Tite Kubo owns Bleach. I just borrowed the characters.

A Walk in the Park.

He did not know much time he had available. He had to take this chance now, before he changed his mind, before the chance was taken away; before he got scared. He would make this time matter. He would ask his beloved Orihime Inoue on a date. Even a walk in the park with Orihime would be better than allowing more time to pass without telling her his true feelings.

Walking up to her he asked, "Orihime, are you busy now?"

"No, Ichigo. I was just about to walk home."

"May I walk you home, through the park? I want to spend some time with you. We haven't had a chance to talk for a while."

Orihime was stunned. Ichigo had not asked to talk to her before, so formally. He seemed to be talking differently and acting a little strange. She admired him so much, but he spent more time with Rukia and Chad than with her. She blushed slightly and lowered her eyelashes a little. She had daydreamt through class about Ichigo asking her on a date. Walking through the park, Ichigo taking her by the hand, turning to face her. Saying those words she wanted to hear him say.

She noticed that he had seemed a little odd in the last class of the day. Maybe this was the reason. He had been worried she would say no to the walk because he was going to confess to her!

They walked out of the school gates, not saying anything. Walking away from their friends in the direction of the park.

Ichigo was thinking: 'What do I say to her? How do I start? What should I do? I know what I want to do, but I don't want to scare her from the start. I have been watching how he acts; I have to act like that, with that type of confidence. Don't take it too fast, don't act too quickly. Think like he would.'

"Orihime, how are you feeling?" That's good, that's good. Let her talk about herself.

"I'm fine, Ichigo. How is your family?"

"They're fine." He glanced at her, noticed she was looking at him, and then he looked away. That did not start the conversation like he hoped.

They walked a little further in silence. Orihime was a little worried. She was not normally so nervous when she was with Ichigo. Normally she talked about silly, inconsequential things. Those daydreams had affected her but she would pretend everything was normal.

"Do you have any plans for the Summer Break, this year? Are you going away with your family, or do you have a job lined up?" Orihime asked.

He looked at her. This was a question he had not really expected. She was making conversation. She was trying. Maybe this would work. "I haven't really thought about it. Summer Break isn't that much of a break for me. I'll probably spend it in the house, avoiding the girls," he looked away quickly.

Damn. That was not really the right thing to say. Maybe she would not notice. She did tend to not notice a number of things when she was distracted. He was sure his time was running out. What should he do?

"Girls? What girls? Do you mean your sisters? I thought you were close. I notice you avoid your father more than the girls."

He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed, and gave her a shaky smile. "Oh, you know. Families", he said dismissively.

Orihime looked sad. "No, I don't know families that well." She looked down, remembering her brother and how she never really wanted to avoid him except that last day when they fought.

Oh, no. He had said the wrong thing, again! He looked down and kicked at a pebble. Maybe this was a really bad idea. Maybe he should just give up and go home before it was too late. But, the opportunity, he did not want to miss this opportunity and besides, they had reached the park.

He did not know the park very well, but once he had seen a place that seemed reasonably deserted, most of the time. He started to walk in that direction, hoping that Orihime would walk with him and not just head home. She did follow, apparently lost in her own thoughts. Every so often Ichigo would glance at her.

Orihime was confused. Ichigo was normally a little more careful with her. When he looked at her, he seemed to be avoiding her eyes. He seemed to be looking lower. He did not normally glance at her chest so often. Actually, he seemed to be staring at her chest. She blushed and crossed her arms.

He noticed her action and decided that the time was now. It has to be now. He was not sure when they would be interrupted. "Orihime, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Yes, Ichigo. What is it?"

Her heart started to beat faster. She knew from her friends that this was usually the way that a confession might start. She wanted him to continue, but was scared at the same time. If only she could freeze this moment and experience the anticipation for longer. To create the reality of her daydreams was more than she expected.

He moved closer to her. They were only a foot apart. He looked at her eyes for a few seconds, and then their glance strayed down further, again.

"Orihime. We have been friends for a little time and I have come to admireā€¦..

She looked at him. He admired her. He was going to confess. She held her breath, waiting for the next few words.

"I have come to admire your breasts immensely."

She stared at him. Had she heard correctly? Ichigo had said that! No declaration of love. Just an admiration for a part of her anatomy she found embarrassing. How could he say that to her? Her dreams were shattering under the impact of the words and the implications.

He noticed her face. Damn, he had got it wrong. Was it too late? Maybe he could try something else, quickly. "I mean that I really like you, Orihime."

Her face brightened a little. He decided to keep going. "I like you and your whole body, not just your breasts."

He leaned closer as if he was trying to kiss her, his hands moving close to the object of his admiration.

Was this a joke? Orihime backed away. She did not want to kiss him. Not with those words still on his tongue. She had admired him and he only liked her body. How shallow was he? She would never be able to look at him the same way and she felt so humiliated and hurt and wanted to go home. She wished Tatsuki was here to protect her. No, she did not want anyone to know. She wanted to hide.

Orihime heard running footsteps approach. It was Rukia. She looked worried and seemed to be talking to someone.

'Hold on', thought Orihime, 'she was talking to Ichigo, dressed in the outfit of a Shinigami.' So if Ichigo was working as a Soul Reaper, who was the person in front of her?

"Kon, I have told you. When I am out working, you stay home. What are you doing with Orihime?" Rukia asked.

"Nothing; I am doing nothing. You interrupted me," Kon replied, sulkily moving away from Orihime and away from Rukia almost as if he was preparing to run away.

'He is Kon? Who is Kon? I thought he was Ichigo and Ichigo was acting strange. He insulted me and then tried to kiss me. I thought he smelt wrong and he was not acting like normal.' Orihime wanted this sorted out. She hoped Ichigo had not overhead the previous conversation and was not sure how she felt, but she did know she felt some relief. It was not Ichigo who had insulted her!

Rukia forced Kon out of Ichigo's body and put the pill into the stuffed toy she was carrying.

Immediately the stuffed toy started complaining. "It's not fair, Rukia. I am never allowed to have any fun. I didn't want to get into this body. You put me in here"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Kon?" Rukia sternly said to the animated toy and she flung him to the ground and started stomping on him.

"Ow, ow. My stuffing is coming out again. Why are you so cruel to me Rukia, when I love you so much? Ow, please stop. Don't put your foot there. I need that." Kon whined as he tried to protect himself from the assault.

Ichigo, the real Ichigo, was standing in front of Orihime. "I'm really sorry Orihime. Kon is useful, sometimes, but he's a pain. Let me walk you home. I'll explain on the way."

Whoever said daydreams will come true? Maybe next time.