Title-----We Come in Peace



Disclaimer-----I own no rights to SG1 or the characters, but I enjoy taking them out to play for a while.

Comments------I have enjoyed the new seasons of Stargate SG1 even though I miss Jack. Cameron Mitchell is a great character and I enjoy writing stories with him as the central character. This story is about Mitchell and involves H/C…because I do love H/C especially when it involves one of my favorite characters. So, be warned…there is Mitchell whumping ahead.

We Come in Peace!

Chapter 1

Every step was pure agony, every breath hot and labored and yet he could not give up. He knew the answer now, knew who was behind the destruction of the beautiful sky city and the people who'd lived there. A race of beings who could fly with gossamer wings and soft golden fur. The beings had offered them friendship, only to be struck down by a malevolent force so evil they made the Goa'uld look like angels.

He knew time was running out, but there was nothing he could do about that. If he made it to safety then maybe, just maybe he could save other worlds from the same fate this one had suffered. The land, once green and fertile and ripe with life, was now a blackened husk where nothing could grow or survive and Cameron Mitchell understood the meaning of hell.

The heat raged through his body much the same as the fires had raged through this paradise and destroyed every living thing. There was nothing left to rebuild, no possible way to undo the hellish crime the Shanderra had perpetrated. Mitchell looked up at the sky and wondered at the turbulent sea of red that inflamed the once azure blues and blocked out the clouds.

"Shanderra," he whispered, groaning when his legs buckled and he impacted with the hard packed ground. He tried to get to his feet, drawing on the need to find the gate and maybe salvation, but there didn't seem to be any salvation in the cards today. His arms were heavy, his head ready to explode and his lungs screamed for a breath of real air.

"We don't leave our people behind," Mitchell screamed, or at least he thought he did, but what came out was nothing more than a muffled plea that fell on the desolate landscape. His eyes closed, his mind began shutting down, and tears slipped from beneath the closed lids. Cameron Mitchell was dying, and there was no one around to witness the final breaths that huffed out of the scorched lungs.