The Sharingan Kyuubi

Chapter 1: Not the Only Survivor

First story so please be kind! I have to say, my characters might be a bit too OCC-ish so please do bear with it. Now, onto the story, enjoy!

"I would like to adopt him to our clan."

A man about late 30's said to Sarutobi, the 3rd Hokage. The third Hokage looked puzzled at why the Uchiha leader wanted to adopt this kid so sudden. This man wore a blue robe that had the Uchiha symbol on the back, indicating that he is from the Uchiha clan.

"Why do you want to adopt this child?" the third Hokage asked him.

"I'm sure he will have trouble living on his own." Uchiha Fugaku replied. "Besides, I would have a better chance of raising this boy to a fine young man, better then Hiashi."

The Uchiha leader smiled at his words. "Ha, beat that Hiashi!"

The Hokage nodded and thought about it. "But why would this boy be alright with you and not to Hiashi?"

"Well, I have two sons and I'm sure he would learn better with a boy instead of a girl. Besides, he might get distracted with the Hyuuga mistress." He replied to the Hokage.

The third closed his eyes and sighed. "Alright, from now on, he will be under your care. I want him to grow up as a great ninja in the future, just like his father requested he be, understood?"

The Uchiha leader nodded and picked up the little infant in his arms. "Welcome to the Uchiha family little one. I have two sons who are dying to meet you."

Two years later

"You are not even worth killing." Itachi said to the frightened Sasuke. "Foolish little brother, run. Run and cling to life." Sasuke fell to his knees and cried and Itachi disappeared in front of him. Sasuke looked up to see Itachi gone and got up to his feet. He was going to run away from here, away from the terror of this incident. He was almost out of the clan's territory until a thought came to him. He didn't see a dead little boy with his dead parents.

"Did Itachi kill him?" Sasuke thought to himself and ran back to the direction of his mansion. He quickly ran back, hoping that 'he' is still alive. His mind wandered in fear, hoping that his blood-thirsty brother didn't kill him. He quickly entered the mansion and ran upstairs.

When he reached his parents room, he walked past his dead parents with a sick face and listened. He heard a faint cry from the back room. He slowly walked to the door and stopped in his tracks before he opened it. What if that was a fake cry was to lure him to a trap? He gulped and his body froze in fear.

"Move, move, move!" Sasuke told himself but his body ignored his command. "Move, move! I have to make sure he's alright and not dead!"

Sasuke's body finally listens and he moved to the door. He put his ear on the door to listen to the wailing beyond this door.

"Sasuke onii-chan, Itachi onii-chan, where are you?" he heard a voice call out.

Sasuke placed his hands on the handle, unlocked the door and opened it. He sighed in relieve to see that he was not the only sole survivor of the Uchiha clan; he had his brother with him. But this brother wasn't his blood thirsty brother Itachi; it was the newly adopted boy that his father had brought home. The blond hair boy was wailing buckets of tears being too young to understand real fear that had just happened. Sasuke slowly walked to the blond, making sure not to activate any traps, if there were any. When he reached the blond, he gently picked him up and whispered in his ears:

"Don't worry; I'm here for you…Naruto."

Present Day

Twelve year old Sasuke packed up his backpack, getting ready to go to the academy and finally become a genin.

"Onii-chan, are we going to school now?"

Sasuke turned his head to see his seven year old blond brother.

"Yes Naruto, we are. Are you done packing up?" Sasuke asked him.

Naruto nodded and went beside his brother. "Let's go, let's go!"

Sasuke smiled and walked out the door with Naruto. He locked the door and followed his energetic brother to the academy.

"Come on Sasuke, hurry up!" Naruto called to his brother. Sasuke smiled and ran to catch up to his little brother.

"It's a shame he bears the kyuubi inside of him. He is teased by other kids and still this energetic. It's unbelievable." Sasuke thought.

When they got to the academy, they went their separate ways. Naruto waved Sasuke bye and went into his class room. Sasuke walked to his classroom and the class began immediately.

Naruto's classroom

Naruto seated in his place and listened to the teacher talk about the difference between ninjutsu and genjutsu.

"Man, this is boring. This is seriously taking a long time to finish." Naruto thought to himself as he began to scribble on his notebook. "I know all this so how come I can't join in the same class as Sasuke?"

After about an hour, the class finally ended. He cheered and quickly ran out of the classroom as quickly as possible to his next class, Bloodline Limits.

"Maybe I can finally learn something that I don't know, like my family's past." Naruto thought to himself. He has been wondering why his clan had only two people in it instead of a whole bunch of people. As he walked to his next class, he heard a 'poofing' sound from the classroom he was beside. He looked through the door using the window and saw his brother's class doing the ninjutsu technique Bunshin no Jutsu for the final exam to be a genin.

"I wish I can do that." Naruto whispered to himself and saw his brother make three replication of himself. Naruto smiled at what his brother can do and it amazes him, a lot. He saw his brother getting the headband and he smiled sadly. "I really want that headband."

The ninja in-training next to Sasuke was a pink hair girl. She did the Bunshin no Jutsu and made five of her. Naruto gasped in surprise to see someone advance his brother. Just then, the door opened in front of him and he saw his brother's teacher in front of him.

"Now, why are you here young man? Shouldn't you be in class?" the teacher asked him. Naruto looked up and saw his brother's sensei. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose and wore the Konoha headband. Naruto gulped and looked at the teacher with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry." Naruto replied and looked down. "I just got caught up seeing your students do the Bunshin no Jutsu." Iruka looked sadly at the young boy and sighed.

"Iruka-sensei, I apologize. You see, he is my brother."

Naruto looked up and saw Sasuke behind his teacher. Iruka turned around and looked at him surprised.

"He is your brother?" Iruka asked Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded and looked at Naruto. "Naruto, how about you go back to class?"

Iruka looked back at Naruto and Naruto smiled. "Okay, I'll see you later." And he ran off in the direction of his next class. Iruka closed the door and looked back at Sasuke.

"I thought you were the only survivor of your clan?"

"Apparently not, looks like you were told false rumors." Sasuke replied and put his hands in his pocket.

Naruto's history class

When Naruto got to his classroom, he apologizes to his teacher for being late and he sat in his seat.

"Alright, now we are talking about the difference between the Uchiha and the Hyuuga clan. As I said before, the Hyuuga are gifted with the power of the Byakugan, which let the user see up to 360 degrees and allows the user to see a perfect vision for fifty meters in any direction." The history teacher said to her class.

"Yeah right, they can see up to 359 degrees because they can't see behind their first thoracic vertebrae." Naruto thought. "And it allows the user to see chakra in the rawest form. Even I know that.

"Now, the Uchiha clan is gifted with the Sharingan, an advance bloodline technique. It can copy move Genjutsu, all of Ninjutsu and some Taijutsu. There are three to four stages to a Sharingan but I won't go into those right now because the Uchiha clan has been destroyed and only one sole survivor from that clan." The teacher said.

Naruto heard the class whispering "It's that Sasuke boy in the other class." And some "Too bad he's the only survivor of the clan."

"Only sole survivor? But what about me?" Naruto thought. "Sasuke can use the Sharingan, so I should be able to... right?"


Three year old Naruto whimpered as he saw a person killing his parents. He was scared stiff while the man finishes his job. Naruto looked at that person to see red eyes.

"Red eyes, is it the Shari…Shaniga...what ever that is that Sasuke told me about?" Naruto thought to himself. The man walked closer to him and Naruto whimpered, scared to death to see the killer.

"You're too weak to be killed. I don't want to kill someone who is not worthy to be killed." The man said to him. "But don't worry; I'll be back for you, Naruto." He picked up Naruto by the front of his shirt as Naruto struggle to get free.

"Let me go! I'll get you for killing my parents!" he yelled. The man carried him to the back room and threw him in.

"Strong words from someone who is pathetic. If Sasuke can't activate the Sharingan, then you won't be able to activate it too. Besides, you're not even from this clan; you were just 'picked' up by the Uchiha's because they want your powers. Yes, they want to dissect you later so they can get the power they want so badly. What a bunch of pathetic fools."

Naruto looked at the person with fear and watched as the person close the door and lock it from the outside. He ran to the door and banged on it as loud as he can.

"Let me out! Let me out!" He yelled as he banged on the door. "I don't want to die here! Let me out!"

He heard the man laugh as he slid to the floor crying. "Please…let me out. Sasuke, Itachi…where are you? Why aren't you here to help me?"

End of Flashback

Naruto clutched his head in pain as the memories from his past came back. His mind kept on playing the image of him suffering in the back room over and over again. His head throbbed as he gasped for air. He felt his lungs tightened as his breathing become harsh and full of pain. He wanted to push the memories away but he couldn't. He heard that same laugh from the killer over and over again.

"Naruto, are you alright?" he heard his teacher ask him.

He wanted to reply but his throat was dry and no sound came out. He wanted to call for help but he couldn't, his mouth wouldn't move and his mind was hurting badly. He felt his body turn cold like his blood is being drained by something.

"Why? What are these memories that are coming back to me after all these years?!" Naruto screamed in his mind. "Why? Sasuke, help me!"

"Naruto, Naruto! Answer me!" he heard his teacher cry at him.

"Sas…….Sasu…Sasuke…." was all Naruto said before darkness took over him.

Hope you liked it. Remember, a happy review means a happy person!