A/N: Ok this is my first HP fanfic. This is a one-shot because my writing muse has died since school started. I already have two unfinished stories and I wasn't about to make another. This idea I got from the odd random conversations with my brother. I was talking about the Hogwarts Founders and my brother comments, "I don't get why everyone thinks Salazar Slytherin is evil. How evil can he be if he was best friends with Gryffindor?" This bloomed into a conversation about The Chamber of Secrets then into this cute little ficcie!

Disclaimer: No I do not own Harry Potter or any of the wonderful characters even the ones only talked about. sobs in corner Satisfied?

Secrets -The real reason theChamber of Secrets was made.

Plot by, Bynd T. Way


"But Sal!" whined a middle aged blonde wizard. He was standing in the Hogwarts dungeons with his best friend, whining like a child.

"No", said best friend replied for what seemed to be the millionth time. His just couldn't get it through his thick skull.

"Come on Salazar!" the blonde whined again.

"Absolutely NOT Godric!" a more than a bit agitated Salazar Slytherin practically hissed at his friend.

"Please?" Godric Gryffindor, who was used to Salazar's hisses, continued.

"You are not bringing an animal to this school!" the voice was meant to be the last word on the matter, but Godric didn't notice.

"Not just an animal! A pet! Come on!" prodded the blonde wizard.

"NO!" Salazar nearly shouted.

The argument drew the attention of various students. To an outsider these two looked to have come from different planets, one a greatly tanned, blonde, muscular man and the other a pale, black haired, thin man who looked like he didn't go outside often. The first year Gryffindors' and Slytherins' watched in confusion as their Heads of House bickered while the older students didn't seem to think anything fascinating. Indeed it was odd not to see the two friends arguing about something or other.

"Why not!" Godric finally huffed indignantly.

"Because, for you, a 'pet' is the most dangerous, destructive, uncontrollable monster you can get. So, let me reiterate, NO!" Salazar said in the voice that made the students cringe.

"It won't be a monster" apparently unaffected Godric kept on.

"Godric, don't you think I know you enough to realize what types of animals you like?" the darker man said smirking.

Godric seemed to have no comment to that.

"Exactly Godric!" the Slytherin founder said as he hissed the password to his quarters, happy the conversation had ended.

It was too good to be true.

"What if I get something harmless? Like a hippogriff!" Godric had managed to slip in behind Salazar.

"No Godric. This may be hard to believe but hippogriffs CAN harm students, and if you hadn't noticed not all our students ready to handle a beast like that!" Salazar rubbed his head in agitation.

"I would train it…" mumbled the blonde.

"Sure you would Godric!" Salazar was really getting a headache.

"Okay…what if I list the pets I want and you can tell me if I can get them or not!" Godric said cheerfully.

"Oh great that's exactly what I planned to do this morning!" the dark man groaned.

Smiling triumphantly Godric started his list.

"A dragon!"

"That's out of the question" was the reply.

"Uh, a Cerberus "

"Isn't that a three-headed dog?" Salazar asked with a raised eyebrow.


"No way"

"A chimera? Godric asked hopefully.

"No Godric"


"Defiantly not", Salazar sighed.

"Oh come on! How about a Kraken?"

"We have one in the lake…you wanted that too", Salazar said as he remembered having to deal with Godric's whining then also.

"A manticore?"

"They like to eat people Godric!" the dark wizard said incredulously.

"Okay how about a Roc?"

"No", said Salazar thinking of the giant bird snatching up his students.

"Your saying 'no' to everything!"

"These are impossible choices Gryffindor!" he was finally getting fed up.

"How about a griffin!"

"NO! Dear Merlin that's enough!" Salazar shouted at his overenthusiastic friend.

"What?" asked an oblivious Godric.

"You can not bring a monster to this school! If you want a pet, get an owl or cat or those other abominations your students like to let loose in this school", said Salazar dismissively, and sat down. He didn't notice the mischievous grin on his friend's face.

"Salazar?" the blonde asked in an innocent voice.

"What now Godric?"

"How about a snake?" Godric smiled when Salazar looked up.

He could see the dark wizard was thinking about it.

"I suppose that would be alright…"

"YES!" Godric pumped his fist in the air.

"But only one Godric, and I'm only agreeing because I think between you and I we can keep a large breed of snake, as I know you'll get", Salazar looked pointedly at his friend.

"They're the best kind!" Godric grinned from ear to ear.

"Though I do have a gift communicating with snakes I still do not want it wandering the halls so we need to make an area for it to move relatively freely… not in some horrible glass box", Salazar mumbled mostly to himself.

"Awesome! You do that and I'll get the snake!" Godric practically ran from the room.

Salazar looked after him and sighed knowing Godric was up to something.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"


"You know, when agreeing to this I hadn't realized how crazy you are", Salazar stared in awe at his friend.

"What are you talking about Salazar? This is amazing!" Godric looked like Christmas had come early.

"I said nothing of the creature's beauty, but do you know how dangerousthese are?" Salazar looked at Godric who frowned.

"Uh, a little"

"They kill with a look Godric", Salazar glared at his beat friend.

"That's why I blind-folded it", the blonde smiled smugly.

"I can imagine how…" Salazar looked back at the creature.

"And there poisonous but you can keep it from biting us, right?" Godric looked expectantly at Salazar.

"You better hope I can", the black haired wizard mumbled circling the magnificent creature.

"Isn't she beautiful though?" Godric said proudly.

"Yes, she is", Salazar replied wistfully before turning on his friend, "Godric, take her back"

"What? NO!" surprise shone in the blonde's eyes as he looked at Salazar.

"A BASILISK Godric? No, we cannot have a basilisk" Salazar shook his head.

"You know you always wanted one!" Godric tried to sound appealing.

"Put her back!" Salazar started hissing again.

"I can't!" Godric started whining again.


"I already named her!" the whining continued.


"Sophia! After Ophiuchus", Godric said proudly before he remembered he was trying to look pathetic and pouted again.

"Godric!" Salazar said suddenly looking over Godric's shoulder.

"What?" the light wizard turned around.

The basilisk had woken up and was now thrashing wildly trying to get the blind fold off.

"The sleeping spell must have worn off", was Godric's sheepish reply to Salazar's glare.

Salazar approached the frightened snake trying to calm her down.

"Hus-s-sh, my beauty, you are s-s-safe. S-S-Salazar is-s-s here to care for you." Salazar hissed in Parceltongue. At his words the giantsnake settled down, "Yes-s-s, my beauty, be calm." Once the basilisk was lying still Salazar rounded on Godric.

"See? We can handle it!" Godric said with a wide grin.

Salazar could only sigh in defeat. There was no getting through to Godric.


"I was able to make a hidden chamber for Sophia" Salazar said entering his best friend's quarters. He knew Godric so well it was easy to guess the password. Said friend jumped up from were he sat grading papers, happy for an excuse to stop.

"Really? Where?" Godric said excitedly.

"A girls' bathroom in…" Salazar began before being cut off.

"A GIRLS' bathroom?!?!" Godric stared at his best friend.

"I believe that's what I said" Salazar frowned at Godric's rudeness.

Godric cracked up.

"Why in the world-?" he managed between burst of laughter.

"It's a good hiding place!" Salazar said indignantly.

"Yeah…" Godric said with sarcasm.

"Anyway the passwords in Parceltongue so you need me to get in…" the dark wizard quickly changed the subject.

"What? Why?" Godric looked a bit angry.

"So you don't go down there and get yourself killed!" the dark wizard said matter of factly.

"I'm not going to get myself killed Sal" Godric told his friend.

"You could have gotten killed going after her in the first place" Salazar replied right back.

"Hey! I blind-folded her! I did it the smart way!"

"The 'smart way"? If it was so very smart, why don't we go tell Rowena? I'm sure she'd love to hear of your brilliance" Salazar smiled when his friend's eyes widened.

"If you tell Row or Helga I'll tell them you approved and helped me!" Godric said sounding quite like a child.

"Why do I always get stuck keeping your secrets?" Salazar sighed. Godric wasn't only his best friend but before he met Rowena and Helga, Godric was his only friend.

"Because you love me?" Godric looked up cutely.

"Oh yes, that must be it!" Salazar smirked and the famous friends left for dinner in the Great Hall.



And so the Chamber of Secrets was formed!

Hope you liked it! Please read & review! I'd love to hear what you think!

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