I do not own Charmed
"Chris,Wyatt, come on time to get up!" Piper said,as she knocked on her sons' bedroom door.

"Were up!" Wyatt yelled as he rested his cheek on the top of Chris's head "Come on baby,time to get up!"

"Hmmm" was Chris's response

"Come on, you gotta get up" he said as he kissed Chris's forehead.

"What's the point of being pregnant if you can't even sleep past 8:30 in the morning?" Chris asked as he opened his deep,dark blue eyes.

"Let me think, oh yeah, you get to have a beautiful baby with the person you love!" he said smiling

"Well, I guess their is that" he said as he stared into his brothers blue eyes, they have almost the exact color of blue eyes,although his are darker blue than Wyatt's, Wyatt's are just like 1 shade lighter.

"What do you mean you guess?" he asked, with a little frown

"Are you sure your not the pregnant one? I mean you have all of the horomones...and yes,the best part of it is going to be finally having a baby!" he said as he gave Wyatt a quick kiss on the lips, before rolling away form him and getting up "Now come on, you gotta get up!" smiling Chris walked over to the closet, and a few seconds later he felt strong arms wrap around him.

"You know what? I'm pretty sure that your the one who's pregnant, I mean look at what you eat!" he said with a smirk as he kissed his neck before looking for a shirt.

"Yeah well, I only eat all of that because of you!" he said as he pulled on a clean shirt, and jeans, his normal jeans still fit him, so he was lucky.He hasn't had to switch to sweat pants...yet!

"Yeah,yeah" Wyatt said as he pulled on a clean shirt

"I'm going to get breakfast now!" Chris said as he walked out of the room

"And your probably going to eat all of it too" Wyatt said,lauging to himself a little

"I HEARD THAT!" Chris screamed, and Wyatt immediatley stopped laughing, he knew Chris had to do something to make him pay a little.

"Heard what sweetie?" Piper asked once Chris came in the kitchen

"Oh,nothing, just some stupid comment Wyatt made" he said as he got 4 pancakes and covered them in mustard and chocolate syrup.

"Eww!" Paige commented

"Oh,shut up!" Chris said, not sure why he is so mad at her just for saying that

"Sorry" she said looking at her food

"Nah,i'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you" he said as he ate a little

"It's okay sweetie, I know it was probably just the horomones" Paige said with a smile

"Horomones suck!" Chris said and they all started to laugh, just as Wyatt walked in, he walked to the seat next to Chris,but first he kissed him on the back of the head.

"What's so funny?" he asked

"Horomones suck!" Chris repeated, and they all laughed harder "Sorry Wy, you had to be here for it to make sense"

"Okay, so mom, what's for breakfast?" he asked,changing the subject.

"Well, for your husband it pancakes drenched in mustard and chocolate syrup, what would you like?" she asked with a smile at the look on Wyatt's face, before he looked at Chris's plate.

"Eww!" he said, and Chris just gave him 'the i'm pregnant and i'm not afraid to blow your ass all the way to China!' glare, he quickly shut up and looked down at his empty plate and everyone started to laugh.

"Can I just have some pancakes...please?" he said quietly,still looking at the plate.

"Oiy! I'm sorry Wy!" he said in a baby voice as he gave him a slobbery kiss on the cheek and once again everyone started to laugh, and Wyatt tried desperatley NOT to laugh, but he lost and he started to crack up.

"Here you go sweetie!" Piper said as she placed 3 pancakes in front of him.

"Thanks mom!" Wyatt said as he drizzed them with syrup

"I need some caramel" Chris said as he got up.

"Wait, your not going to put it on your pancakes are you?" Coop asked

"Ew! I don't even think I would do that, I just want some caramel" he said as he looked threw the fride "AHAH!" he screamed as he pulled out the caramel, and opened it and poured a little in his mouth.

"Okay, that's gross!" Phoebe said

"No it's not, that's probably really tasty" Wyatt said defending Chris.

"Yeah, trust me, it is!" he said as he ate more, before Piper took it from his hands and put it in the fridge.

"You'll ruin your breakfast, now sit!" she ordered

"But moooom!" Chris whined

"No! Now sit down!" she said trying really hard not to laugh

"Fine!" Chris said defeated as he sat down again, pouting, just like an adorable five year old.

"That's not gonna work Chris!" Piper said not daring to look at her son, then she heard him make a whining noice so she looked at him and all hope was lost.She could never resist those eyes, so she sighed and walked over to the fridge, got out the caramel and put it next to Chris "Bon appa tet!"

"YAY!" Chris said as he started to eat the carmed again, once he was done all of the caramel was gone, and Wyatt pulled him into a very passonite kiss.

"Hey, you two!" Piper said as she held a hand in front of her eyes, and finally broke apart when air became an issue

"Caramel's good!" Wyatt said with a smile, and everyone just stared at him "What?It is!"

"Yeah, we all know that Wy" Chris said

"Oh shut it" Wyatt said

"Fine" Chris said,trying not to cry.God! He hated being pregnant! He made a sniffling sound, and Wyatt looked at him.

"Chris...I didn't mean it in a bad way! I was just kidding baby" he said as he pulled him into a little hug.

"I'm fine" Chris said

"You sure?" Wyatt asked.He felt horrible 'cause he almost made Chris cry.

"Yeah i'm sure" he said,sniffling once more.

"Okay" Wyatt said,as he went back to eating, but he wasn't really eating he was playing with his food and watching Chris out of the corner of his eye.

"Stop watching me Wy" Chris said,not even looking at him.

"How'd you know?" he asked

"I'm gifted" he said sarcastically.

"Got it" Wyatt said

"Good, i'm going to bed!" he said as he got up and walked out of the room, and they all stared at Wyatt.

"What?" he asked, he hoped that they weren't going to tell him to go make sure Chris didn't go to sleep, he had a doctors appointment in 2 and a half hours, it was a magical doctor.It was a witch, she wanted to be a doctor, so she was absoutley thrilled to be asked to be the doctor for the Charmed Sons.

"Go wake him up!" Piper said

"I was afraid you were gonna say that!" he said

"Move it!" Piper added once she saw that Wyatt had no intention of moving.

"NO! Why do I have to?" he asked

"Because, you're his husband!" she said

"This sucks...and he's not exactly my husband you know!" he said

"You married him infront of the Elders and the entire Magical world...he's your husband!" Phoebe said with a smile

"Guess your right" he said as he walked out of the room.

When Wyatt walked into his and Chris's room he saw that Chris was already asleep.

'Guess our fun last night wore him out!' Wyatt thought with a smile, as he climbed on the bed next to him.

"Chris..." he whispered as he gently shook him.

"Hmmm?" he asked

"You gotta wake up baby, we have a doctors appointment in about 2 hours" he said as he kissed his head

"That's 2 hours from now, can't I sleep for atleast 30 minutes?" he asked sleepy, not even opening his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess that would be fine" he said as he gave him one final kiss before whispering "Sleep good,baby" and walking out of the room and into the living room where he could hear voices.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked once he got in the room

"About the baby" his mom answered

"What about it?" he asked, a little nervous.

"Oh, nothing bad!" Phoebe said, and they saw Wyatt relax a little "Just you know what sex is it? What name are you guys think about?"

"Well, we don't know the sex or else we would tell you, and for a boy were thinking about Matthew Christopher and for a girl maybe the name mom always wanted, Prudence Melinda" he said

"You really want to name your daughter that?" Piper asked, happy

"Yeah, but can't decide betwenn Prudence Melinda and Piper Lynn" he said

"Piper?" Piper asked

"Yeah, Chris wants to name her after you" he said

"AAWW!! That's so sweet!" Phoebe said

"Yeah,whatever" Wyatt said

"Now, what about Matthew Christopher?" Leo asked

"Well, Matthew because that's what Chris wants, and I want Christopher.And since his name is Chris and grandpa's name is Chris, we decided to use that as the middle name" he said

"Smart choice" Leo said

"Yeah, we didn't want two Christophers walking around, that would just be confusing" he said

"Yeah, it definatley would! I can't wait to see how cute the baby's going to be!" Phoebe squealed

"Yeah, we all know!" Wyatt said with a smile.

"Chris..." Wyatt said as he tried to wake him up.

"Hmm...?" he said as he opened his eyes.

"You have a half an hour before we need to go" he said

"Okay" he said rubbing his eyes.

"You okay?" he asked, seeing that Chris looked dead.

"Yeah, i'm good, just trying to wake up!" he said as stretch out across the bed, and yawned, then he got up and walked to the bathroom.

25 minutes later...

Chris walked into the living room, and saw everyone in there, he looked for Wyatt and saw him lying on the couch so he walked over and layed on top of him and cuddled with him.

"You ready?" Wyatt asked and Chris nodded his head "Then you gotta get off so I can get up, and Chris shook his head no, "Come on...the sooner we leave the sooner we can come home" he said and Chris immediatley got off of him

"Okay, see you guys later!" Wyatt said as he grabbed Chris's hand and orbed out

"Okay, everything looks fine" the witch said "Do you guys wanna know the sex?"

"Sure" Chris said, before Wyatt could answer, so he just nodded his head

"Well, it looks like it's gonna be a..."

please help me with this! Do you guys want it to be a boy or a girl!?! Or do you want it to be twins, or possibly triplets! however, for the twins it will be one boy and one girl, you know even it out, and for the triplets, i was thinking one boy and two girls, or it could be any different combination, just please tell me waht you want by pressing the nice little button that says 'go' on it!