Heya faithful readers! How are you guys? Again, I apologize for not UPDATING! I know... I'm neglecting my other stories but I've been so busy! I don't have the time to write 'em!

ANNA: Yeah right! You're not busy... you always stay at home lazing around like Yoh...

YOH: O.O;; meep?

ABIE: -pouts- Anna... I'm working now remember?!

ANNA: Yes, but you work during weekends only!

ABIE: B-but... Weekdays I drop and get my little brother from school...

ANNA: Then what do you do when your brother is in school hours now? Hm?

ABIE: -opens mouth then closes- ...I'll deal with you later... -mumbles- stupid ice queen...

ANNA: -glares- What did you say!??

ABIE: Oh nothing... -turns back to readers- anyways minna-san, this is the final chappie of Anna's labor... so, I want to thank all of you who supported my fic... -gets list from pocket-

ANNA: Oi! Do the thanks AFTER the story! That's a long list you have!

ABIE: -sigh- Alright... alright! Okay... And also I'd like to thank Anna and Yoh for helping me host my author's ramblings...

ANNA: Yeh, whatever...

YOH: No problem Abie-chan! And don't let Anna get to you... -smiles-

ABIE: -pouts cutely- Y-yoh-kun! You're so NICE!!! -hugs-

ANNA: Oh boy... just get the story on!

ABIE: Alright... Well minna... presenting the FINAL Chapter of Anna's Labor... ENJOY!!! And THANX SO MUCH!!! -gives all of you cookies- ja ne!


((Enjoy the last chappie and don't forget to give me your last REVIEWS for this fic! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! -huggles all of YOU-))



"Oh my... what a hungry little baby..." Keiko cooed as she arranged the baby's blanket around it.

The Itako was wincing and giggling silently as she watched Hana on her arms sucking on her right breast hungrily.

"Are you okay Anna?" Keiko asked.

"Yes, I'm fine..." Anna gave a loud giggle this time. "I-it's just... it's tickling me..."

The Miko laughed. "Yes, it does tickle but you'll get used to it... breast milk is very healthy for infants."

The blonde relaxed herself and continues to watch his son from her arms. She stroked baby Hana's rosy cheeks and he gave a small coo... and she smiled at his reaction.

Keiko sighed dreamily. "Babies are so precious aren't they?"

Anna looked at her and smiled. "Yes... yes they are..." then she looked back at her son. 'My precious little baby... My baby Hana...'


Downstairs... the men were now watching TV and Karim finally woke up from his faint. Kino was also there, silently drinking her green tea.

The coppered-skin man stood up. "Man. I was out cold for a long time huh?"

Yoh smirked. "Yeah. I didn't know you Hemaphobic Karim..."

Karim snorted. "Well, I've seen blood during the shaman fight... but not too much..."

Silva and Yoh laughed and the patch blushed tomato red.

"I... I'm gonna get fresh air outside..." He said rushing outside the backyard where Yohmei was... smoking his pipe like keiko had told him too...

Suddenly the phone rang...

"Ah, I'll get that..." Yoh said standing up and rushing to the telephone.


From the other line, "Hello Yoh-kun?"

The shaman's eyes widen when he heard that familiar voice.

"Manta?! MANTA! It is you!!!"

"Heya Yoh-kun! I heard the news! Congratulations!"

"Hehe... thanks buddy... but how did you know?"

"Well, Mousuke and Mick said the news was all over the spirit realm! And we we're so happy to know that!"

"Hehe... that's great! I guess Amidamaru told everyone."

"Chocolove is with me... hold on... I'll put this thing to 'speaker'"

Yoh smiled. He missed all of his friends... and he wished he could see them all again...

"YOH-KUN!!!" Chocolove screamed from the receiver.

Yoh sweatdropped and laughed. "Hey Choco! How are you?"

"I should ask you... HOW'S the NEW Daddy doin'!?"

The brunette grinned and continued his conversation with his friends Manta and Chocolove. He told them all about Anna's childbirth, Silva and Karim doing the labor, Hana, and all the things that had happened...


Funbari Train Station...

"Onii-san!!!" Pirika whinned. "Why'd you have to had diarrhea today!? What a bad timing!" She fumed.

Horo Horo clutched his stomach. "I-I don't know... it must be those peanuts I ate back at the train."

Kororo appeared behind him, feeling pitty for his master.

"Mou... I told you to throw that bag of peanuts you found under your seat!" She scolded.

"I'm sorry Pirika!" Horo screamed and suddenly felt a twisting sensation inside his stomach. "Oh no... Shoot! I gotta go find a BATHROOM!!!!" then he rushed towards the station building.

The female ainu shook her head and slapped her forehead. "Oh Onii-san..."


Tokyo Airport...

"huff... huff... Jun... slow... huff... down!!!" The Chinese shaman said trying to catch up with his older sister. His Chinese warrior spirit Bason tagging behind him.

She was happily walking faster with her mochirei Li Pyron, who was carrying her belongings.

"DAMMIT slow down woman!" He finally snapped.

"Bocchama..." Bason said sweatdropping.

The green haired daoshi stopped and so did Pyron. She looked behind her. "Ren... your so slow, that's why you can't catch up with me..."

"Kisama!" He cursed silently. His sister obviously didn't get that they we're not in a hurry...

They finally reached the exit of the airport and decided to take the taxi to En Inn.

"Taxi!!!" Jun called out sweetly. Ren kept on fuming about his sister being so thrilled about seeing Yoh and Anna's baby.

But honestly... he can't wait to see the Shaman King's new son too... He just wouldn't show it.

"To Funbari district please..." said Jun as they entered the vehicle.


Mikihisa pulled over the driveway in front of the Inn...

"We're here..." He announced to the pink haired girl sitting on the passenger's seat.

"Uhm.. Anou... M-mikihisa-san... are you sure about the car?? I-I mean, you did just steal it from a rent-a-car company..." Tamao said stuttering as she undid the seatbelt.

The Ascetic Monk laughed behind his mask. "Don't worry Tamao! I wouldn't call this stealing anyway, it's called borrowing... If you steal, you threat or hurt someone... but if you didn't, then that is not stealing..." He said laughing out loud again.

Tamao just sweatdropped, "Ahehehe... okay?"

"Alright! Let's go... Don't forget the fruit basket..." He said adjusting his bird mask.

"H-hai!" Tamao said getting a large brown basket with a blue ribbon on it...


"Haha! Alright... thanks again Manta, Anna and I really appreciate it... Okay... see you soon okay?? You take care too... okay.. bye... yeah... okay... Bye! Bye Choco! hehe..." Then he put the receiver down on it's cradle.

He decided to go back to the living room but he felt a familiar furiyoku by the door...

He went to the front shoji door and slid it open.

"Hi there Yoh!"

"D-dad!? DAD!" Yoh said giving his old man a hug. "I thought you wouldn't come!"

"Hehe... and miss seeing my new grandson? No way! I wouldn't miss this for the world..."

"He-hello Yoh-sama..." Said a fidgetting voice from behind Mikihisa.

The monk stepped inside the house and Yoh saw Tamao blushing furiously.

"Hey! Tamao! Nice to see ya!" He greeted... The pinkette looked away and presented the large fruit basket. "H-here you go Y-yoh-sama!"

"Oh wow... thanks Tam" he said taking the basket and giving her a friendly hug.

Tamao blushed even more, it was too much pressure so she pulled away. She bowed, "Yoh-sama, C-congratulations to y-you and miss A-anna... I'm so happy f-for you two..." She said smiling shyly.

Yoh gave her his trademark grin. "Thanks Tammy... Come on inside..." He said.

Tamao smiled brightly, "Hai." and followed him inside.


Upstairs at Anna's room...

Baby Hana was finished eating now and was gurgling and cooing at his mom.

Anna smiled at played with the little baby in her arms. Letting him grab her slender fingers.

Keiko was sitting down a chair nearby the window, watching them happily.

Then they heard footsteps from the hallway...

The shoji door opened and Yoh popped his head in... "Hey..." he said gently. "Someone's here to see you..."

Then the newcomers entered the room. Keiko smiled and rushed over to her husband.

"Glad you could make it Anata..." She said, putting Miki's mask on the side and giving him a peck on his cheek.

Mikihisa beamed at his wife. "I wouldn't want to miss this moment..." Then he saw Anna on the futon and smiled widely as he saw the bundle on her arms.

"Hello Anna..." He greeted.

The Itako gave a nod. "Oji-sama..."

He laughed. "Now now Anna... no need for formalities... we're family here."

Anna laughed and let Mikihisa see baby Hana. "Hana, meet your grandfather baby..." She said to Hana who was wearing a puzzled look on his round face. He blinked and suddenly cooed.

The monk smiled widely behind his mask, he wasn't aware that there were tears forming in his eyes...

He shook them away, "So, his name is Hana eh?" He said with a gentle voice.

Anna nodded and gestured Mikihisa to hold the infant. And He carefully took him in his arms...

"Hello there little one... Sorry you have to see grandpa with a mask on. You might get scared if I took off right now..." He said in a teasing voice. Hana continued looking at him blankly.

"Uhm... Anou..." Said a shy voice from the shoji door.

Anna and Keiko shot a glance at the door and saw the pink-haired diviner.

"H-hello A-anna-san..." She greeted with a faint blush.

Anna smiled widely. "Tamao! It's good to see you..."

Tamao went to Anna's side and to her surprise the Itako hugged her. Like a little sister she never had...

When they broke the hug... Tamao looked at Anna. "How are you feeling Anna-san?"

"I'm fine now... I'm so glad you came and visited..." The blonde said smiling faintly.

That's when Mikihisa returned the baby back to it's mother... "Here you go Anna... he's a cute little tyke... can't wait till he's all grown up and I can spar with him." he laughed. "Just kidding..."

Keiko rolled her eyes and smiled. "Oh Anata!" She said as she teasingly slap his arm.

Anna arranged Hana's blanket as the baby squirmed inside...

"Oh Anna-san... is that?" Tamao asked, tears forming on her eyes.

Anna nodded and let her hold Hana.

The pink-haired girl careful took him in her arms and looked at him... She giggled. "Oh Anna-san, he looks like Yoh-kun... only he has your hair..."

the two girls continued on with what they were doing. Yoh, who was leaning on the wall observed them... he, has never seen Anna so happy... She really changed a lot...

Suddenly he heard the phone ring from downstairs... and decided to go get it since he knows that the call is for him and Anna.

He exited the room and rushed down the stairs. "I'll get it!!!" He yelled before some one might get it before him.

"Hello? ...LYSERG!!! How are you??"


Pirika Usui looked at her wristwatch annoyingly. His brother was still in the bathroom for like an hour now...

Kororo who was floating beside her, looked around and found a bench...

"Kuru..kuku ru!" She said gesturing Pirika to sit down and she pointed the nearby seat.

"Ah. Thank you Kororo..." The ainu girl said smiling at her. "I am tired of standing up and I AM waiting for my..." She raised her voice. "IDIOTIC BROTHER OF MINE!!!" then she sighed.

She really wants to go see Yoh, Anna and the new baby right now...


"Thank you very much... and here you go..." The daoshi said handing their fare to the driver.

While Pyron and Ren got their belongings at the car trunk.

Ren and Jun weren't staying at Yoh's place. They we're going to a hotel after they visit Yoh, Anna and the baby.

"Well... what are we waiting for let's go..." Jun said once the cab left. Ren and Pyron just smiled at the green-haired Shaman.

Ren gave her a smirk... "Let's go.."

Then they entered the Inn's compound.


"Yep... uh-huh... I'll tell her. Okay... when will you visit here? ...Alright then... Okay... hope to see you real soon ok? I want the gang to have a reunion! Everyone from the Shaman fight. Haha! Yeah sure... Okay... thanks again Lyserg! Yes... okay, take care too! Okay... bye!"

Yoh put down the receiver on it's cradle and sensed shaman furiyoku on the door again...

When he opened it he saw Ren and Jun Tao, Bason and Li Pyron.

"Hey guys!" He greeted happily.

"Hey your self too..." Ren said gruffily.

Before he could reply back, Jun grabbed Yoh into a big hug and she was screaming. "Oh Yoh! We heard the NEWS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for the two of you!!!"

Ren, Bason and Pyron sweatdropped. And Yoh was blushing and grinning madly inside Jun's hug.

When the daoshi finally released the brunette, he invited them to come inside.


"Anna and the baby are sleeping right now..." Yoh said when he got down from upstairs.

Jun smiled sweetly as she took the tea from Tamao. "It's okay... let her rest. We'll see her when she wakes up."

Ren folded his arms and leaned on th wall. "So Yoh... how it like being a father now?"

Yoh blushed and scratched his head. "Ah... well... I'm very happy... I don't know what kind of challenges awaits Anna and me for the baby... but somehow we'll work it out."

"Don't worry Yoh..." Silva started. "If you guys need help, we.. all your friends, will be here for you two."

"Silva's right son... Me, your mom and your grandparents are also here for you..." Mikihisa said patting Yoh at the back.

Then all the occupants in the living room murmured and nodded in agreement.

The brunette smiled. "Aw... thanks everyone... thank you very much."

Suddenly Kino banged her cane on the table causing everyone to keep quiet... "Enough sappy talk... I can't hear the TV..."

Everyone sweatdropped and laughed silently.

Mikihisa whispered to Yoh... "In your grandmother's own words that means she loves you too..." then the two laughed out loud.


Two blue-haired siblings were walking towards the streets of funbari district.

"Thanks Pirika...I never thought I'd get better..." Horo Horo said grinning.

"Well, thank Kororo... She spotted a nearby pharmacy... I just bought the medicine." Pirika said smiling.

"Kuru!" Kororo happily responded. She was resting on Pirika's shoulder.

The older ainu looked at both of them... "Well, then Thanks to both of you... and sorry for making you guys wait.." He said suddenly hugging his little sister and Kororo.

The three laughed out merrily. "Come on Onii-san... Yoh and Anna are waiting!"

"Hehe... your right... Let's go!" Horo said pumping his fist up the air. "En Inn here we come!!!" He yelled.




The phone of the En Inn rang once again...

"I got it..." Yoh said, standing up and rushing to the phone.

"Hello?? Ryu! Hey! How's Hiroshima? hehe... thanks..."

While Yoh was on the phone, everyone in the living room we're so absorbed at the TV show in front of them...

"Idiot! Pick 'deal'!" Kino said. "If he chooses a case containing the million, it's his lost..."

"No deal!" Mikihisa, Silva and Karim said in unison.

Ren smirked. "Hmp, the one million is in case #3. I know it..."

"Ren, just because 3 is your favorate number doesn't mean it's in there..." Jun said. "I say it's in case #10!" She said happily.

"Kisama! That's YOUR favorite number!!!" Ren yelled as his tongari got longer.

"Sssh!!! be quiet!" Keiko said entering the room. "Anna and Hana are sleeping!"

So everyone kept quiet and watched TV silently.

Tamao, who was sitting next to Jun, was giggling at her friends.


Yoh didn't spent too much on the phone with Ryu, he said he had to go now because ballboy got stuck on a old wishing well and the other's can't get him out.

the brunette chuckled at the thought and decided to head back to the living room...

But suddenly he felt a shaman's furiyoku again! (this is getting weird... O.o;;)

He opened the door and saw Pirika and Horo Horo.

"Hey! Pirika! Horo!" He greeted. "Man, everytime I get off the phone I feel furiyoku outside the door and suddenly seeing my friends..." He thought inside his head.

"Heya BIG daddy!!" Horo Horo said quickly grabbing Yoh's head and giving him a noogie.

"Ah! Horo stop!" Yoh said wincing in pain.

"Onii-san!" Pirika said. "Stop it!" that's when Horo let Yoh go...

The female ainu smiled and held Yoh's hand. "Congratulation Yoh-kun!"

Yoh grinned. "Thanks Pirika... I'm glad to see you guys!"

"Come on in!" he said.

The two ainu siblings went inside and was greeted by Jun and Tamao. They made themselves comfortable inside the living room.

Yoh was about to follow but the phone rang again!

He sighed heavily and answered the phone.

"Hello?? FAUST!! Hey, how're you doing? How's Germany??"

Their conversation went on with Faust's ramblings about the labor, like how did Silva manage to give medical attention when HE isn't a doctor? And other things... Yoh just laughed at the Necromancer and told him everything...



"Aww... Kawaii!!!!" Pirika and Jun squealed in unison as Anna cradled Hana in her arms.

The baby just stared at the two female in front of him, trying to memorize their faces.

"What's his name?" Asked Pirika.

Anna smiled. "His name's Hana..."

"That's so CUTE!!!" Pirika giggled like a hyper school girl.

The 2 girls continued their random questions and swooning over Baby Hana. Anna sweatdropped at the girls in-front of her.

Ren and Horo shook their heads in embarrassment.

"Pirika..." Horo said with gritted teeth.

"I knew Jun would go ga-ga on the baby... no wonder she was in such a rush..." Ren said with closed eyes.

"Same goes with my sister." Horo Horo nodded.

Then the two sighed at the same time... Yoh just grinned at his friends and gave a hearty laugh.

After a few minutes... Pirika and Jun's turn was over. It was the two shaman's turn...

"Hey Anna..." Ren greeted as they came near Anna's futon.

While Horo smiled at her.

"Hello Ren and Horo. How are you guys?" She said with a smile.

"Heh. We're good..." The ice shaman said giving her a thumbs up. "And you? How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm feeling fine..." The itako said as she looked down on Hana who was playing with his tiny fingers.

The two smiled warmly as they followed the blonde's gaze and set their eyes on the infant.

Hana suddenly drop his small hands and looked at Ren and Horo. He gave a small coo and he looked at them with a confused stare.

Horo couldn't help but grin and play with the little kid.

"Hey there... I'm your uncle Horo Horo..." He said wiggling his index finger on Hana's rosy cheeks. "And when you grow up we'll teach ya everything we know about being a strong Shaman!"

"Hmp. Yeah right..." Ren muttered.

A vein popped out of Horo's head. But he calmed himself... this is not the right time to be arguing with Ren... little Hana was inside the room.

The ice shaman just grinned. "That's right... And we'll make fun of your uncle Ren all day long!" He said to the baby.

"Kisama!" Ren hollered.

Horo looked at Ren innocently. "Ssh... Ren! There's a baby in here!"

"I don't care!" He said getting his kwandao. That's when Yoh, who was near the door, came to the two and grabs hold of the Chinese shaman.

"REN! Stop!"

That's when Hana started crying because of the loud shouting. Yoh looked at his son and Anna began rocking and comforting the baby then she glared at the two...

"Don't you two have better things to do than fight every time you two see each other?! What kind of friends are you??" She said.

Yoh glared also. "Anna's right you two... If you just came here to rough house then I suggest you do it some other place..." This time Yoh, the happy and calm guy we all know, was VERY serious. They maybe his closes friends, but this has gone too far, there was a NEW born baby in the room and they we're fighting?

Ren lowered his head and weapon. "S-sorry Anna... Yoh..." He said.

Horo just sniggered silently. The itako heard him, "What about you Horo?" She snapped.

The ainu sweatdropped. "Eh... uh... S-sorry guys.."

"Now, if you guys are done here please leave... Hana needs to sleep now." Anna said as Hana calmed down and began to yawn.

"Okay..." Ren said. "W-we're really sorry again.. and congratulations you two! You don't know how happy we are for you guys." then he gave a faint smile.

"For once I agree with Ren... We're also proud of you guys!" Horo said giving a thumbs-up.

Yoh and Anna smiled.

"It's okay... and thank you..." Anna said as she put Hana gently on his small little bed next to her. The baby yawned again and drifted off to sleep.

The two shamans exited the room and went downstairs. Leaving the couple alone in the room.

Anna lied back down on her futon and sighed. Yoh sat next to her and put an arm around her.

"What's wrong Anna?" He asked giving her a kiss on forehead.

"Nothing. I'm just... tired." the itako gave a small smile.

"Oh, then go ahead and rest..." He said as he was about to stand up, Anna grabbed his shirt. The brunette looked at his wife.

"Yoh, please stay with me..." She begged.

Yoh smiled gently. "Ah... alright..." He said returning to his spot and giving Anna a hug and the blonde rest her head on his chest.

The two remained silent for a moment and heard a soft whimper from the little baby beside them. The couple looked at their sleeping son...

"Look at him Yoh..." Anna said, smiling. "He's so precious..."

"Yeah..." The shaman said.

"I wonder what it will be like after a week with Hana?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it too much. We'll work things out if we have troubles. Besides, we have friends to help us out..." Yoh replied.

"I guess... You're right. Everything will work out..." Anna said smiling.

"Uh-huh..." the brunette said as he cuddled with his wife.


"Hey, Manta and Chocolove called today..." Yoh started.

"Oh really?" Anna asked. "That's nice..."

"And also, Lyserg, Ryu and Faust..." The shaman continued on. "They all gave us their congratulations."

Anna smiled, "Oh those guys... why don't you invite them all for a reunion?"

The brunette grinned. "Well, that's what I told them... Yeah, a reunion would be nice..."

"Oh yeah, Manta told me that he's sending over a (-1-)surprise for the baby... Though, he didn't tell me what it was..." He said pulling Anna close to him.

"Oh? Wow... that's nice of him... the little shrimp." Anna gave a giggle.

Suddenly they heard a wave of cheers from downstairs...

"YES!!! Good DEAL!!! GOOD DEAL!!!" Yelled Mikihisa.

Then... "Sssshh! Minna! The baby's sleeping! Please QUIET down!" Not surprisingly, Keiko's.

Then the noise faded in an instant.

Yoh and Anna laughed silently.

"What on earth are they doing down there??" Anna asked giggling.

"Watching TV..." Yoh replied.

Then the two suddenly became silent as they heard Hana whimper from his sleep.

Silence again...

"Yoh..." Anna started.

"Yeah?" The shaman asked.

"Isn't it wonderful that everyone... well, almost everyone... are here with us?? It feels so good that our friends and family is gathered and having fun?? Specially this day... this memorable day..." Anna said gazing at the slumbering infant.

Yoh smiled gently. "Yeah... it feels nice... I'm sure the coming REUNION will so much fun!"

Anna nodded and closed her eyes. "Yeah... I know it will. I'm so happy that we have a family now..." then nuzzled on Yoh's chest and gave a gentle sigh. She felt a little drowsy now...

Yoh looked at his wife and gave a warm smile. "Yeah, I'm happy too." Then he kissed her forehead... "I love you Koishi..."

"I love you too... anata..." now she drifted off to sleep.

The Shaman glanced over the sleeping baby Hana and whispered. "...and we love you too, Hana Asakura... our little flower.."


Suddenly the Itako gave a giggle. "Yoh?"

Yoh looked at his wife, he thought she was sleeping now... "Yeah? What's wrong Anna?" He asked.

"Have you ever changed a baby's diaper before?"

...THE END...


Okay?? Was it okay to END it that way?? O.o;; PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF THAT WAS LAME!!!! Anyways, there you have it... "ANNA's LABOR"

Thank YOU so much for reading minna-san!!! I really appreciate all the support and the reviews... Abie05 isn't done yet, I still have LOADS of fanfic in the near future so watch out for that!

(-1-)Oh yeah, to the people who wants a SEQUEL for this... I have GOOD NEWS!!! I HAVE A SEQUEL!!! it's entitled; Baby 101 (Title may change..) and Manta's surprise is in here! JUST WATCH OUT FOR THAT ONE!!! XP

Thanks to the following people:
-Dennis Gerbera (1st reviewer!)
-Roxas's angel
-Mrs Asakura Hao
-aya kawaii
-Takayama Akimi
-Nai Shade
-Holy Girl
-ANBU penguin
-Kendricks Alashane
-anna butrpho
-Amore timble

And to other FUTURE reviewers! A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!

That's it! I'm outta here! Till my NEXT Shaman king Fanfiction! Ja matta ne minna-san!!! XD

Anna's Labor (2006) by Abie05.

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