No Boundaries

A/N: I'm a nerd. I check every few hours for a new Fran/Balthier story to read. So to make the time go by faster, I wrote one. Which may become two or more depending on feedback. Hope you all enjoy.

"Ever thought of settling down? Perhaps somewhere country side, tending the fields, feeding cockatrices, having a few dozen rugrats scurry all about the yard--"

"Hush Balthier, your fever has risen," Fran scolded as she held a damp cloth to his forehead.

She had been forced to carry him herself back to the Strahl to tend to his vast injuries. A poison seeped heavily into his blood stream as the coerl slashed its' claws against his arm. His attention had been too focused upon her and the battle that progressed with it's twin. She should have known it would not have ventured alone.

But here he was, dazed, delirious, and awaiting the antidote she poured through his trembling lips to take effect. The perspiration that doused his skin soaked his sandy half curls, and regardless of this fact, she still soothed him with gentle caresses through that short cropped mass. His brown eyes were half-lidded as he gazed upon into her face with the goofiest smile she'd ever seen him bestow upon her.

Their partnership was always based on truth and sharing. They had an infinite amount of trust and loyalty with one another that no other could hope to destroy. She was right to his left, up to his down. And here she looked his mortality dead in the eye, and felt a wave of anguish crush against her airways. He would live, but what if next time he did not? Moreover, when she finally lost him to the Gods, how was she going to take the steps to move forward? There were reasons beyond the common ones as to why Viera and Hume kept separate. Attachment was grave and separation often painful. Best remain with your own kind in such an aspect, and she was finally understanding why.

"Don't cry Fran, we don't have to have cockatrices."

Don't cry Fran... She repeated his words and touched her cheek to realize the dampness that had overtaken her face. Tears had filled her ducts and were spilling heedlessly, descending beyond her cheek. A breath hitched in her throat as she attempted to regain composure, something she valued and rarely ever allowed to slip. A constant pang in her chest tore and shattered over and over. A broken heart over a distant thought. In these moments past, she knew the truth of her feelings. This was more than just a partnership--this was a union.

A shaky, yet soft gloved hand reached to touch her cheek, tear ridden and streaked with outdoor dust. Even in his passing delirium, he was well aware of her emotions, as if they were joined by more than simply flesh, "Fran...I'm not going anywhere. I promise. It'll take more than a coerl to keep this Sky Pirate down."

His coherency was returning to him, yet his energy was continuing to drain away. Remaining above the tide of slumber was accomplished by sheer will alone, his gaze never leaving the sight of her dazzling ruby eyes. They remained this way what seemed like years, until his body finally shut down, and he passed into a deep sleep.

He didn't say it, and neither did she. But as she watched his breath flow steady throughout him, she knew what they both wanted to say.

A true union they were, and forever they would be. This love knew no boundaries.