Okays then, here is chapter two! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my house, my clothes, my stuff, and my dignity. Enjoy please and review later.

Why Not? – Request from Wise Angel192
Chapter Two

Recap: "You're late," he hissed.

"I think I know that." She replied tiredly.

"Get to your stance," Neji commanded and she did what she was told. Pushing herself up with her wrists, she grunted and said, "I need to go shopping."

Thoroughly enough, Neji glared at the struggling weapons mistress. "You already have your ideal weapons." He snapped. "Get to your stance."

Huffing with her boredness, the sun kissed her red toned cheeks as the girl pushed herself up slowly. From her focus and power, she managed to reply back. "For clothes." She muttered.

Neji glared at her throughout her body, through and into her eyes. "Nani?" he questioned. Crossing his arms, he smirked as the sunshine's beautiful harp shine swiveled around his lavender eyes, reflecting a midnight moon hue. Tenten's eyes pierced through his own as he stared back into those welcoming, warm orbs.

"For clothes." She spoke up louder – her soft voice cracking, mentioning the vile word. Neji quirked mischievously at her.

"Clothing?" He repeated devilishly.

She nodded calmly, flipping up to her feet and stably promenaded towards him – batting her lashes at Neji. "Not like the normal things I wear." She emphasized. "Like something girly. Psht. Thanks so much Kaa-san."

Neji furrowed his brows and glared at her with confused intendancy. "Girly?"

Tenten nodded through a huff. "No fair!" she shouted brassily. "I don't want girly clothes! They're icky!" Lucky for Neji, she slumped down to her feet and held on to his pants, resting her head on his knee. "Neji?" she called softly.

Neji – glancing downwards – rolled his eyes. "Get up." he replied. "We're going shopping."

TBC – And by the way, I won't be putting any small author's notes at the end for a while, since I think it sometimes takes up time. Well, I hope you liked it!