Hey guys, when I saw the new version of Captain Scarlet, I wondered how Timmy would like it. And using Cleft's precedent with the Crimson Chin, it just seemed logical to have Timmy fighting alongside the heroes of SPECTRUM...


Timmy was sitting up in his tree-house watching a DVD that he had ordered off the internet and only gotten in the mail this morning. Cosmo and Wanda were watching the show and enjoying it as much as Timmy was.

"Boy, this show is great!" Timmy exclaimed, "the CGI is excellent!".

"Yeah, and its better than its original version too", Cosmo replied.

"Yeah, that's for sure", Timmy replied. He grimaced remembering it. Gerry Anderson had great story ideas, but the puppets – sorry, marionettes – looked really lame at times. Which was a pity as the other props were really neat!

"So who's your favorite character, Timmy?" Wanda asked.

"Why Captain Scarlet, of course", Timmy replied, "though Destiny Angel really looks cute".

"That Captain Black though gives me the creeps", Wanda noted, referring to the villian of the series.

"Yeah, the Mysterons have certainly gotten them an evil agent", Timmy acknowledged.

"Hey, Timmy", Cosmo said next, "I bet this new Captain Scarlet show really blows away the Crimson Chin, doesn't it?"

"You can say that again!" Timmy exclaimed, "I really thought nothing could best him, until I saw this show on the internet. I just had to order the DVD's".

Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching Timmy, Wanda, and Cosmo enjoy themselves watch the show. Thanks to his fairy godparent - Wandissimo Magnifico – Remy Buxaplenty was watching through a magical crystal ball Timmy enjoying himself watching TV with his godparents.

"Just look at him, Wandissimo", Remy sneered, "he's happy and enjoying himself with is fairy godparents".

Wandissimo was looking at the Crystal ball, but he was looking at Wanda. How could such a lovely lady spurn him for that idiot Cosmo? he thought.

Back at the tree-house, Timmy was watching Destiny Angel on TV launch her interceptor off Skybase on a mission to help the gallant Captain Scarlet defeat the Mysterons once again from their diabolical plans. Wanda noticed with amusement Timmy's mouth hanging open at the sight of Destiny leading her squadron into battle. After a few more minutes, Timmy spoke.

"You know, Guys", Timmy said, "I'd like to be in this show. Kind of like my being in the comic books with the Crimson Chin".

"How would you like to wish it?" Wanda asked.

"Well, since they wouldn't allow kids on Skybase, I'd have to fit the part better, and I don't want to end up taking too much time, so how about this: I wish that when I wanted to, that there is a way to enter the show as a full member of SPECTRUM, with all the knowledge and experience of a SPECTRUM agent, and that no matter how long the mission takes in the SPECTRUM universe, when it ends, it's back here in the tree-house only away for a subjective half-an-hour after entering".

"Pretty specific wish, Timmy", Wanda said as she and Cosmo raised their wands.

With a POOF, what looked like a computer track-ball (stationary mouse) poofed into being in front of Timmy.

"When you wish to go into the show, just place your hand on the track-ball and you'll be transported into the SPECTRUM universe as a member of that elite organization. You'll stay there until the mission you zap into is complete, then you'll re-appear back here a subjective half-hour after you go in", Wanda explained.

"Cool!" Timmy replied. Just then, a scroll appeared in mid-air and unfolded. Wanda nad Cosmo started reading it.

"Oh pooh! It's a summons from Jorgan. We have to get our wands and bodies in for its tuning. We'll be gone for a day or so", Wanda said apologetically.

"That's okay", Timmy replied, "It's a weekend, my folks are at home, and you've given this means for me to have fun saving Earth with Captain Scarlet and Destiny Angel".

"Okay, Timmy, Have fun and don't make Scarlet look too bad!" Cosmo said as both of them poofed themselves back to Fairy World.

Timmy looked greedily at the track-ball. He touched it, then POOF, he was gone.

Remy looked at Timmy vanish. Like Timmy, he watched the new Captain Scarlet show too. He thought about having Wandissimo magic the track-ball away, but just then, a scroll appearer above him.

"Sorry, Remy", Wandissimo said, "I've been called back to Fairy World as well. Adios". With that, he poofed out.

Remy was annoyed at Wandissimo's absence, but there was nothing that he could do about it. He thought about what he saw, then he got an idea…. He went and picked up a phone and dialed a number.

"Hello", a high-pitched nasally female voice replied.

"Hello, Tootie", Remy said. This phone was something he had Wandissimo magic up some time ago. It could mimic anyone's voice he cared to choose, and he decided to use Timmy's voice.

"Timmy!", Tootie screamed, nearly deafening Remy. No wonder Turner cringed at her voice, Remy thought. He started speaking again.

"I'm watching Captain Scarlet in my tree-house. Would you like to come over and watch it with me?"

"Would I????" Tootie exclaimed. Tootie loved the show too. She liked seeing the women of SPECTRUM that made up the fighter pilots of Skybase flying combat missions.

"I'll take that as a yes. Just come up to the tree-house. If I'm not there, then just enjoy the show. There's a red trackball that will give you access to the DVD. Okay?" Remy said, trying not to laugh.

"I'll be right over", Tootie said, hanging up the phone.

Remy smirked at his deviousness. This way, Timmy would have something somewhat unexpected to distract him while in the show. Remy stood up and headed out. He too was going to go over to the tree-house in order to see what kind of spanner he could throw into the works….

Timmy slowly came into consciousness. He looked a little disoriented. He felt a hand shake him on the shoulder.

"Hey Timmy", an adult voice said, "nap-time is over. The Colonel wants us in the briefing room".

"What?" Timmy replied – in a lower pitched voice. His eyes came into focus. Everything looked three-dimensional – like when he was in Retroville with Jimmy Neutron, but everything here was much more sharper and detailed.

"We best not keep the Colonel waiting", the voice said. The voice was familiar. He looked over to the source of the voice, and there, standing in front of him was Paul Metcalfe – aka Captain Scarlet of SPECTRUM.

As Timmy stood, he heard a communicator beep. Scarlet went to answer it.

"Captain Scarlet", a familiar-sounding voice said, "Have you found Captain Pink?"

"Yes, Colonel White", Scarlet replied, "He was napping in the officer's lounge. We're on our way up".

"Do so", Colonel White said.

"S.I.G." Scarlet replied.

Timmy stood up and looked at himself in a mirror. His familiar mop of brown hair - plus his buck teeth – was there, but there the similarity ended. His body was adult in size and shape, and his uniform over-tunic was pink in color. Great, Timmy thought, I'm in the color of the clothes I wore in the tree-house! Still, he did look rather handsome. Boy, was he looking forward to seeing the Angels…

"Are you okay, Timmy?" Scarlet asked, "You look a little lost".

"I'm fine, Paul", Timmy replied, "We'd better do and see what the Colonel wants".

Timmy was feeling excited inside, though he hid it from Scarlet. He was actually here, on Skybase, as an officer in SPECTRUM. Wanda's track-ball really worked well! He wondered what mission he would be going on with Captain Scarlet today…

While on the way up, he looked at him SPECTRUM ID. It clearly stated: Captain Pink, Timmy Turner. He was indeed one of the elite! Still, the pink color was something he would much rather forgo, and it was a paler shade of pink than what Captain Magenta had on his uniform...

Up in the briefing room, Colonel White was waiting for them both. He gestured for them to sit down. He then looked at Timmy.

"So, Captain Pink", Colonel White said in his smooth English accent, "enjoy your nap?"

"Sorry, Colonel", Timmy replied, "been working hard".

"Well, you're awake and now that you're rested, we need your experience", White stated.

"How so, Colonel?" Timmy replied,

"There has been reports that that same Mysteron Cell that nearly killed Captain Scarlet in Phoenix, Arixona, have moved to your home-town: Dimmsdale, California".

Timmy tried hard not to gasp. Dimmsdale was in this universe too?

"I want you, Captain Scarlet, and Captain Blue to go down to Dimmsdale, and to see what you can find out".

"Any idea what they may be planning, Colonel", Scarlet asked.

"Not yet, but the Mysterons obviously are not planning anything beneficial to either SPECTRUM or Earth", White replied.

Just then, the door behind them opened. Destiny Angel walked in. Timmy tried hard not to drool at the sight of her. He knew that Scarlet had a thing for her, but she was so beautiful.

"Colonel", Destiny said, "You wanted to meet the newest member of the Angels?"

"Yes indeed", White answered, "and since both Scarlet and Pink are here, it's a good start for introductions".

"Well", Destiny said, "I'd like you to meet our newest member: Tootie Angel".

Timmy's jaw dropped as he saw Tootie walk in. Like Timmy, the hair and glasses looked the same, but Tootie's body was all adult….. and as comely as Destiny's.

"Hello, Timmy", Tootie said in a very sweet voice. Tootie was taken aback at he appearing suddenly on Skybase, but even though she thought she was dreaming, she didn't want to go back to reality. She was - somehow - a pilot in SPECTRUM, and a member of the Angels, and she was determined to enjoy it to the max!

"You know Captain Pink, Tootie?" White asked.

"Yes", Tootie replied with a straight face, "We both lived in Dimmsdale". She winked at Timmy. Boy, this was a dream!, she thought...

Timmy tried hard not to react. How did Tootie get into the show? She must have touched the track-ball back in the tree-house, Timmy decided. And he thought he would have a fun time here, he thought sourly. Still, Tootie did look rather attractive in her Angel body, he thought.

If Timmy felt surprise that Tootie had gotten into the show, he would have been shocked had he known that Remy Buxaplenty had also done so – about five minutes after Tootie had vanished after touching the track-ball.

Remy had become the persona called Captain Grey, but Remy had no intention of being Timmy's sidekick. Instead, he donned a parachute and pressure-suit, then made his way up to the flight deck and launched himself off Skybase and into free-fall. There was someone – formerly of SPECTRUM whom he wanted to meet as quickly as possible…