Trio Possible

Author: The Humbug

Disclaimer: "Kim Possible" and all characters within © The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. No profit is being collected from the fiction contained within. You can blame the rest on me.

Rating: Rated-PG for combat violence and intimations of a physical relationship and intimate contact between consenting adult females, also some slightly harsh language. If this will offend you, please read something else.

Summary: Being the second story in my 'Sister's Saga', this is a sequel to 'The Bestest Little Girl In The World' and you MUST read that first to understand the relationships here. Shego and Kim are sisters, not lovers; there is a little 'What If?' here but not too much. In this story, Shego has just graduated from State University with a bachelor's degree and Kim has just graduated from Middleton High School.

Chapter the First / Homeward Bound

The beat up little VW 'bug' chattered its way along a street that had been crowded with students only a few days ago; now it was like a ghost town. The driver was skilled enough to handle the narrow lanes and sharp turns of the college town with ease, but the bags of groceries in the meager back seat had already given birth to litters of various foodstuffs.

Shego turned off of the main thoroughfare with its markets and boutiques, mostly empty now, and onto one of the older cobble stone streets of the residential blocks. Students were housed here, as well as a few untenured professors, and there was no conformity to the condition of each yard and façade. Some homes looked like something out of the film 'Animal House', while others were obviously the homes of local families.

This wasn't the first time that Shego's thoughts didn't stray to the thought of having a family of her own some day.

The young woman had been a student here until her recent graduation, walking these streets as often as she drove them, and now with a degree under her belt and a lifetime of opportunities before her, she looked towards the future with hope.

Hope of a career, of setting down roots of her own, maybe with 'someone special' as her mother still said. The thoughts turned bittersweet when she reminded herself that she already had someone special but that her parents might not react too well if they knew that Shego had been living with that person, sharing her life with them, for the last two years. Intelligent people that they were, the Drs. Mr. and Mrs. Possible were traditionalists of the first order and would frown on their oldest daughter living with anyone without being married.

Not that Shego was opposed to marriage; it would just present a challenge of its own at this point in time. Introspection would have to wait as she finally reached the curb in front of her house, small and clean and cramped though it was. Gathering the 'foodgitives' and placing them back in their bags, Shego locked her car and carried her groceries inside.

Having grown into a tall, statuesque young woman, Shego turned heads everywhere that she went. Not simply because of her dead white skin with it's faint greenish tinting or her full head of long midnight black hair. It was because she was a stunningly beautiful woman and did everything with a glow of power and confidence about her.

The kitchen was utilitarian and functional, but there was still plenty of space on the little refrigerator for photographs and many an intimate dinner had been eaten at the miniscule table. Shego was at the table now, sorting the food and putting it away, when she heard a noise upstairs. It was a muffled 'thump' and came from somewhere near the back of the second floor.

"Hello?" There was no reply other than the echoes of her voice.

No one else should be home; it would be over an hour until her lover returned home from work and Shego felt a slight shiver of anxiety. She was more than capable of handling a robber, but she didn't want to have to hurt anyone.

She heard another 'thump', louder this time.

"Hello?" There was still no reply. "Well, whoever you are, you picked the wrong house to break into."

This was made more than obvious as her hands flared with green light, the cascading visual effect of being able to generate a field of super-heated plasma. She mounted the stairs and made certain to skip the fifth one, which creaked, as she advanced.

Another 'thump' came from the end of the hall. The only door down at that end was the door to her shared bedroom. Pausing at the top of the stairs to listen, she became aware of other noises from that direction. Moving further along the hallway, she paused again at the door to her room, placing a pale green ear to the painted wood surface.

A giggle was clearly heard from within the room, then another 'thump'. Extinguishing the plasma from around her right hand, Shego twisted the doorknob and charged through the doorway.

The bedroom was always kept clean and tidy as a rule by mutual agreement of the occupants, both being very organized people, but now it was a wreck. Clothing was strewn across every square foot of floor and hanging over the few pieces of furniture, with the sole exception of the bed. Many a cold night had been spent keeping warm in that narrow bed, a reject from some local hospital once upon a time, and right now the metal springs were squeaking and the bedclothes were shifting chaotically as two forms could be clearly seen writhing beneath them.

Shego reached out and grabbed a corner of the blanket and pulled it to her, exposing the upper bodies of the occupants of the bed. The sight that greeted her was so shocking that her mouth hung limp and her eyes shot open. There were two women in her bed, their arms wrapped around each other, and neither one of them was she.

"Oh, hi, baby! I didn't hear you come in. Hey, did you remember to pick up some fresh lettuce? I'd planned on making a salad."

"Hi, spooky! Nice place you got here!"

"I'm sorry that you had to find out like this, but your baby sister is better in the sack than you are."

"Yeah, sorry Princess. My flight from Middleton actually landed earlier than expected, so your woman and I decided to make bouncy-bouncy."


"She doesn't look too well, does she?"

"Nah, she's always been that color."

The entwined pair began to laugh and the pale newcomer could contain herself no longer; she ripped the blanket completely off of the bed, exposing the fully clothed forms of her lover and her own little sister.

"Ghaa! My eyes!"

Shego's hands flew at her face as if fending off something horrible. She waived away the imaginary devils and then grabbed an extra pillow from a nearby chair and attacked the giggling bedmates. Her lover was the closest and received the brunt of the attack; she was used to such elaborate displays and accepted in with good grace.

"Ow, baby, stop! We were only joking!"

"Kimmie, get out of that bed, NOW!"

"Lighten up, Shegie, you're looking a might pale…"

The younger woman paused in feigned amazement at her own words, raising a hand over her mouth and batting her eyes in mock innocence.

"Oh, no, you didn't!" Shego threw the pillow into the face of her lover, distracting the auburn haired woman, and leapt onto the bed and grasped the slender redhead around the waist with both hands. The bed creaked beneath their combined weight as Shego proceeded to tickle her little sister so mercilessly that the younger girl couldn't breathe.

Now that she was no longer the recipient of her lover's ire, Betty rolled out of the bed to better watch the fracas from across the room. When she was sure that the howling victim could not possibly see her, Betty snuck forward and gently touched her pale girlfriend in a very tender spot.

"Eep! Not in front of Kim!"

So distracted was Shego that her sister was able to catch her breath and launch a counter attack, flipping the larger girl backwards and pinning her down. Although both girls were evenly matched for all their difference in size, Shego stopped fighting so that Kimmie could retain the upper hand; besides, they'd all had their fun.

Kim looked down at her older sister, her eyes bright with joy.

"You should have seen your face! I thought that you were going to faint!"

Shego smiled warmly and reached up to tousle the younger girls red hair. Her darling little sister had blossomed into a vibrant young woman of amazing energy and beauty.

"When did you get in?"

"Less than an hour ago."

"Wait, the 'rents let you fly all the way here by yourself?"

Betty had slipped her shoes back on and was watching the reunion with delight. Sometimes her partner could be so dour but her little sister could always cheer her up.

She was a tall woman, only a few years older than her lover, not quite as tall or shapely as Shego but still larger and curvier than the petite Kim. Her eyes were dark and her hair was a short auburn bob. While Shego tended to dress more like a beatnik, with an even quantity of green mixed in with the black, Betty wore conservative trousers and suits when she wasn't being explicitly casual.

"Doy! I am a little older than the last time you saw me! Besides, they paid for my one-way ticket only if I promised to bring you back with me for a few days." It was obvious from Kim's face that she could think of no better idea in the world.

Shego's face changed slightly and Betty moved in to sit on the bed with them.

"Baby, why should your parents have any harder of a time accepting us than your sister did? They sound like wonderful people; you really should go and visit for a few days now that classes are over and you're finished with college."

The pale girl didn't answer fast enough and Betty took this as a bad sign.

"Kimmie, could we have the room for a minute? I think that your sis and I need to have a heart to heart." The slender girl returned the look with a serious nod, but then found that she was unable to rise from the bed. Shego had reached up and held her by the shoulders, pulling her down gently but irresistibly. Kim was eventually lying across Shego's chest, her big sister holding on tight and kissing the top of her head.

"I love you, Kimber-dweeb. I'm glad that you're here."

"It's Ok, Sheg. I love you too. I'll put those groceries away while you two talk." Shego looked into the clear green eyes, so like her own, and then kissed the girl one more time before letting her go. Kim left and went downstairs. Betty slipped back onto the narrow bed and drew her girlfriend close.

"She's really special."

"Yeah, she's a hot little number…"


The auburn haired woman laughed at the heat that flared against her chest.

"I'm sorry, baby, but your expression really was precious." The kiss that followed was brief but sincere. "We really were just joking and it was her idea; I was afraid that you'd take it too seriously, but she insisted." Betty looked down at her partner with her own set of dark eyes.

"Please don't tell me that you really think that I would have touched her, do you?"

"No, of course not! It's just that…"


"She's my little one and I worry about her. It was just a bit of a shock for the first two or three seconds, that's all."

"I know." In the last two years, Shego and Betty had shared much with each other, including Shego's childhood history. The woman sighed and wondered how anyone as strong and confident as Shego could have such powerful moments of worry.

"Look, Kimmie is special, and you're special too. You have a wonderful family that would absolutely love to have their oldest daughter to themselves for a few days, so you can go back with Kimmie and I'll see you when I…"



"You're coming with me or I won't go."

Betty hadn't been prepared for this.

"Shego, look, when you're ready to take me home to meet your folks, I'll be ready in a heart beat." She lifted Shego's pale hand and placed it across her own heart. "The beating of this heart is for you and no one else. But we shouldn't rush this."

"'Rush'? It's been over a year since I was last home and they only came out here that one time. I made a mistake of not telling them about you; I want them to know about you and about us and about our plan."

"Well, at least they already know that I exist."

"Yes, but as a roommate, not as my 'someone special'."

"Are you sure? Are you really sure that now is the time?"

Shego sighed deeply, not out of concern but in confidence.

"Yes, now is the perfect time."

Betty looked down at the face she had come to see in her mind for most of her waking hours. She brushed a few loose strands of midnight black hair away from those bright emerald eyes and leaned in for another kiss.

"Ok, then. Let's get downstairs before Kim thinks that we're engaging in lesbian bliss up here." The two collected themselves and straightened the room back up a little before going back downstairs in search of dinner. Between the three of them a pleasant meal was prepared and they opted to eat in the living room rather than in the tiny kitchen. They joked a little more about the prank in the bedroom, Shego appreciating the shock value and cleverness of it, before they started to discuss the trip back to Middleton.

"So, how are things back home since last summer?"

"They're fine. Mom and Dad were really sorry that they haven't been out to visit more often, but they could tell that you wanted some space."

This was true, and though it was odd for such a close family to stay separated for so long, it really was under amicable conditions; the college was more than ten hours away by automobile and the Possibles knew that Shego wanted to get a taste of independence while away at school. There was a little separation anxiety, mostly from her father, but there were regular phone calls and emails so they never really were out of touch. Her parents expected that when Shego left the nest she would make the world her stage.

Shego had earned her degree in less than the standard four years, and had not wanted to participate in the actual graduation ceremonies. This was unexpected for the two well-educated adults, but they respected their daughter's decision. Shego had remained at State College for several more weeks, however, to receive a few key lessons from her advisor, Dr. Amy Hall.

"So, Kimmie, tell me… how did phrases like 'bouncy-bouncy' enter your vocabulary?" Shego watched the rosy blush spread across her little sister's face. "How is Ron these days, by the way?"

"He's fine." Kim was busily absorbing herself in her salad.

"Kim, I won't pry, but promise me that you're being careful. Please."

"I'm not stupid! I got 'The Talk', same as you. Thanks for the advance warning, by the way; I've never seen our folks so nervous in all my life! When they get like that, I wonder if their diplomas didn't come out of a box of Cracker Jacks."

"So are you going steady?"

"Yeah, and we really haven't done anything too intimate yet. Ron's so much of a gentleman around me and we've known each other for so long that it's a little weird." Kim slyly glanced beside her to where Betty was sitting on the sofa.

"And are you two being careful? I just hope that on top of everything else, there won't be a phone call telling the 'rents that you've knocked each other up."

Betty answered around a mouthful of pork chop.

"Believe me, she's tried."

Kim laughed so hard that it was several seconds before she could control herself, while Shego glowered across the room at her grinning lover, a dusky bruise of a blush riding on the pale skin. Dinner was finished and the three enjoyed each others company before Kimmie started to yawn uncontrollably; there was another room upstairs with a futon and she bade them good night. The remaining pair cleaned up what little mess there was in the kitchen and retired to their own bed.

"Are you still thinking about it?"


"Having children."

Shego was spooned around Betty, the taller woman embracing her lover from behind. Betty was aware that this was a comfortable position for Shego, as long as it was understood that they were NOT sisters and would definitely NOT be treating each other that way. As a matter of fact, they behaved in a very un-sisterly manner several times a week.

Shego's fingertips were gingerly tracing a pattern on her lover's flat belly.

"Yes, quite often in fact. I know that we've had this talk before, but I really need to know about our future together."

"It will be rough, as long as the world wants it to be rough. The world does change, though."

"Will we always be together?"

"I want nothing else than to share my life with you. That's why I want to tell my folks about us, in person, at home where they'll be comfortable."

"You know, I've never understood how your sister could accept me so quickly."

"You? You're the greatest, how could someone not accept you? I expect that it was the fact that I'm… what I am that shocked the crap out of her."

Betty's body was shaking in her arms.

"What?" No answer.

"What, baby?" Oh, Lord, was she crying? What did I say?

Betty found her voice, and to Shego's relief she was attempting to stifle a fit of the giggles, not sobs.

"After all that we've done in the bedroom, and the sofa, and the back yard…"

"Hey, it was dark! No one saw us!"

"And yet you still can't bring yourself to say the word 'lesbian'."

Shego hugged her lover tight, nails digging into flesh, making the other woman moan with arousal.

"You know damn well what I am, sugar plum, I just hate labels."

Betty turned around in the bed and faced her partner; they kissed fiercely and grappled as if wrestling against the world that wasn't yet ready to warmly accept their choice of lifestyle. Instead, they warmly accepted each other.

As their lovemaking became more fervent, Kim held both pillows over her head so that she would not hear everything done and said in the next room, as well as not start laughing and ruin her big sister's night. Other than maybe Betty, no one cared for Shego's happiness or well being more than her little sister.

At breakfast, no one admitted to not getting enough sleep the night before, but the suggestion of a brief nap after the morning's activities was heartily accepted.

"So what's on the agenda?" The redhead had made them let her clean up the morning's mess.

"Well, the two of us have an early appointment with a friend of ours, who also happens to be my ex-advisor, and then the three of us can start getting ready to drive home this afternoon."

"The three of us?" Slightly puzzled at first, Kim's face lit up when the implication hit her." Oh, wow, Betty is coming too? You're going to tell them?" She was closest to Betty and threw her arms around the nodding woman. "That's great!"

Betty was as pleased as anyone, but was slightly taken aback at the redhead's enthusiasm. She lightly stroked the young girls arm.

"Don't worry, my folks are normal, it's only Kimber-dweeb that's a spazz."

"She's wonderful. Remember, I have a twin brother who keeps reminding me that he's a few minutes older and should be given the proper respect."

Kim turned to her.

"Gee, that would be annoying. He's not fat, too, is he?"

Kimmie was already running out of the room before she finished the question, Shego hot on her heals. Betty grinned and topped off her glass of juice as the giggles started in the living room.

The campus was so close that they could have walked, but there were other arrangements to make and items to pick up so they piled into Shego's Volkswagen and parked in front of the science building. The doors were still open since several faculty members were going to be on campus for a few more days, and they soon found themselves outside of the office of Dr. Amy Hall.

Shego knocked softly on the door.

"Come in!" The words were practically sung. Dr. Amy Hall was bent down over her laptop computer and finished her typing with a flourish.

"Oh, girls! Is it that time? I nearly forgot when you were stopping by!" Dr. Hall stood and beckoned them into the cluttered office. "Come in, come in! Sit, sit, sit!"

The older girls walked to the battered couch at one end of the tiny room, shifting a few stacks of papers aside, but Kimmie walked to the opposite wall as if in a trance.


One entire wall of the office was lined with shelving, all of which was crammed with Cuddle-Buddies of every make, model, and description. This was the main reason for the rest of the office being as cluttered as it was.

"Oh, hello!" Amy had noticed that her expected guests had brought someone else with them. "I don't believe that we've met!" She stood and joined Kim at the wall.

"I'm Kim, Kim Possible, and I'm Shego's sister." They shook hands warmly.

Dr. Amy Hall was a short stout woman in her late thirties, with bright eyes and a slightly crooked but contagious smile and an unruly mop of short black hair. She also had a smattering of freckles and thick glasses across her button nose and was very energetic.

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I see you noticed my collection of Cuddle Buddies! Do you collect them too?"

"Not exactly. Shego and I had a Panda Roo when we were little; I still sleep with him in the bed. I can't get to sleep without him."

"Did you know that I was the president of the Cuddle Buddie fan club a few years back?"

"Really! Wow, Shegie and I were members when we were kids!"

Betty knew about their older friend's obsession, but not that Shego had ever partially shared in it. She looked askance at her lover, who was attempting to fade into the couch.

"Oh, really?"

"Um, yeah, we were." Shego seemed to be especially interested in a journal covering the latest research in sponge migration.

"Oh, what fun! We had a website and a mailing list and there was shared artwork and members would post their own stories on the site!" Amy was on a roll now that she had found a new 'Cuddle Buddie Admirer'.

"I still remember some of those stories! Someone called 'GreenPrincess123' posted the best ones; they were the cutest!"

"Oh, yeah, they were! I remember one that… hey, wait a minute."

There was a collective pause as three sets of eyes slowly turned to Shego.

"SHEGO, that was YOU?" Kimmie's eyes could not have grown any wider.

"You've been holding out on me, Shego! All that time as your advisor and you never told me? I'm hurt!" Dr. Hall shook a finger in mock anger.

"Baby, is it too early to talk about divorce?" Betty was doing her best not to laugh openly.

"Oh, look, back in 1974 every sponge off the San Paolo coastline migrated a full two inches to the left."

"Baby, you're holding the magazine upside down."

"So that's why the arrow is pointing to the right. Hmm."

In short order, they were escorted out of Dr. Hall's office by the good doctor herself and down the hallway to the buildings main biology lab.

"My primary field of study has always been genetics, and being tenured at State College gives me the opportunity to experiment." She left the girls just inside the doors and walked off to a corner. "You wait right here, and I'll get the results of your blood work."

As the woman walked off, Kim turned to her sister with concern.

"Blood work? Are you Ok, Shego?"

"Sure, sweetheart, I'm fine."

"Betty's Ok too?"

Exchanging glances, Betty took the lead.

"Kimmie, since your sister and I are planning on staying together as a couple, we've been wondering how we might have a child someday. We've both known DNAmy…"

"Huh? DN-who?"

"DNAmy; it's her nickname. Amy is absolutely brilliant in the field of genetic research. She's made more practical advances than anyone else in the last five years."

Shego stepped up to the plate.

"You see, at first I was all about adopting a child, like I was. I suppose that I really should do that, as a sort of payback for the system that treated me so well when I was in my greatest need. I admit that the more time I spend with Betty, however, I wanted the baby to be ours, really ours, something of our own bodies."

"Wow, you really have been thinking about this." Kim glanced across the lab at the singing woman who was still rifling through papers. "Um, is Dr. Hall gay, too?"

"No, and it would hurt her feelings for her to hear you ask that. She was a very, very lonely woman until she met this anthropology professor from England who moved here a while back. Monty may be a bit stodgy, but he loves her and they're really good together."

Betty leaned in and spoke sotto voce.

"She told me the other day that he likes to do this 'monkey routine' sometimes; it freaked her out at first, but apparently he's a real animal."

"Here we are! All processed and ready for review!" Amy was back, but the look on her face wasn't quite as upbeat as the tone of her voice. She spread the papers out on a lab bench for all to see, but only she and Shego had any hope of translating the data.

"Shego, what you see here confirms what you and I suspected; it is highly unlikely that you would be physically capable of conceiving or carrying a fetus to full term. Your blood chemistry has been changed too much by your childhood experience, and the genetic alterations to your DNA make the placental barrier a moot point." She shook her head in distress.

"We each knew that this was the most probable answer already, but I hate for you to hear it from me." The woman sniffled slightly and looked away for a moment. Shego was nodding, her partner and her sister standing closely at her sides.

"It's Ok, Amy. You're the best person to hear it from." She held her arms around herself, mourning the life that she could never carry inside her own body.

"I'm just not human enough…OW!" Shego flinched from the two different hands that slapped her across the back of the head.

"Damn it, Shego, if I ever hear you say that again, so HELP me…"

"Spooky, I'll tell the 'rents if you start talking like that!"

"Ladies! Please! This is a hall of learning! I'll not have you behaving like students!"

Having subdued the small group, Amy picked up a nearby clipboard and whacked Shego across the forehead with it.

"OW! Amy, what's that for?"

"Betty and Kim are right! It's horrible for you to think that way! Especially after I found this…" One particular paper was waved in their faces.

"Your entire genetic make up wasn't affected, otherwise you would have died within weeks as your tissues mutated and ceased to allow the various systems to function. I have the necessary data here that confirms the existence of unaltered genetic material that can be collected and sampled for in-vitro fertilization of one of her eggs." Amy was pointing to Betty.

"So you can make it work?" The couple drew each other close.

"Honey, I can do anything! With the eggs that Betty already had removed and placed in suspension, along with the genetic sampling I've already taken, I can get started anytime!"

Amy smiled her crooked smile and her younger friends held each other tight, not daring to speak, not daring to break this moment of hope. Kim silently cried and smiled. There were a few more points to go over and Amy promised to wait until they contacted her again before she actually started the process; Amy received a big group-hug of her own before the trio piled back in the car and drove through town to complete the various errands before driving back to Middleton.

When they were finally ready to start their drive, Kim called her parents to give them the great news and to advise them of their starting time and that the three should arrive in the late evening. Betty made a few calls of her own and Shego quadruple checked the luggage. Eventually they were out on the interstate and headed for home.

"So when will the blessed event be?"

"Well, Kimmie, we have a plan for what we're going to do with our lives, both together and as careers. We'll tell you all about it tomorrow when the whole family is together; our idea also involves you, you see."

"Me? How?"

"Nothing doing, Kimber-dweeb. You'll have to wait." Shego smirked and kept driving. "So, how is the hero business these days?"

"Still the same; mostly heists and sabotage orchestrated from behind the scenes by Dr. Drakken. I've not spotted him in a long time, and can't quite link him directly to the crimes, but everything has his name written all over it. He's still a menace and a threat."

"Good old 'Uncle Drew'. I'll never forget that day; it was a Sunday and the weirdest day in my life."

"How about you? Still keeping in fighting trim?"

After their very first adventure back in Middleton, Shego and Kim had joined together to form a duo of adventurers and crime fighters, albeit on a local scale. They had seen and done some amazing things over the next few months, but when Shego left for college, it was up to Kim to carry on alone.

"I work out with Betty several times a week, and you can wipe that look off your face because that is NOT what I meant!" There was a giggle from the backseat. "That goes double for YOU!" Shego did grin in spite of herself.

"Betty and I are both into martial arts and that's how we met. We spar all the time and I've managed to hone my plasma control to a fine art."

"Oh, yeah. She can do this thing where she…"

"Do NOT make me pull over!" Both Kim and Betty were giggling. She wanted to join in with their merriment, even if it was at her expense, but the thoughts of her father's old college buddy wouldn't leave her head. Drew Lipsky had become something of a personal demon and boogeyman for Shego ever since she was in high school. Betty was watching from the backseat and could see the consternation behind the emerald eyes.

"Sorry, baby. Together we'll me more than able to take care of him."

"Damn straight." Consternation had changed to a wicked look. Kim noticed and also looked back to see the same look on Betty's face.

"What am I missing?"

"Baby, go ahead and give her a hint."

"Kimmie, how would you feel if you became part of a larger team?"

"Are you coming back home to work with me again?" Kim could hardly contain herself. "That would be spank'n!"

"What if both Betty and I were to join you?"

"Well, that would be great, but if she's going to be carrying your child…"

The auburn haired woman leaned forward from the backseat.

"Not right away, Kim; that's one of the things that your sister and I already discussed with Amy. We want the option of a child; Hell, it's more than an option, it's a certainty, but neither of us is quite ready for motherhood yet. We have to get settled and initiate our plans first, plus maybe just a little growing up of our own."

Shego blew her a raspberry and stuck out her tongue.

"Maybe a little more growing up from some more than others, but let's wait until we get there to talk about the rest."

The hours flew by with talk and laughter and music; they each took turns driving for only two hours at a stretch so no one would get tired and there would be plenty of breaks. Kim waited until she was driving and her sister was asleep to broach a particular subject with Betty.

"You two really love each other, don't you?"

"We sure do, Kimmie. I was surprised that you accepted that so fast."

"Well, she's my sister; I trust her with anything. Whatever she wants to do… as long as it doesn't involve farm animals or cults… is just fine with me."

"So it doesn't bother you that we're intimate?"

"Please don't be upset, but… at first it was weird. I only ever pictured Shego and I going out with boys; I never had any other picture in my head, that's all. But after she told me, and after I thought about it for a little while, I didn't see it as weird any more."

Kim swallowed and dared to get an old fear off of her chest.

"Especially after I saw that you weren't going to attack me."

"You proved that when we played that trick on your sister. Kimmie, being gay doesn't make me less desiring of a monogamous relationship. I hesitate to use the word 'soul mates' but the longer we're together, the more that Shego and I want to be together forever." Betty took a chance of her own and reached out for the younger girls shoulder.

"It also doesn't make me a pedophile or that I'll randomly go after anything in a skirt either. I love you already as the sister I never had and I think you're amazing…"


"Plus, you're a little young for me."


"Can I ask you a question?"


"Does homosexuality in general bother you?"

"Not any more. When I was talking about you and Shego earlier, I said that I'd never pictured anything other than girls going out with boys; same sex relationships wasn't something that I ever thought about. So it never really 'bothered' me, it was just different."

"How about your folks? Do you think that it will bother them?"

"The 'rents are from a different time, so I can't say how they'll react. I kept my promise and never mentioned anything to them about your relationship, so they think that the roommate is coming for a visit, nothing more." Kim looked away from the road just long enough to make brief eye contact. "Trust me that they will welcome you, but I have no idea what to expect in those first few minutes. Please trust them, Ok?"

"Ok, I will. I promise."

Shego smiled in the backseat where she had been silently eavesdropping and returned to sleep.

To Be Continued…

Author's Notes: If you haven't already read 'The Bestest Little Girl In The World' this won't make much sense. There will be three more chapters to this tale and at least one other story in this particular Saga.