Authors note: This is my first fanfic so i'm not really sure what I'm doing... well...
I of course don't own One Tree Hill but that is obvious.

Summery: The story centers around Brooke and Lucas and is set just after ep. 4x04 (Can't Stop This Thing We Started)
The rumors of Brooke being pregnant run rampant. Are they true and if they are, why is she lying to Lucas? Rachel flips between being a real bitch and a real friend to Brooke, but already in the beginning stuff happens that force Rachel to show her true colors...

CHAPTER 1 – Coming From Where I'm From

Brooke stumbles into the bedroom she shares with Rachel, more tired then she ever thought possible. It's dark in here. She figures that Rachel probably is out somewhere, and she breathes out thankfully. After last weeks argument at the party and Rachel's bitchy behavior since then, she's done her very best to avoid the bitch. She shrugs with irritation, remembering Rachel's threats by the pool. They had been cleaning up after the party and she had told Rachel of for flirting with Nathan and trying to come between him and Haley, but Rachel's response had not been what she expected.


"Rachel! Trying to steel a girl's boyfriend is bad enough. Trying to steel a girl's husband is unacceptable! Especially when the couple is Nathan and Haley, they've been through enough!"

"Yea? Well I'll make a note of that in my 'mind your on business-stationary!'"

"No, because as one of Haley's bridesmaids, making sure the stay together IS my business! So back off! She might be too classy to fight you but I'll kick your little ass!!"

"No I think you'll stay out of that…"

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because you're pregnant. …So… Who is the father? Lukas?"

"You don't know jack, unless he's one of those guys whose beanstalk you climbed the other night."

"You're gonna kiss your unborn baby with that mouth? Huh?

Come on Brooke. You have been begging me to find out! You haven't been drinking. You're making maternity-clothes… Oh, and I found the pamphlets from Plan Parenthood in your nightstand. What is that by the way, bedtime reading? The story of the knocked up cheerleader?"

"You were looking trough my drawers?"

"MY house, MY drawers! And I was looking for condoms, something you probably should have been doing!"

"I am NOT having this conversation with you!"

"I was talking to your baby…"

She had been furious at Rachel for saying those things to her, and in front of Mouth no less. Damn it, she's still furious. And then yesterday night at the Tric… Gosh! Just when she had started to think of Rachel as a friend, even a close friend, she pulls a stunt like that. It's getting clear that the girl has another agenda then being friendly. Anyway, Rachel's plastic nose sticking into her business is the last thing she needs right now.

Without turning on the lights she pulls the sweater over her head and throws it over a nearby chair, letting her jeans just fall where she stands. Completely exhausted she falls into bed.

And that's when the lights flicker on by the bed across the room and her redheaded roommate sits up to watch her coldly.

"So, runaway… Where have you been all evening? Of to anymore nightly adventures or are you ready to talk yet?"

Brooke just sighs.

"Rach, don't start. I'm really tired; I just want to sleep for a week.

A smug grin falls over Rachel's face. "Of course you do, mommy dearest. You know, that happens when you're pregnant."

"Hey Rachel, newsflash… Tudor-wife is the one who's preggers. It was official yesterday but maybe your stupid ass missed that memo?" She buries her head into the pillow trying to block out the room around her. "And you have a lot of nerve bringing this up again since you even told me last night that it was you who spread out the rumor in the first place! I've had that Clean Teen-girl harassing me all week, remember?"

But Rachel puts her feet on the floor as if getting ready to get up and her voice gets a little softer.

"Rumor, my ass… Look B, why don't you just admit it? Like I told you the other week by the pool, I found your pamphlets and all you've been doing the last two weeks is sleeping. Maybe Haley is pregnant but that doesn't mean that you're not."

"Just shut up. I just need lots of beauty sleep, okay?" Wasn't the bitch ever going to give up?

"That's weird Brooke, 'cause after all that sleep you still look like shit, no offense…"

She wants to get up and slap Rachel across the face but she is way too tired to even move. However angry she is, she's feeling her body drift of to sleep. "I really don't want to talk about this…" she mumbles, "but even if I did, I wouldn't talk to a marriage-destroying redhead without a life…"

Unwillingly Rachel crawls back in under her covers and turns of the light.

"Whatever Brooke. You don't have to be a bitch. I just figured you needed someone to talk to…"

But Brooke is already sleeping. And as Rachel closes her eyes she thinks that it's probably for the best. At least this way she won't have to listen as Brooke cries herself to sleep again.

The school corridors are scattered with teenagers trying to find their way to first period.

Brooke waves to familiar faces, throwing fake smiles left and right, while throwing her things into her locker. Then shuts it before she plasters on a happy face and heads towards her algebra-class. A hung over-like headache is throbbing in the back of her head and she tucks her math-books under her arm, trying to forget the fact that it's only Monday.

She hates Mondays. Double Algebra and history before lunch. English Lit-class and Spanish in the afternoon before two and a half hours of cheer-practice, which is usually her favorite part of the day, but today she just doesn't feel like cheering. And today being captain of the cheerleaders isn't going to help her. She can't blow of practice today; she did that twice last week. And she can't cancel either since the upcoming game against Bear Creek calls for an even harder practice than usual.

Someone walks up beside her.

"So you were out early this morning… I thought you said you needed your beauty sleep"

Rachel. Brooke grits her teeth and picks up the pace, hoping that Rachel will fall behind, but no luck. "Yea, I had some stuff to take care of."

They walk past Lukas and Haley and she gives Haley a small wave and a soft;

"Hey Tudor-girl…"

But then she looks into the ground before meeting Lukas' eye. Rachel raises an eyebrow and is just about to spit out some snide remark about her odd behavior but Brooke gives her an icecold look and for once Rachel actually gets the hint and shuts up.

They turn the corner to the cafeteria and the smells of coffee, pizza and pastries all blend together in the air and a sudden attack of nausea hits Brooke. She covers her mouth with her hand and runs into the nearby restroom. She can hear Rachel call her name but ignores her to make it in time. She runs into one of the stalls and has just enough time to kick the door semi-closed behind her before she bends over the toilet and throws up. Kneeing over the porslin bowl she keeps on hurling and moments later she feels someone's hands gathering her hair.

"Please, don't let it be Luke" she thinks and she closes her eyes before the next wave comes and she throws up again.

But the voice that softly reassures her that everything will be okay belongs to her redheaded roommate, and that's kind of equally bad. Because after this, convincing Rachel that she's fine will be impossible.

"Damn it" she mumbles, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Maybe it would be nice to tell someone… But then again, maybe not. Rachel is a bitch and thinking about her words the other morning helps her to remember that, before she goes all soft and starts crying against Rachel's shoulder or something.


"Look Rachel, I told you. I'm not pregnant!"

"Whatever you say… But you can't have the baby. You'd be a terrible mother."

"Why would I be a terrible mother?"

"Because we all turn into our parents. I mean, as soon as Brooke Junior hits puberty Brooke Senior hits South Beach."

"I will not!"

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant?"

Haley takes out her biology-book from her bag and puts it in the locker, thinking of Brooke. She had looked angry when Haley waved back at her and she is now left of feeling bad that her friend has caught her there laughing with Lucas. She knows Brooke is hurting, even though she doesn't know the whole story of the break-up.

Luke has turned awfully quiet at the sight of his ex and she'd watched him make a strange face when Brooke walked by without even as much as offering him a hello.

"Are you two still not talking?" she asks softly, patting his arm.

"I've tried but she's being really weird…"

"What do you mean?"

Lucas thinks about week before last. About what she said to him when she came over to his house and just dumped him, out of the blue. Or maybe not out of the blue, there had been the kiss-thing with Peyton, but he and Brooke had been good lately and he thought that she would understand why that had happened.

Brooke had come over the evening after the wedding, when him and Peyton had been listening to music at his place, and when Peyton left Brooke had just looked at him, as if she was disappointed.


"I tried to call you…" he said, thinking that she was probably angry for finding him with Peyton so soon after he told her about the library-kiss.

"You mean when you weren't hanging out with Peyton?"

"Come on Brooke, you never called me back…"

"Now you know how I feel." She snapped back, still looking angry but at the same time tired… Sad.

"Listen" she continued softer," I know it's been hard for you lately. Loosing Keith and your heart condition and giving up basketball… I feel like I've been keeping you close to me to try to protect you from those things… Like I'm hanging on to the two of us for you. But not for me."

"I'm SORRY I kissed Peyton! I should have told you…"

He felt tired too. Tired of her bringing the old Peyton-drama up every time they had the smallest argument, but she cut him of.

"It's not even about that Luke! It's not. …I thought that it was but it's not about her. It's about ME. I love you Lukas."

He smiled when she said that and he thought that at least one thing was constant, but then she had kept going.

"…And I probably always will… but we go days without having a meaningful conversation, and I used to miss you soo much when that happened… but it never seemed like you missed me… And I guess because of it I stopped missing you. I mean, look at today… It shouldn't be like this Luke…"

It wasn't until that point that he saw that her eyes were filled with tears. He had started getting worried then, where was she going with this? "Brooke…" he said, trying to buy some time. But she just smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry… I can't do this anymore…"

"I just don't understand her…" he says to Haley, leaning towards the lockers. "Last week, at the party at Rachel's house, I asked her why she never fought for me when she always wants me to fight for her. But she just said she weren't going to… I don't know Hales… It just feels like I've missed something. And then there is all that shit with the pregnancy rumors…" He sighs.

"I pissed her of royally last night when I took for granted that the supposed baby was Chris Keller's."

Haley looks at him sadly before linking her arm in his.

"But that was before I told you that it was me who was pregnant. You didn't know and she was just protecting me… She wasn't lying."

"Are you sure?"

He can see that she is trying to stand up for Brooke and he understands where Haley's coming from, even if he feels like she should be on his side. Brooke is being stubborn and he's just starting to get tired of her crap. Haley should see that, shouldn't she?

"I been trying to explain everything to her, but after that argument she's kind of avoiding me" he says and watches the corner that Brooke and Rachel turned minutes ago. He's still trying to decide on whether or not he should go after her.

"She's still beautiful though…" he says and sighs.

"Of course she is. It's Brooke Davis we're talking about here…" Haley says softly, and somehow he can't shake off the feeling that there is something that Haley's not telling him. But with Brooke obviously not even being able to look at him, that really didn't matter. He was probably screwed anyway.

"Thanks Rach, but you can go to class now…" Brooke mumbles still bending over the toilet.

She feels dizzy and tired and she just wants to be left alone. She's even thinking about taking the car straight back home. With being sick on top of everything else, this day was going to turn out really crappy anyway.

Rachel lets go of her hair but doesn't leave the bathroom. Instead she gives Brooke some paper towels and leans against the wall, watching her with a curious face. The staring annoys her.

"I said, you can go now. I'll be fine and it's no need for both of us to be late for algebra, right?" This time a little more sharpness in her voice. But Rachel still stands.

"No way Brookie. I'm not leaving here till you tell me exactly what's going on. And by the way, since when does either of us care about being in time for algebra?"

Brooke slowly stands up on wobbly legs and holds on to the cold clinkery wall for support, not wanting to show Rachel how shaken she really feels. And as always when she feels vulnerable her old bitchy self pops up.

"Just go Rachel! Don't fuck with me right now! Seriously, take that use-to-be-fat-ass out of here before I slap you!" she snaps but Rachel just smirks at her.

"You wouldn't."

Brooke raises her signature eyebrow. "Try me."

They stare at each other coldly and anger is fueling up inside her for real now. Mainly because she knows that the girl standing in front of her is one of few, maybe even the only one, who isn't scared off by her bitchy temper and angry outbursts.

God, why had she even moved in with the girl? She had known from day one that it meant trouble. But it had kind of been the only resolution to her housing problems at that point, with Peyton being the way she was and herself breaking up with Lukas. And truthfully, most of the time it had been fun. Rachel reminded so much of her self sometimes that it was actually scary. Damn, if Rachel had lived in Tree Hill from the get go, Brooke would probably have had to fight a lot more for her social status as the queen of Tree Hill High school. But right now, their likeness is completely annoying. Rachel is seeing right through her mask and she hates it.

Finally Rachel is the one who looks away and without saying anything else she sighs and walks away. Brooke congratulates her self silently for still being able to put the redhead in place, but right then Rachel turns in the doorway.

"You really are a mean slut Brooke. But don't forget; So am I. You know where I am if you need me…"

For a second Brooke just holds her breath, and then, when Rachel closes the door behind her, she slowly lets it out. There had been something in Rachel's eyes that she couldn't read. With her arms wrapped around her self she thinks that maybe, just maybe, she has just closed out someone who cares.
But the real question is, how do you know who cares? For real.

first chapter! What do you think? Since I've nerver done this it would be helpful with rewievs. :)