Cant talk, its 5.50am, my mum gets up in 20mins to go to work, if she finds out Im awake now...thinks jeez that wouldnt be good lol. Just a quick note: Decided to make chapter 5 into 5 and 6, because I wanted to update sooner rather than later, ENJOY!!!...and night

Chapter 5

Sasuke stirred, yawning as he did so. Still in the same position as he had been when he fell asleep, he wrapped his arms tighter around Naruto's waist, breathing in his scent. His head slowly rose, then fell, with Naruto's chest, as he listened to his steady heart beat.

The clock on the wall told Sasuke he'd had plenty of a lay in. "Shit…" he muttered under his breath. We were supposed to meet Kakashi an hour ago… He wanted to be bothered, but, really, he didn't care. After the night he'd had, they'd both had, Sasuke was surprised he was even awake now.

He took a moment, just feeling the warmth from Naruto, before deciding to wake him up. He didn't want to; the blonde looked so beautiful sleeping, with his long, dark eyelashes and his soft, rosy lips taking most of Sasuke's attention. But the decision was that they couldn't spend all day in bed. …Or maybe we can… he grinned to himself.

Leaning up, Sasuke gently placed his lips on Naruto's. Gently wasn't the best way to wake Naruto up, as the only thing that did was cause him to move around a little in his sleep. "Huh you're such a lazy bastard…" He smiled, placing his lips on Naruto's again, this time kissing him properly.

He was about to pull away, when he felt himself being drawn in closer. Naruto placed one hand on Sasuke's lower back, the other gripped his hair to keep him right where he wanted him. Sasuke could feel the blonde smirking, and he did his best not to laugh. They both let each others tongue enter, slowly, and Naruto let his hands roam over the body on top of him, confident that he wouldn't move. Sasuke's skin tingled as the blondes fingers lazily brushed up his back.

Pulling away slightly, but still in Naruto's arms, Sasuke smiled. "Good morning… how long were you awake for?" he asked.

"Long enough to know I'm a 'lazy bastard'." Naruto laughed, looking deep into Sasuke's eyes. "What time is it? I'm starving…hey you got any Ramen in this place?"

"Is that always your first thought when you wake up?"

"Well, I didn't eat yesterday…but yeah, pretty much…" Naruto grinned. Sasuke couldn't help but smile. He sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed by the blonde's feet.

"Even…even now when you've woken up…next to me?" The blonde's heart leapt at the whole tone of that last sentence. Suggestive wasn't in it. He could tell that Sasuke wanted him so badly. Sasuke was right though. He had the person he loved sat next to him, and there he was talking about food. The raven's pale skin burned a deep shade of pink, but his stare remained as focused as ever.

"I…Uh…" Naruto stuttered. He couldn't understand why nothing came out of his mouth. He usually would have said something stupid or crude to turn it all into a joke, but the mood of everything now was too serious for him to laugh about it. He didn't like serious situations; he never had. He only wished it stopped soon.

The tension ended, and Naruto's heart raced as Sasuke crawled his way up the blonde's body. He stopped at his hips, sitting on them with one foot hung over the side of the bed, and craned his head forward, lightly kissing those rosy lips again. Naruto heard Sasuke take a sharp breath in and moan, as he pushed his body into the raven's. craving more. Taking his hands from his side, Sasuke pushed up the blonde's vest, tracing round his spiral scar with his fingers. A moan escaped Naruto and Sasuke pulled away from his mouth, but still lightly stroked the scar. He licked up the blondes neck towards his ear, feeling the body underneath him tense with pleasure. Gently breathing onto Naruto's neck, making his body shiver with anticipation, Sasuke whispered.

"Hungry now?"

"Huh…Oh…oh yeah…" Naruto panted. "but…not for ramen…" He grinned, as he grabbed hold of Sasuke's wrists and rolled over on top of him, pinning him down. Naruto pressed his body tightly onto Sasuke's seeing the raven's skin blush and feeling his body push back, growing with lust. Naruto hastily pulled off his vest, whispering "Now its my turn…" huskily into his ear. As soon as Sasuke's hands were released from their grip, they scratched Naruto's back, pulling them closer, lips roughly meeting. One of the blonde's hands pushed down in between the two hot, moist bodies, in an attempt to remove his pyjama trousers from between them; their lips never parting, tongues never moving form inside one another's mouths.

Three loud knocks followed by the noise of the apartment door being opened forcefully echoed through to Naruto's and Sasuke's ears. On hearing the noise, they pulled their heads apart but felt a pair of eyes on them before the blonde could move off the boy below him. He stared at the raven in slight horror and then slowly turned his head, dreading to meet the eyes of the intruder.

"Ka…Kakashi…this…uh, this isn't…" This isn't what it looks like?! 'Course it is, dumbass!" was the simultaneous thought running through the threes minds.

"Can it, Naruto, I don't care about what you and Sasuke do in your spare time, nor do I wish to…picture it."

Naruto rolled off Sasuke onto the bed, laying on his back. He took a good look at the man stood by the door. He was panting, with his hair slightly flopped and his forehead protector skewed across the wrong eye. Sweat dripped down his cheek, Naruto reckoning he had ran to the apartment. Fucking hell Kakashi…bad timing! Naruto thought, bothered by what his teacher had interrupted, and extremely annoyed that because of him they weren't able to continue. He just stared at the intruder, yet growling inside; suddenly clearing his thoughts when the look in Kakashi's eye towards Naruto made him feel as if his mind were being read.

The blonde turned his head away from the gaze, looking towards Sasuke, who sighed and reached to his bedside table for a cigarette. He took his time, putting it in his mouth and lighting it, then taking a deep puff from it before speaking.

"Kakashi…I apologise for Naruto and I not meeting earlier; we hadn't had a very good night." Sasuke broke off to smoke another bit of his cigarette, Naruto noting his tone of voice; stern and harsh, like everyone saw him as. His personality had totally changed from how he had been with Naruto and he didn't like the difference.

"Not a good night…" Kakashi looked from the raven to the blonde and back again, raising an eyebrow. "I can tell." He finished, making no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

"Not like that." Sasuke replied, irritated at what Kakashi had implied…though how else was he supposed to see it?

"What do you want?" he said bluntly. He finished his cigarette quickly and gave his full attention to his teacher. You better have a damn good reason, Kakashi! Though thank fuck you didn't burst in any later… He suppressed a laugh and his facial expression never changed. "What do you want, Kakashi?" Sasuke repeated, his tone still cold. "And next time, no matter what it is, I would prefer it if you knocked and waited before barging into my apartment. I'm sure even with your perverted mind, you wouldn't want to see Naruto and I any further than we were." He heard the blonde laugh. Sasuke turned, shooting a look, and, without speaking, Naruto knew what he would be saying. Now's not the time.

"Kakashi. Either say something or leave. You're wasting my time and-"

"Sasuke, shut up and get out of your own ass long enough so I can fucking talk!" Kakashi raised his voice, startling both Naruto and, surprisingly, Sasuke. "Look, it's really important so I need to know the both of you are listening." The two nodded simultaneously, realising how serious Kakashi was. He sighed heavily, tilting his head towards the floor and closing his eyes to rub them roughly with his thumb and index finger.

"Was Gaara here last night?" he finally spoke, looking up at the two boys on the bed. The name spoken sent Sasuke's heart beating uncontrollably, for all the wrong reasons. He tried to block out what happened the night before yet his eyes stung with images. He felt a hand hold his and squeeze it supportively. He looked towards the blonde, who leaned forward and gently placed his lips on the ravens. A tear rolled down Sasuke's cheek as he ran his tongue along Naruto's bottom lip, wishing nothing more than to have Naruto holding him, loving him. He placed his free hand on Naruto's cheek, desperate to push his tongue further, forgetting his teacher was in the same room; also forgetting that he would see the real Sasuke, the Sasuke only Naruto had seen. The blonde pushed away, wanting the same as the raven yet realising now wasn't the time and he turned to speak to Kakashi.

"Yes. He was." Naruto said bitterly, as if nothing had happened. "But what has he got to do with you being here though?…And how did you know he was here?"
"Where you here last night, Naruto?" Naruto winced as he remembered.

"Only because Sasuke needed…only because I had to be." he said firmly.

"What time did you get here?"

"I don't know, about 12, maybe later…why?"

"Was Gaara already here when you arrived?"

"Uh, yeah…he was, but stop asking questions and tell me what this is all about!"

"Gaara has accused Sasuke of…uh…" Kakashi muttered, looking uneasy.

"Spit it out Kakashi." Sasuke spoke quietly.

"He accused you of forcefully having sex with him against his own choosing."

Sasuke's deep brown eyes welled up with tears. Letting out a small moan of horror, he looked from Naruto up to his teacher, tears streaming. Sasuke knew his emotions had been messed up by the two previous days events, yet he still found himself being inappropriate.

"He…he said I…I raped him?!" He looked deep into Kakashi's eyes, seeing a shadow of doubt yet not knowing if it was meant towards the raven. "Surely you don't believe him?…Kakashi…I…" This wasn't the sort of thing the Uchiha clan needed. No one ever dared speak against them, but Gaara still said something. Still lied. "Wait, they're going to believe him though, they know how we deal with people and if he's said something regardless they will think it's true!" Naruto placed a finger on Sasuke's lips, realising how worked up his lover was getting. He pulled the raven into a hug, nuzzling into his soft hair before speaking. "Don't worry about anything anymore, Sasuke…Whatever happens to you I will fix it." he whispered into his ear. They let go of each other, Naruto kissing Sasuke lightly on the forehead before turning to speak to Kakashi.

"Who the fuck has he been saying that to? I swear if I get a hold of that stupid runt…" Sasuke noticed the way he spoke to everyone else but himself. When he spoke to Sasuke he was calm and sensitive, nothing like this ruthless trouble maker most of Konoha had him pictured as.

"Sasuke, if you wouldn't mind getting us some drinks, I think there's a lot us three need to talk about."