Disclaimer: I don't own it, if I did it would be published by DQ and not SJ because the plot would be a lot different.

This is my first Eyeshield 21 story so if you have tips please give them. Since I have never written these characters before the might be a little OOC and for that I apologize but I had an idea for a story and so now I wrote it.

Then again reading all the manga (that is out) and watching all the anime (that is dubbed) within two days will kind of make you think of so many ideas.



Chapter One: It's all Your Fault


Sena tried to stay still. He could feel the pressure of the aggressors mouth on his, bruising his lips. There were hands on his sides slowly moving up and down his body. His back pressed up against the wall. A long leg positioned itself between his as the hunched over figure tried to continue its ministrations.

This wasn't happening to him.

What was going on?

Sena felt something wet on his lips and pushed the figure. It seemed to only aggravate the person over him as the person grabbed both of Sena's hands and pushed them up on the wall causing the short running back to have to get on his toes.

Sena moved his head to the side. "Stop it…." He whimpered before he flinched when he felt something bite his neck.

"Kuso chibi," Hiruma licked the bruised flesh before giving it a quick kiss, "You're the one that started this."

He started it? Sena tensed as he tried to think of how he could have been the one to start this. All he remembered was following Hiruma into the club house before he was suddenly pushed against the wall.

He felt Hiruma lighten the grip on his hands and slowly move his long calloused fingers down Sena's shorter arms.

Sena tried to hold his breath as Hiruma continued to work his hands over the boy's body. He turned his head when he felt the cold fingers under his shirt only to have his lips captured forcefully again.

Hiruma's tongue was forcing itself an entrance into Sena's mouth, the younger teen squirming at the uncomfortable feel to having his body violated.

The blond demon quarterback loved every second of it.

Sena underneath him, the Devil Bat's ace powerless beneath him; free to touch, to kiss, Hiruma was afraid he was going to wake up any second and have this turn out to be another one of his cold dreams.

He wanted more. More of the taste of Sena, the shivers Sena had as he pressed his body harder against the smaller one.

Hiruma was addicted.

And it was all Sena's fault.

"Onegai…" Sena choked when Hiruma parted the kiss. The green eyes stared down at the brown ones that were welling up tears. "Hiruma-san……"

Hiruma growled at the sight forcing another kiss on Sena causing the smaller boy to whimper at the pain. He could feel his lips swell as Hiruma continued the attack.

The tall blond parted one more time removing his hands from the boy's body as his head fell on the small shoulder. As much as he wanted to continue he couldn't. Not when the form underneath him was scared out of his mind.

But he wanted too.

Oh did he want to continue touching the slim body, leaving marks on what he knew should be his.

But it wasn't.

Not yet.

Sena could feel Hiruma's got breath on his shoulder. The smaller boy trying his hardest to not tremble, waiting for the blond to do something else, but it seemed like Hiruma was done.

He had stopped.

Sena felt his breath catch as Hiruma finally moved, standing up, towering over the short runner before he felt long fingers grab his face and push it upward so that he was staring Hiruma directly.

"I want you."

Direct, forward and blunt.

Any word could be used to describe the words that came out of the quarterback's mouth but Sena could only think of one.


Then the room went black.


Sena mumbled a bit as he turned over. The warm blankets welcomed him into the sleep he knew he so desperately needed. The problem was that he never remembered going home.

A sudden jolt up caused him to topple over out of the bed and onto the hard floor. He winced in pain as he glanced around the room realizing it wasn't his own.

It was messy, smelt kind of funny and had a television to the side that was playing some sort of sport marathon. Sena got up and tried to look around a bit. He was still in his school uniform so what had happened?

He remembered classes.

He remembered practice, something happened and Hiruma yelled at him.

He remembered following Hiruma into the club house where Hiruma started to……to……Sena's face started burning read at the thought.

The door flung open scary Sena out of his train of thought as he saw a brown blur roll across the room before landing in front of him, "RECOVERY MAX!"

"Monta……" Sena sweat dropped before he smiled at his friend, "This is your room?"

"Heh." Monta smiled as he scratched his nose. "Yeah, since you passed out after practice Hiruma told me to take you home but I decided to just stop by my place since its on the way."

"I passed out?" Sena looked confused, that would explain him not knowing how he got there.

"Yeah, Mamori-chan was really worried but she had other club activities to do with the Discipline committee. You should have seen the way she was yelling at Hiruma-san, calling him a bully." Monta laughed a bit as he fell on his bed, "Hiruma-san just said you past out in the club house, though it is kind of suspicious. Did anything happen?"

"Eh……" Sena grabbed his tie as he looked to the side, his face growing another shae of red, "I don't really remember."

Monta just kept one eye on his best friend giving him a small glare. "Are you sure, your acting funny."

"Hahaha….." Sena gave an uncomfortable laugh, "you would act funny too if you had fainted."

"I guess so." Monta smiled before looking at the clock, "do you want to call your parents and tell them where you are? You can stay for dinner."

Sena glanced up at the clock realizing that it was a little after 7.

"No, I think I should head home." Sena smiled at his friend as they both talked about some meaningless stuff before he was waved off.

Sena took a deep breath before he looked up at the sky. The blue color was slowly shifted to more of a reddish orange as dark clouds seemed to be coming in.

After he got home his parents had already eaten dinner so he just skipped and went straight for a bath. The day kept repeating in his mind. Hiruma had came on to him……and that last thing he remembered was Hiruma saying something.

Sena kept trying to remember what is was as he slouched in the warm water of the bath tub. "I want you." The words seemed to come as quickly as the chill down Sena's back.

What a thing to say to a guy! Sena cursed as he got out of the water and grabbed the closest towel. It was weird, Sena would have never thought Hiruma would be gay but the whole situation.

The shorter boy's head hurt as he took a quick glance at the mirror before opening the door. He stopped suddenly in his tracks before doing a doubt take to see a huge bruise on his small neck.

He had been marked.

The thought of what that mark could mean gave Sena an uneasy feeling. Did that mean there were more to come?

He hadn't realized when his breathing had become so erratic. Throwing his towel on the floor in his room as he grabbed his night cloths, what was going on?

After jumping underneath the covers of his bed the brunette sighed. His fingers moving slowly along his lips, they were bruised too but not as noticeable as the neck. Sena shivered.

"I want you."

"It's your fault."

How was it his fault? Sena never remembered doing anything to the blond quarterback except obey his order. How could it be his fault?

There was a small clack that caught Sena's attention towards his window.



Sena moved slowly out of his bed to see who was throwing pebbles at his window. It took him a while to get the curtains to obey him bet with a little effort the moved away with ease to reveal the one thing Sena didn't know if he wanted to see.

Hiruma was frowning at him for the tree across from his room.


Side notes: I have no idea what Monta's room looks like so sorry if I messed up. I don't know if Sena lives in a two story house with a tree in front of his room but it works from my story so YA HA!

And I shall end my first chapter there cause well…..If I keep going I'm afraid I wont have anything else to surprise you with next chapter. Heh.

I hope you enjoyed.

Review if you want to and if you have any advice on characters then I will be happy to receive it.

Have a great day!