Anna's Labor

SUMMARY: Ever wonder how Anna had her labor with Hana? Well, this is my version! I added some humor (in later chapters) and a slight YoNa romance! Read and review people!!!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Shaman king. Takei-sensei does...

A/N: Hey readers! Welcome to my new fic... I've been wondering this thing a LONG time now... so I made my version on how Anna did the whole painful labor thingy when she was pregnant with Hana.

Okay, don't expect me to be all perfect with some medical terms, I'm no doctor here... and I've haven't experience or witness an actual delivery. SO, please bear with me here! .

Enjoy the story minna! read and review afterwards! 'chu!






Oh no... Please no... A blonde girl stirred at her sleep. Ow... no... Ugn.


Anna Kyouyama-Asakura, sat upbolt straight in their bed clutching her very bloated tummy. "Ow, Ow... not now..." she muttered.

It was dark outside, and the flashing red numbers of the bedside table clock read 4:43am.

She opened the lamp shade just beside the clock.

The girl winced in pain as her stomach kicked again. "Please... stop.." she said to it as if it's gonna obey what she was telling it. She sighed heavily, definitely didn't work. Then, she closed her eyes and began to rub her tummy gently. Surprisingly it stopped moving around.

She gave a sigh of relief.

"Anna?" said a worried voice. "What's wrong?"

Anna looked at his sleepy husband beside her.

"Is the baby coming out?" Yoh asked once again rubbing his eyes.

"No. Not yet... or it seems it wants to get out now..." Anna said, patting her stomach gently.

Yoh smiled at his beautiful wife. And she smiled back. They love each other so much.

This month is very important to them because Anna was due any time and they would finally become parents. It was a challenge, since they we're only 16 and too young to have a kid, but they vowed to try hard because they're the ones who wanted it, and they did admit it was their fault.

The brunette glanced at the clock. "You should get some more sleep Anna..." he said placing his hand on hers. "It's still too early."

The Itako nodded and laid down on the bed. "Oh... uh, Yoh?"

"Yeah Anna?" Yoh asked.

"My back hurts... Can you put my pillow under it?" Anna said arching her back.

"Sure." Yoh grinned as he put a soft throw pillow underneath her. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thanks." She said lying down once again. Yoh lied down too and came close to Anna and gave her a hug. Then the two fell asleep again.


The couple woke up together and decided to remain in bed and talk about stuff.



"I've been thinking... about... you know..." Anna said putting a hand on her tummy.

Yoh just looked at her with a soft smile. "Come on Anna, we've talk about it... you're not alone, I'm here... you know I won't leave--"

"No it's not that..." She cut him off. "I'm talking about the delivery..." She closed her eyes. "I've seen a documentary about Childbirth on TV and well... I'm-- I'm..."

"...Scared?" Yoh finished off her sentence.

Anna slightly nodded.

Yoh laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked glaring at the shaman beside her. "I'm serious Yoh Asakura!"

"I'm sorry Anna... I know you are." he said pulling her close to a hug.

Anna nestled on his chest.

"But it's gonna be okay...I know it's painful but just for a little while... Okay... not while..." Yoh said thinking for a more comforting words to soothe her.

Anna frowned and Yoh looked down on her.

"You're a strong girl Anna, heck you're the toughest girl I've ever know... I know you can do it! Everything will work out fine..." He said topping it off with his trademark smile.

The pregnant itako looked up at him and smiled too. It makes her feel better whenever Yoh was around with his goofy smile of his.

"Besides, I'll be there by your side when the baby comes... I'll let you borrow my courage and hold your hand, so you will know that you're not alone." he rested his chin on her head. Anna nodded; she was convinced by his words full of truth and love. "Thanks Yoh." She said as she closed her eyes.

She brought his hands with hers and put it on her tummy. They felt the baby move which made the two smile happily, knowing it was full of life and energy.

"Yoh?" Anna started once again. "What do you think the baby will be?"

Yoh thought for I moment. "hmm... I do want a boy."

"Really? Me too..." Anna said rubbing her stomach gently.

Yoh gave a chuckle. "Really? I thought you would say Girl. But it doesn't matter what it is... we'll love it with all our heart."

Anna suppressed a giggle. "Yes, of course..."

They remained hugging each other as silence filled the room... ...



"Yeah Anna?"

"Get up and make me breakfast... I'm starving..."

Yoh sweatdropped and sighed. He was hoping Anna was still gonna ask him about the baby or something else... but she is pregnant and pregnant women eat a lot.

"Hai, Anna..." He said getting to his feet.

"But first help me get off the bed please?" She said extending her hands to him.

Yoh smiled. "Alright." and helped her up.

Anna wobbled a little and quickly regained her balance. Her long night dress perfectly shaped her huge tummy. Yoh assisted her as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Don't forget my breakfast Yoh!" She said before closing the bathroom door.

"Yes, Anna..." the shaman said smiling.

"Oh and one more thing..." She suddenly pulled Yoh closer to her and kissed him fully on the lips.

after a few seconds, she broke the kiss, then she smiled. " forgot my good morning kiss..."

Yoh grinned, "How could I have forgotten!"

Anna giggled and closed the bathroom door.

"Breakfast Yoh!" She called out again.

"Oh yeah... I'm on it Anna!" He said speeding out of the room.


Ring... ring... ring..

Ring... ring... ring...

"I'll get it!" Yoh yelled from the hallway. He reached for the phone on it's cradle.

"Hello?" He said putting the receiver on his ear.

"Oh grandma! Hi. Yes... she's fine... no not yet... uh-huh..."

Anna slowly made her way down the stairs. Taking each step carefully and holding on to the railings.

She found Yoh by the phone and made her way there.

"Sure... that would be great..."

She looked at Yoh and mouthed "Who's that?"

Yoh mouthed back. "Grandma."

"Oh." Anna nodded. She noticed that Kino was always calling every month of her pregnancy to check up on her. Of course, She was her sensei and her mother figure.

When the whole Asakura family in Izumo found out that She was pregnant, Anna thought they would break the engagement and separate her from Yoh. But they didn't, they just told them that they have a huge responsibility in their hands and surprisingly declared Anna an Asakura now even though they weren't married yet.

"Okay... I'll tell her then. Okay... okay... see you guys tomorrow! Alright... you too Grandma. Bye." Then Yoh hunged up.

"Tomorrow? What about tomorrow?" Anna asked when Yoh faced her.

"Oh yeah! She said, She and the others wants to be here when the baby comes..." Yoh said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "So they're coming tomorrow... and spend the week here until you have your delivery."

"Oh okay... that would be nice if your parents and grandparents are here..." Anna said putting her hands to behind her to support her back.

"Oh, I think it's just Mom... Grandma said Dad isn't around... maybe he'll just come over." Yoh said. "Hey, I just finished breakfast! Let's go eat now!" He smiled.

"Alright... I'm so hungry I could eat something right now..." The itako said as she made their way to the kitchen.

"hehe... I figured you'd say that..." Yoh grinned as he followed his wife.


"Anna, I'm gonna run my laps now..." Yoh said putting on the last weights on his wrists.

"Good boy, you remembered... I thought you'd still need to be told." The blonde said as she looked up at Yoh from her seat. She was watching her favorite soaps in the morning.

"Nah. I know it already... besides you can't train me... so I'll do the training by myself." The Asakura grinned. Even though the Shaman fight is over she still trains him to be stronger.

Anna raised a brow. "You better not slack off... or else." She threatened.

"I won't... I won't. I promise!" He said reassuring her. He vowed that he will not make Anna mad through her whole trimester.

"Alright." She said.

"I'll just run around the park and be back real quick." Yoh went to Anna and kissed her on the cheeks. "I'll leave Amidamaru with you in case the baby comes... then he'll rush and call me, okay?"

Amidamaru popped out in his spirit ball form. "I shall look after Lady Anna."

"Okay Yoh." Anna said as he watched her husband go out the living room.

"Ja ne Anata!" He waved goodbye.

"Ja." Anna said back, then she returned back to her show.

Amidamaru turned into his full form and sat down on the back as he watch the itako with his sharp eyes, in case Anna was in pain or something...



Okay! that was chapter one... what do you guys think? I'm trying my best to make it better... so please just bear with what I wrote. And also if you see errors, please alert me... Whew! Okay... I'm tired... I'll update soon! If I have many reviews! hehe... Ja!

Sneak Peek (Chapter 2) SPOILER WARNING!!!

"Oh we're just visiting... that's all..." Silva said. "Ever since the Shaman fight ended I started to miss you guys, right karim?"

The copper-skinned man nodded.

Yoh grinned at the two Indians. "That's great guys. Hey, Let's go inside the house and have tea."



Anna was clutching her stomach as her breathing went shallow...

Then she felt something wet sliding down on her legs.

She gasped.

Tears were forming in her eyes as she felt the pain coming.
