Summary: Sam sings a song and Danny overhears.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot.

I just seriously wanted to write a story, and I decided to use this song. Enjoy. I'm also thinking of changing my pen name to something like DarknessFalls, lemme know what you think.


Losing Grip

Sam had just broken up with her most recent boyfriend, Josh. She walked into her house, her Grandmother waiting with question eyes at Sam's sad look. Sam gave her a watery smile, which her grandmother didn't question. Sam walked up the stairs to her room and closed the door. She popped in an Avril Lavinge CD and pressed shuffle. Her song 'Losing Grip' came on. Sam started singing.

Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say...

Unknown to her, Danny Phantom was in the room with her. He had to come to see if she was okay as he remembered what happened.


Danny, Sam, Josh, and Tucker walked into the Nasty Burger, and Josh's friends were there.

"Hey guys, what's up home dogs?" he had called to them. He went to join them.

"Hey man! Oh, hey! Are you doin' anything right now? There's a new movie that just came out!"

"Nah, I'm not doin' anything." Danny looked at Sam, who was furious. Josh had blown her off like this many times before. She walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around.

"Oh hey baby! Look, we're gunna have to take a rain check cause-" He never got to finish his sentence as Sam pulled her fist back and hauled it into his face. Josh screamed and Sam took off like a bat outta hell.

..::End Flashback::..

Danny remembered that she had been crying as she ran out and followed her here. He loved her and wanted to make sure she was okay. When he got here, she was singing and he decided to listen.

I was left to cry there, waiting outside there
Grinnin' with a lost stare,
That's when I decided...

Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared
I was so alone...
Yeah, you need to listen!
I'm startin' to trip,
I'm losin' my grip
And I'm in this thing alone...

Sam was thinking back in her life. Danny had always been the one to help her off her feet. When her cat died, when Gregor was a fake.

Am I just some chick you placed beside you,
To take somebody's place?
When you turn around can you recognize my face?
You used to love me, you used to hug me
But that wasn't the case,
Everything wasn't okay

She had realized that she had just been someone for Josh to show off to his friends. No body important, no body. He never called her pretty, never called her anything but 'hot' and 'baby.'

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinnin' with lost stare
thats when i decided...

Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared,
I was so alone
You need to listen
I'm startin' to trip
I'm losin' my grip
And I'm in this thing alone

Cryin' out loud
I'm cryin' out loud
Cryin' out loud
I'm cryin' out loud
Open your eyes
Open up wide

Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared,
I was so alone
Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care?
If you don't care, then I don't care
We're not going anywhere
Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there when I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care?
If you don't care, then I don't care
We're not going anywhere

The song ended and Sam collapsed on her floor crying. Danny appeared and out his arms around her, and she didn't move, didn't question him, just let him hold her as she cried.

"You'll always be important to me Sam, always."

The end. Nothing really fluffy or anything, just something sweet. Hope you liked.
