Chapter 16

She let her head fall on her desk, she was beyond stressed at this moment, trying to hard to study for her N.E.W.T.S in DADA she barley slept now. She hadn't even been back at her dorm really she had been in the library most of the time, or going to the Room or Requirements to shower and stuff. At the moment she couldn't be around him, she needed space. With him around she forgot everything so she let herself get absorbed in her work.

Pushing her hair away from her face for the hundredth time, she groaned. Her neck was sore and her eyes felt like they were literally going to fall out of her head. Rubbing the back of her head she tried to ease the head ache. She knew what she was getting into when she had told Dumbledore that she would take her N.E.W.T.S so soon, but if they revealed that she and Sirius had a relationship and he was still teaching her there would be a big investigation. Besides she had the best marks possible.

Glancing at her watch it was one in the morning, tomorrow she was going to write her N.E.W.T.S for DADA, she had studied endlessly. Closing her book she sat back and thought. Sirius, she had been completely ignoring him, she hadn't gone to classes, and she had been excused from her rounds. She hadn't seen him; he would probably hate her now. Closing her eyes she could feel his hands on her, she wanted so desperately to feel him against her. Showing her those feelings again. The one day in the bathroom had gone by so fast she felt a blush creep into her cheeks when she thought about it. Since she was a little girl she thought sex should be done when married but Sirius made her want it all the time. She doubted he was the type of guy to wait for a girl anyway besides he could have any girl he wanted.

Picking up her books she juggled them in her arms as she put them back manually, she didn't feel like using magic. Walking down each aisle she smiled to herself a little, she didn't really know why she smiled but she did.

Putting the last book away she headed back to her desk and gathered her papers and placed them in her bag. Glancing at her watch again it was almost two. Exiting the library she saw Moody and Lupin come to attention, they took their places beside her and walked with her as she headed to the RoR.

Earlier that day

"Moody, Lupin, I need your help," Sirius had said to them as they were on their break having some supper while Hermione was in the library. He missed the girl, it seemed that the girl was always dodging him, news from Lupin and Moody had been she was studying around the clock and had been sleeping in the RoR. Why was it that she couldn't come and sleep with him in their room?

He had tried to stay out late and catch her but it seemed she had just left when he got to a spot, but tonight he would get her.

Hermione smiled to the guys, their night was done. She felt bad sometimes that they were always out so late because of her and up so early, her N.E.W.T.S weren't till four, maybe she would sleep in. Facing the room of requirements the doors opened. Entering she stopped dead as her mouth dropped open.

It was so warm, red drapes were everywhere, a large bed in one part and a diner table set up with candles and everything. Placing a hand at her mouth she felt tears well up. Only one person could have done it.

"Do you like it my queen," she heard the silky voice ask, turning she looked up at Sirius and leapt into his arms. Planting her lips on his she devoured his mouth. She had been missing him so much, why had she ignored him so much. She had missed his taste, his tongue swept into her mouth.

"Oh Sirius I love it," she stated," I love you."

He looked at her shocked as the words left her mouth, then a smile broke out and he hugged her tighter.

"I love you too."

"Come and eat Hermione," he stated as he carried her to the tab le and sat her down with a snap of her fingers house elves popped up and served them their food. How long had they been together, she couldn't' even remember. Since the beginning of school September sometime and now it was beginning of November, it had taken so long for Dumbledore to sign for the dance, there would be another ball in a month for Christmas.

Everything was a blur for her, soon she felt full and full of passion. Sirius warded the room so no one but them could be there and no one could enter, and he led her to the bed.

She felt her stomach start jumping around scared. Did he want to have sex? She wasn't sure if she was ready. What would he say?

"Hermione before you ask, I don't want to have sex," he stated, he watched her sigh.

"Oh Okay I like that," she giggled.

"I just want to show you passion tonight," he stated as he kissed her bare neck causing her to shiver.

Hermione pushed him away and smiled at him standing up.

"Can I have a minute," she asked, he nodded unsure of what she was doing. Before she knew it she ran to the bathroom that had been put there and locked the door. Flopping back on the bed he waited for her.

Before he knew it he heard the lock unsnap and her enter again in the same school clothes she had been wearing before. He made a move to stand up but Hermione laughed as she pushing him back down on the bed. She was shaking as she made her first movements but the passion in his eyes stopped her eventually from blushing as she stood away from him.

He slowly watched her as she pushed him down on the bed and walked away from him and slowly started unbuttoning her cloak letting it fall to the ground. A small hint of a blush appeared on her cheeks before it disappeared. He stood at attention as she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the ground showing a black bra practically see-through. Her smooth delicate hands went to the waistband of her skirt and unzipped it letting it fall to pool at her feet. Stepping out of her skirt she kicked off her shoes and turning around showing her amazing ass rolled down her socks.

He had never had such a large erection before, he felt like he could blow his load just looking at her doing this. Soon she turned around and took her hair out of the ponytail and let the locks drift around her face, as she walked towards him.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked him her husky voice making the hair on his neck stand up. He nodded. Slowly she crept forward and straddled him, rubbing her against him.

"This is very dangerous Hermione," he stated, she had to feel his erection against her.

"So if I do this," she asked grinding herself against his erection," you don't' like it."

"Vixen you know I like it," he stated.

"Well I was in the library," she stated as she pushing him on his back and crawled along the bed against him to start unbuttoning his shirt and tugging it off of him.

"Oh and what did you find there?" he asked, he had never seen this side of her he was so turned on by her controlling him it was driving him crazy.

"A little book on other things to do beside sex," she stated her true blush finally creeping into her cheeks.

"What things were there?" he asked as he let her tug his belt from his pants and undo them.

"Well foreplay, I am sure you know about it, I was quite shocked to learn some of these things but I couldn't stop myself from reading."

"MMMMMM," a moan came from him as she gave him stomach a nip at his hip.

"Well eating out but we already did that," she giggled, he nodded as she tugged on his pants pulling them off of him. His erection was apparent against his boxers as she sat above it. She could feel it against her back as she set her hands on his stomach.

"There was blow jobs hand jobs, um fingering, and dry humping," she stated," can I ask you something darling what's dry humping?"

He laughed a little at her naïve question.

"I can show you."

"I would like that greatly."

With no further asking he gripped her hips and thrust upwards a bit, he felt her quiver against him. He could already feel how wet she was against him. Quickly reaching on the table for his wand he did a contraceptive charm, just in case.

"Did you like that?" he asked, she nodded her head as she put her hands on his shoulders," do you want me to do it again?"

"Yes," she breathed, she had never felt something like that before, she could feel his erection right against her, it was the most amazing feeling she had ever had. Suddenly he gripped her hips and thrust again. Her nails dug into his shoulder as she shuddered again.

"Hermione grind against me," Sirius stated, she looked down at him confused," just let what your body wants to do."

Closing her eyes she held onto his shoulders as she let her pelvis rock against his penis. She couldn't' believe she was doing this as she let herself feel him against her. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. Opening her eyes she looked down at Sirius looking up at her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered looking at his shoulders that were red from her nails. Slowly he leaned up and kissed her and pulled her under him. She felt vulnerable with him above her and in control. Unclipping her bra he let her breasts lose and looked down at her and he kneeled in front of her.

"Can you trust me Hermione?" he asked.

"Yes," she gasped, slowly she felt his hands go to her underwear and start slipping them down. Soon she was completely naked against him as he started kissing down her body. His fingers playing at her hip as they grazed her curls. Slowly he found her nub and started rubbing making little moans come from her. Slowly he let his fingers go lower.

She knew he was going to try and finger her she was scared, she had never had anything enter her.

Slowly he let his one finger slowly enter her, she was so tight, she definitely wasn't ready to have sex, and she would bleed from being stretched so much. He let his finger sit in her a second he looked at her face she seemed uneasy. Slowly he slipped his finger in and out feeling her get wetter and wetter as she adjusted more to him.

She didn't feel anymore stretching just a growing in her like before, making her moan and scream until it broke heat washing over her taking her to new places.


Well it took forever for this chapter and I am really sorry it took so long I hope you all like it and thanks for all the reviews. Check out other stories.


Stephanie Black