Time Chains

Chapter 1

"We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Disclaimer: I make no monkey from this story, nor do I own SRMTHFG. I just enjoy writing for the fun of it.

Every one has those days. Where nothing goes as well as you want. And it seems you can never win. Well, as in some stories, bad days are just the beginning of some of the most breath-taking adventures of peril and excitement. And as true to those stories, this is one of them. Where the unexpected and colorful are blended together.

The bright metropolitan of Shuggazoom City was just about to be teeming with life as a morning pumpkin sun greeted the steely city, whispering for its residents to come out. Adults got up for their lives of work and family while children did the same for school. Well, all children except one black haired teenage boy. But it had been a rough night and week overall for Chiro. He and the monkey team had fought an array of formless all through early morning. Chiro still wondered how Shuggazoom was able to sleep on nights like these.

"Chiro! Come down here this instant! It's after 8:00!" Gibson's British voice echoed through the metal walls of their home and jumped around in Chiro's dark bedroom. He stirred slightly and moaned, grunting his protest, but at Gibson's words of "after 8:00," Chiro's sapphire eyes snapped open. Sure enough, there, on his night stand, the glowing digital clock read 8:05a.m.

The shock from the whole thing gave Chiro a head-start to the floor. Wrapped in blankets, Chiro fought his way out of self-made cocoon and left his bed in the unruly fashion. A newly cleaned set of his school uniform hung fitly on his desk chair. The boy snatched His garments and for the bathroom in a clutter.

Gibson and the other robotic simians stood down in the kitchen, hearing Chiro's unnerved thumping from outside the hall.

"Kid's late," SPRX-77 muttered.

"Yes, he certainly seemed to be in a rush today," Antauri commented. No one said anything else as Chiro came bursting in the kitchen, his face tomato red from stress.

"Chiro, are you alright?" Nova asked timidly. Chiro said nothing, but ran over to Otto's mile high stack of toast, grabbed a piece, and bolted for the door.

"Aw, Chiro, that was mine! I was going for the world record!" Otto whined.

"Sorry, Otto. But I'm so late!" Chiro screamed. "I'm leaving!" Gibson gave a snort and then replied calmly, "Don't you want your lunch?" Chiro's silent, irritated face appeared from the side of the door.

"Um…yes." Gibson held out the paper sack, which Chiro snatched in an embarrassed fashion, and then the boy was gone in a whiff of his cranberry sweater and jeans.

The regular route Chiro took for school was one that passed the arcade, the Hoverburger stand, and the only five star hotel in Shuggazoom. This path he liked best because he could catch a glimpse of what new video games the arcade had, or to catch a whiff of the mouth watering burgers. But today, all Chiro wanted to do was sleep.

"Oh, why does morning have to come?" Chiro yawned. Stopping at the corner of two green light streets, he could see the people much better. Office men and shop owners occupies most of the sidewalks and hovering cars still blocked streets. This just makes me more sick knowing no kid's out anymore, Chiro thought bitterly. It was true. It was almost as if someone would walk up to him at any time and say, "what do you think you're doing? The leader of the Hyperforce should be at school on time."

But now that he thought of it, and wished he saw at least one kid, Chiro did seem to see another teenager. A girl, dressed in a usual baby blue and alabaster uniform, standing on the other side of the bustling street with her corduroy messenger bag hanging limply at her side.

"What in Shuggazoom is she doing out? Are there more kids out with the 'slept in' excuse? I'd expect something like this from the Goths." Chiro asked himself. The girl had long, dark copper hair tied back into a ponytail and bright neon green eyes which where darting from the shop window and onto a note pad she was scribbling on.

Chiro was on the brink of going over and asking quickly just what the heck she was doing, until his thoughts were interrupted unpleasantly by the overhead clock tower. The deep chiming struck him like a well aimed arrow.

"Ahhhhh! I don't have time for this!" Chiro's terrified voice reached the girl on the other side as she looked up from her notes just as Chiro made a dash for school. The girl collected herself and followed Chiro profusely, but soundlessly.

Author's Notes: Well, then, yes, I changed my penname again and I'm rewriting this story. For those of you who have never read the origional version of this story, my fans have said that it's good, but I'm not sure if this new version is better. I just got a bit sick of the old version and have been wanting to rewrite for some time now. I also decided not to completely delete the old version.