leaving.

"I still don't want you to leave." I said looking up at him sadly.

"I know but I'll try and write to you a lot while I'm gone and before you know it I'll be home." he said leaning down and kissed me on the lips pulling back and smiling.

"Come on it's getting late we should get to bed." he said pulling away and helping me up and we walked to our bedroom holding hands.

We got undressed and we both put on a pair of sleep pants and climbed into bed, I snuggled into Sasuke's chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Goodnight Naruto I love you."

"Night I love you too Sasuke."


Well this chapter sucked...it seems dull to me, I don't know. Not very long sorry about that but I'm pretty worn out from the weekend...I don't want you to be bored by my talking about my crazy weekend...unless you want me to tell you then just ask, though I don't know why you'd want to know but some people are just curious I guess. Anyways please review and tell me want you think about this first chapter! Remember I love reviews and the more reviews I get the faster I'm encouraged to write more for my readers!