
Jackson was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. He was nervous about his wife, who was giving birth to her second baby. His daughter, on the other hand, was excited for her new sibling and was jumping up and down in excitement. The worst was finally over and a nurse drove into the waiting room.

"You can come in now, Jackson," she called to him.

"Is she alright? Is the baby alright too?" Jackson said in a shaky voice.

"You will have to wait and see," the nurse said calmly and gave him a wink. "Follow me." Jackson quickly turned to his daughter and told her to stay put and drove after the nurse.

He slowly drove down the hospital halls as his engine sputtered with nervousness. The nurse looked behind her and gave Jackson a quick smile and drove into a hospital room. He cautiously went into the room and there was his wife Anne, cuddling a little car baby. Jackson quickly drove over to her side.

"Oh ssweetie! Are yyou O.K?!" Jackson stuttered with excitement.

"You can stop worrying now honey, I'm O.K." Anne gave him a warm, comforting smile.

"The bbaby?!" Jackson stuttered again. Anne still held her warm smile.

"The baby's fine you worry wart! It's a boy and he looks just like you with just a few of my features thrown in. Here, do you want to hold him?" she handed Jackson the baby and he cuddled the baby in his tires. He did look just like his father and he was a lot smaller than his older sister was when she was born. He was tan and he had huge green eyes and was fairly a quiet baby.

"He's adorable Anne!" Jackson said loudly and Anne quickly shushed him, hoping that he didn't scare her son. Jackson was still a little tense, but he was slowly calming down.

"For the bravest and toughest car out on the drag racing circuit, you sure do loose your wits when it comes to his. I mean, look at you! If the other racers saw you Jackson, they wouldn't be able to stop laughing at you for a week!" Anne laughed. "He's got your racing blood in him honey, I can tell. He's gonna be a fantastic drag racer when he gets older, just like you." Jackson gave a light smile to his wife. Jackson was the best drag racer in Drag City and had won the city and state title 7 times in his drag racing career. He sure hoped that his son would be a good racer, but something told him probably not. Just then, the little car let out a sneeze. Anne giggled with delight.

"What shall we call him dear?" Anne asked him. Jackson thought for a bit and for a while, the two kept debating on what to call him. Finally, they reached a perfect name.

"Philly! We shall call him Philly!" Anne said happily. Jackson nodded; he looked just like a Philly. After that, the nurse had to ask Jackson to leave, since the hospital was closing up for the night. He kissed his wife goodbye and left the hospital, glad that his wife and Philly were all right.