Epilogue: I'm Not That Person

A/N: Hey guys, I miss this story lots, but I am starting a couple new shorter ones (By shorter I mean 10 chapters or less lol!) And if any of you have read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, you can read my next long long long story there! Anyway review for the last time and if you ever feel like chatting, PM me!!

Disclaimer: Who would actually sue if someone didn't write this? No, I am actually wondering… Anyway don't own CotT…but I do own Danaya, Calli, Nohpure Alley and Muerte!

I like the quotes in this story… apparently Belle thinks I am so deep I am drowning in it lol! Oh well, I'll write a non-deep story eventually! Three quotes cause it was such a long chapter... well epilogue lol.

"Damn straight." -Archie

"I did not jump in front of a giants punch just so you could go off and flirt with Italian boys." -Neil

"…She is sunshine and moonlight and rainbows and spring showers…" –Herry

The teenagers appeared in Persephone's solarium (That's what it's called right?) and cheered. Even through they were hurt or tired, they knew they were finally safe. They walked slowly through the halls, Atlanta leaning against Archie's shoulder. Her legs felt numb, she could barely stand. Theresa was drained and limped slightly and Calli was basically being dragged by Herry.

Everyone was a little frightened of Calli at the moment. After Cronus had disappeared, she had screamed as though the world was ending, pouring out her anger and smashing her tiny fists into the ground. Since the ground was marble, you would expect her fists to get hurt or fingers to break, but instead, the marble got huge craters in it and the entire building started shaking.

Herry had thought maybe the world was ending. So he picked Calli up and ran as fast as he could to where Theresa had said the gateway was. As they ran, the entire building was crashing down around them.

Calli had been the cause, her eyes glowed moonlit silver and mists swirled around her lithe frame as the mirrors shattered and the marble cracked. Herry dragged her through the opening into the underworld where Atlanta shook from exhaustion and Jay tried to stop his heart from thundering. Calli cried and screamed and kicked, trying to escape Herry's strong grasp. But the descendant of Hercules would have none of that; he was taking the small woman with him, or dying with her.

So as they walked, Herry felt fear towards the tiny woman. How could someone so small be so powerful? How could someone so kind, so beautiful, someone who made him so happy, be that destructive? How could someone who made chocolate cake to die for, hate that much?!

Herry watched her flawless face as he carried her down the hallway, it creased as she frowned and smoothed when Herry gently rubbed her back. He knew that she was not evil, she was very pure. She carried centuries of hurt on her back and Cronus had brought the anger of thousands of prophetess' out in her.

Herry did not care if she was frightening sometimes, if she couldn't control the anger of Cassandra and her ancestors. He loved her.

Atlanta tried not to lean on Archie. She did not want to appear weak next to him.

'I mean, sure he is warm, and I am tired. And I do lo-!! Stop right there Atlanta! You are supposed to be angry with him for killing so many soldiers!'

Atlanta sighed softly, lifting her head from his shoulder. How could she be angry with him for doing that when he did it to save her? How could she pretend to not be angry though? I mean, he had killed so many people, how could he ever go back to being Archie?

"Atlanta, come on." Archie murmured. Atlanta snapped out of her thoughts and noticed the others were way ahead of them. Archie was pulling on the sleeve of her ripped and tattered shirt. Atlanta glanced at herself and let out a laugh.

Archie watched her as though she was crazy. Well she did look pretty funny, wearing a shirt that was basically ribbons. Archie started laughing softly as well.

"Archie…" Atlanta said, "I didn't mean to get mad at you, I mean, it was my fault those men died."

Archie was instantly serious; he took Atlanta's face in his hands and glared at her.

"It is not your fault I killed them. I knew what I was going to do and even Jay said I should do it. You are not the reason they are dead. I'm sorry I had to kill them, but I don't actually regret it. It's my fault."

Atlanta let a tear fall then shook her head, coughing embarrassedly. Her cheeks were slightly pink and her hair was an utter mess.

"Man, ever since you left I am the biggest mess. I used to never cry…" She said sheepishly. Archie laughed.

"I know; it's okay." Archie said reassuringly, mussing her already messy hair. She grinned and leaned forward to kiss him softly. He returned it gently and looped his arm around her waist.

"We have to catch up." He said, still blushing from the kiss. Atlanta nodded and leaned on him, limping slightly as they walked towards the group members.

Jay entered Hera's room just as Archie and Atlanta caught up. Hera took one glance at Persephone and the teenagers and threw her arms into the air.

"Yes! I'm so happy! Great Job Persephone!" She cried, throwing her frail arms around the willowy blond woman's frame. They danced a little as they cheered.

The group stared at this in utter disbelief. Since when did Hera smile and hug and dance!? But the queen of gods did not stop beaming at the gang even when she had stopped dancing with Persephone. She greeted them all and congratulated them.

"Hera, you realize that Cronus ran away and we did not defeat him?" Theresa said. Hera stopped smiling.

"Of course I know that dear one; I would be able to sense if Cronus was defeated! I am just happy you are alive!" She explained. The gang grinned and thanked her, saying they were happy to see her too. Chiron came and went, giving everyone random pills and herbs to take and handing Neil a sling for his previously dislocated arm.

"Hera I was wondering about something you said to me a while ago." Jay told her out of the blue. Hera smiled.

"Have you figured it out yet Jay?" She asked softly.

"Well, do you mean we are also…?" Jay's sentence was lost in Hera's as she interrupted.

"Yes, Jay. You are all immortal, in a sense. If you are not harmed, or do not wish to die you will live, not forever, but for a long, long time. But I will leave it to you to tell the others." Hera whispered, glancing around surreptitiously at the group who were all lost in their own conversations.

Jay smiled and told the others they were going home, finally.

When they reached the brownstone Calli phoned her father and told him where she was, and not to worry. As soon as the phone was hung up, not a word was said. The air was thick with tension and everyone was wringing their hands quietly, taking secretive glances from the corner of their eyes.

Archie was the first to speak. His light steel blue eyes were mournful and thoughtful and his face was set in a frown.

"I have a meeting to be at, but I just…." Archie let his sentence slip away, not daring to look into Atlanta's or Jay's eyes. Jay smiled softly.

"If you wish to go play Muerte for a few years, we will still be here." Jay told him softly, still reveling in the secret Hera had shared with him. Atlanta glared daggers at him and Archie frowned slightly.

"What do you mean play Muerte? And why will you still be here, you will be done school in about a year…?" Archie glanced at Theresa, dragging Jay's gaze with him. Jay flushed lightly and nodded, deciding it was time to unveil the new secret.

"Why don't we sit down, I'm sure we have a pizza or something we can cook." He suggested, leading Archie to the living room. Everyone sat down, and stayed silent. Neil wondered if there was something on his face, they were staring so avidly.

In the end they ordered pizza, Herry waiting sullenly for it to arrive. Archie was still wondering about their leader's previous words and Atlanta was still fuming silently about how quickly Jay would decide Archie could leave.

"I suppose you are all wondering what I meant when I said we would still be here in a few years. Well I just meant we have a lifetime ahead of us, and we will probably stay at the brownstone for a while. A long, long, long while." Jay said, stressing the longs and smiling slightly. Theresa shifted slightly, annoyed at Jay's guessing game.

"Spit it out already, I have never seen you so giddy." She commanded. He turned to her, his cognac colored eyes gazing into hers lovingly.

"I meant we have a very, very long lifetime ahead of us." He explained, turning back to the others. Herry and Neil had an expression akin to thunder on their face and Archie's frown deepened. Atlanta looked quite cheery, despite Archie's opinion.

"Does that mean that we are immortal, Jay?" Theresa asked quickly, fearing for the descendant of Jason's life by the way Herry's fists were clenching, as if searching for someone's neck to strangle.

"Yeah." Jay answered grinning, oblivious to Herry, Neil and Archie's obvious confusion and rage.

Herry stood up and marched out the door, forgetting all about the pizza.

"Wonderful. The irony is killing me." Neil said, waving to the group and stalking to his room.

"I don't understand, what's eating them?" Jay asked quickly, stunned at Herry and Neil's display of anger.

Atlanta sighed softly, sympathy and understanding written in her light hazel eyes. She stood up silently and padded to Theresa, whispering in her ear. Theresa's entire face fell with sadness and she nodded.

"Danaya, you should go after Neil." Theresa whispered, barely loud enough for the girl to hear. The unusual girl did though, for she slipped out of the living room, quiet as the middle of night.

"You too Calli." Atlanta said, her eyes never leaving Theresa. Calli ran out the door, unshed tears shining brightly in her eyes.

"What is going on? I just lost almost my entire team in one sitting?" Jay asked angrily. He turned to Archie, who was staring at Atlanta with sad eyes. "Why are you all so goddamned sad? We are going to live a long time! With people we care about!" He yelled.

Archie smiled wistfully, "Sure, some of us are Jay, but Herry and Neil have finally fallen in love with these great girls, and they are only going to live so long. Not everybody will live forever you know."

"Calli and Danaya, they will only be here for a small portion of the boys' life. And then they will die, old and frail while Herry and Neil look not a day over twenty-five." Theresa murmured. Odie, seemingly forgotten in this talk about love and immortality, finally spoke.

"Jay, what can we do? There is nothing. No research can make them live forever. No one can achieve that. Trust me; I have looked into it on numerous occasions." Atlanta glanced at the black boy curiously, "Well, you know Calypso and all…" Odie stuttered sheepishly.

Jay sighed. "Well, we can hope for something, maybe the gods can do something, elongate their lives or something. We still have Cro-" Jay stopped his sentence short and looked to Theresa's face, which had a look of complete suffering and resignation to it. "We still have a while to figure this out. At least one lifetime." Jay finished, deciding not to mention Cronus, just for the moment. Theresa brightened immediately and smiled softly at the leader.

"I'm going to bed… We can talk tomorrow." Jay informed the remaining four of the group. Atlanta's face went red with anger but Jay waved a hand to shut her up. "Atlanta, you know Archie is welcome to stay. He is The Warrior. Danaya may be a good fighter and a descendant, but she is not The Warrior and she is not Archie."

"Thank-you." Atlanta said softly restraining the urge to hug Jay. Jay left for his bed and Theresa followed, leaving Odie stuck in the middle of a silence between the Warrior and the Hunter.

"Bed." He squeaked, scurrying off to his basement bedroom, looking forward to telling Calypso he would live forever, staying with her.

"Archie-" Atlanta started, taking a step towards him. He stopped her with a lifted arm.

"Listen Atlanta. I said I would stay and I will. I want to. But I have a meeting to be at and it all depends what they have decided. If they have made the decision I want them to, I will come home." Archie interrupted. Atlanta grimaced slightly.

"Take me with you. To the meeting." Atlanta demanded.



"No." Archie said, trying to sound angry so Atlanta wouldn't retort. Instead she responded differently.

"I would rather argue with you than kiss anyone else." She whispered, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. She pulled back her head slightly to glare at him, "Although, however much I enjoy arguing with you, this is one I refuse to lose. You will take me to that meeting or you will regret it."

"And how do you plan to make me regret it?" Archie asked cockily. The moment the words left his mouth he regretted it. A look came over Atlanta's face that he knew very well and defensive instinct took over. He stepped back, tripping over Atlanta's foot that was strategically placed behind him and he fell to the ground, the athletic red-head still on him.

She grinned viciously and Archie laughed, despite the situation. He gave in, knowing that Atlanta would win eventually.

"Fine, but you have to keep you face and hair covered going in there." He said softly. Atlanta smiled.

"Why?" She asked, confused.

"Cause, there are lots of people who want to hurt Muerte and not many women walk into that warehouse and not get killed. If you walk in and out, completely uncovered, people are going to hunt you down." Archie explained. Atlanta scowled.

"You sure are popular." She murmured. Archie took in her expression, drinking in the way her lip was slightly pouted and the way her white teeth bit at it lightly. He smiled at the concerned frown lines and the shadowed hazel eyes he so loved.

"Marry me." He said softly.

"You skipped a few steps there Arch." She pointed out, her anxiety forgotten and her eyes laughing. Archie huffed.

"Well if I hadn't skipped a few steps would you had said yes?" He wondered. Atlanta grinned.

"Well, it's a pointless question since you did skip steps. There are no 'what ifs' allowed here Arch."

"Fineeee." Archie said frustrated. "Will you go out with me?"

The red-head thought, sitting up on Archie's abdomen.

"Well I dunno, should I? I'm not sure?" She pondered, trying to annoy the purple haired boy below her. It worked apparently as he flipped her, sitting on her and shoving his face close.

"You are going to date me and like it." He growled. Atlanta was shocked at this demanding side of Archie, although slightly pleased.

"I love you." She murmured. Archie's lips seized hers in a passionate kiss.

"Damn straight."

Theresa walked into Jay's room, knocking fist. The boy was staring out his window, watching the reflection of the cars driving by and the moon shining upon them.

"Hey Jay." Theresa greeted, sitting beside him and folding her legs up. He nodded at her presence and resumed his moon watching.

"Amazing how much faster everyone else seems to travel when you know you're immortal." Jay whispered. Theresa sighed.

"Maybe we are just going slower now." She replied gently. He took her hand and squeezed it.

"Don't die on me again okay? I was terrified." He confided. Theresa leaned on his shoulder.

"So was I. It felt so new, so different, something I wasn't used to." She described to him. He nodded.

Time passed. Cars passed and the moon shone on. Jay realized Theresa had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he hadn't replied to her.

"I felt empty. I was so alone and I realized that I wouldn't get to spend the rest of this short lifetime with you. And when Hera told me we would live for a long time all I could think was 'I must have done something wonderful, only an hour ago I thought I would be spending the rest of my life alone and now I know I will be spending my forever with you if you agree to spend it with me.'"

Theresa slept on and Jay thought about what he had told the beauty at his side.

"But it wasn't the fact that I was immortal, it was the fact that now you were alive it finally hit me that I had everything I had ever wanted right beside me and now I had an eternity to spend with you."

And with that the Leader lifted the Clairvoyant up, and carried her to her bed, slipping her under the covers and kissing her forehead.

"See you tomorrow." He whispered, shutting off her light and closing her door. Not until he was alone in the hallway did the brunette boy add, "And the next day, and the next day, and the next day…"

Happily ever after. This was something Neil had never believed in until he had met Danaya. He had never thought there was a woman for him and he had never believed he had needed one. He was happy, beautiful, and hot and everyone wanted him. And then abruptly, out of freaking no where this drop dead gorgeous woman waltzed into his life, swishing her hips and applying her red lipstick without a care. She flipped her hair and Neil would beg, she smiled and Neil melted inside.

Neil hated it.

But the blonde boy could also not live without it. How could he live without her, the pale skinned woman who made him happier than his reflection ever could? How could he imagine a lifestyle without her, after she had reduced his image of beauty and established one that no one could ever compete with?

How the hell did Archie's sister get those genes?

Man Archie really got the short end of the stick there.

But Neil couldn't think straight. This whirlwind of beauty and pain and laughter stormed into his brain, entering quickly and without warning and before Neil had even realized it, he grew to need her.

To love her.

And now, she wasn't leaving him, he was leaving her! He would stay young and she would grow old. Her luscious black hair would grow grey and her flawless skin would get lined.

He heard the door to the roof open and Neil didn't turn around. He knew who it was; he could tell it was her. No one else would care if he stormed away. No one else cared how he felt and no one else realized that he was a person too.

No one else loved him like she did.

"You know Neil, I was wondering. Why did you push me out of the way of the giant's blow back in Cronus' lair?" Danaya questioned. Without even thinking the blonde answered.

"It would have killed you."

"But no one, well maybe other than Archie and my mother have ever cared…well, you know, enough to save my life." She told him. Her tone held wonder and fright.

'She's probably terrified, thinking she is in too deep. She probably wants to run.' Neil thought swiftly.

"My mother was a prostitute. Then she got pregnant with me and quit the biz. She had me and we were happy for a while. But when I turned six, my mother got a couple of boyfriends and every time they came near her she would react much the same as you did and be scared. So we would move a lot. She died of a heroin overdose." Neil explained sadly, "That's how I knew you were frightened of Herry. Of course I didn't know the true extent of your fear."

Danaya listened intently, watching the way Neil's muscles were stiff and his hands were clenched.

"Neil, I'm going to France to-" the woman was interrupted midway through her sentence by Neil's harsh whisper.

"So you are leaving?" He asked tonelessly, is whisper cutting through the noise of the night.

Danaya shook with either fear or sadness, she couldn't tell. Answers flitted through her head, making her confused about her own feelings.

"Well you want me to go…" She replied softly. Neil's entire frame relaxed and his hands went lax.

"I did not jump in front of a giants punch just so you could go off and flirt with Italian boys." Neil declared. Danaya's smile was short lived.

"You want me to stay? But I will get old!" She told him. Neil turned and smiled at her.

"It doesn't matter to me what you look like." He answered, swooping in on the pale woman for a gentle kiss, leaving her breathless and wanting more.

It was a new sensation for her to hope for a happy ending.

Herry sat on the bench in the park. He knew Calli would come, eventually. He didn't want her to get lost so he had picked the one bench that every single path connected to. His fists still shook with rage, but his anger was subsiding.

"I mean this is Calli we are talking about here. Calli." He whispered to himself. "To everyone else Calli may be a friend and a prophetess, but to me, Calli is the world. She is sunshine and moonlight and rainbows and spring showers. She is birds and clouds and families. She is life and everything good in it."

Herry smiled, having realized the sweetest thing in life. Calli stepped out from a trail and glanced around. After seeing the large boy, she ran and landed in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find you." She whispered, trying to hold back tears. Herry nodded and smiled at the tiny woman in his large arms.

"It's okay. I'm okay now, I realized that it doesn't matter if we only have fifty or so odd years with each other, even if we just had thirty days, it would be worth it." Herry told her.

"But you don't understand, if we ever got, well, you know…" She coughed uncomfortably and her delicate face turned red.

"Married?" Herry supplied, laughing slightly at her color. She hit him gently on the arm.

"Well, yes. Well, our daughter would have all my memories in her body and she would experience two conflicting loves. It would be… difficult." Calli explained softly. Herry nodded thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter, we can figure it out." He told her.

"Well, I mean this is a possibility, for all we know-" Calli stuttered, finally realizing the implications the conversation had taken.

"Calli, I will marry you. And that's that, so deal with it. Now let's go eat pizza." Herry commanded.

Calli trailed after the large boy who had quickly become her life and her soul.

Archie pushed Atlanta down the alley. He kept tight hold of her jacket, trying to prevent any falls she may have. She stumbled briefly, not being able to see out of the hood he had told her to put on. Her hands were bound behind her and she scrambled for footing.

Archie wondered if she was regretting coming along right about now. He was regretting bringing her. What would his group say? Would it honestly matter what they thought anyways?

'Even if I have to take the Vida ládron for another couple years, Atlanta and I will still be here when I'm done. At least we don't have to worry about time and getting older now.'

Archie sighed internally and opened the warehouse door, taking the lead from Atlanta and pulling her through the door.

"It's Muerte." He declared, remembering the way his security had almost made ribbons out of him last time he came unannounced. Slithers of steel were heard as swords were returned to their sheaths. The lights were flicked on and Archie scanned the faces of his group.

They were all familiar and tired looking. Archie quickly pulled Atlanta inside and shut the door.

"Okay, what did we decide?" Archie asked, ignoring the way Atlanta was poking him, trying to get him to let her out of the hood.

"Well, we had our vote. And we decided on Denim. He's young, like you. But he is good." A man with sharp, small features told him bluntly. Archie nodded, glancing around for the young good looking man that had delivered the note to Atlanta that one day. He stood in the shadows, with a strange expression on his face. It was not fear, but not happiness. It was a twisted expression of remorse and pride.

Archie understood it well. He walked to the man, pulling Atlanta with him. As he reached Denim, he leaned forward.

"You can get out of it you know. I will give you money to start a life of your own. You can have a family, a wife, kids, a real job. No one will stop you." Archie said quietly. Denim smiled regretfully and nodded.

"If you would have offered that a month ago I would have accepted. But my fiancée just died in a car accident and I don't really care what happens anymore." Denim replied. Archie nodded sadly.

"I'm sorry. You will make a wonderful leader. One day, maybe you will find another." Archie said comfortingly. Denim shook his head, his sandy blonde hair falling into his blue eyes.

"She couldn't be replaced." He murmured. Archie nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. Turning back to the rest of the group, Archie smiled. The men were taken aback. This was no smile of hurt, or anger, or sadness. This smile was of pure blissful happiness.

"I'm resigning. I quit. I'm out. Whatever I have to do. I'm gone. Denim is a good leader and he agreed to it." Archie informed them, pulling Atlanta out in front of him. "This is Atlanta. Sorry about the hood, but I didn't want anyone to recognize her outside the warehouse."

The men nodded, anticipation shining in their eyes. What women could make Muerte feel so strongly? What woman could make Muerte love? Was she beautiful, was she smart?

The men did not know what to expect. But what half framed woman they had formed in their minds was not Atlanta. She was not at all what they had expected. She was pretty, but not extraordinarily so. She seemed athletic and the glint in her eye was leading them to believe she was smart.

But she wasn't the drop dead gorgeous blonde with large hips and bigger boobs they were expecting.

Atlanta grinned and turned back to Archie. He nodded.

"Atlanta, this is the Vida ládron." Archie introduced them, not bothering with every single person's name.

"So is… Muerte coming home with me?" Atlanta asked coyly. The men laughed and some nodded. She grinned.

"Oh, you're in for it now boss." A man called from the back. Atlanta winked at him.

"You bet he is!" She said enthusiastically. Archie laughed slightly, shocking some of his men. I mean, Muerte smiling happily was enough to make your heart stop for a second, but Muerte laughing happily? That could put you into Cardiac Arrest!

"Get out of here." Denim said, chuckling lightly, "You two better get home, before I change my mind!"

Atlanta laughed and thanked him. Turning to the others she waved.

"I doubt we will visit." Archie said lightly. Walking to an older man who had handled most money affairs, Archie smacked him gently on the arm.

"Give all of these men a couple hundred and a week off. Consider it my going away present to you! I also want the money I earned." Archie declared. The men cheered and Atlanta gaped.

'You get paid for being a part of a gang?' she thought quickly, discarding the thought as Archie turned back to her. A suitcase was handed to him, and another after that. He handed them to Atlanta and took two more of his own.

"Well we are off. Nice to see you boys again and remember, stick to stuff that you don't get life in prison for!" Archie said sarcastically. Before exiting, he slipped the hood back on Atlanta and turned around.

"Also, you might want to get out of New Olympia. There are a few people here who would love to get their hands on you." Archie advised to a man close to him.

As they walked out of the warehouse, Archie took Atlanta's arm, saying goodbye to everything he had once been and hoping beyond anything that he could be happy.

Upon reaching the brownstone, Atlanta and Archie entered silently, climbing the staircase to Archie's old/ Atlanta's new bedroom. After shutting the door and laying the suitcases on the bed Archie removed Atlanta's hood. She rubbed her eyes lightly and attempted to reduce the static of her hair.

"I must look like a female red haired version of Odie." She murmured, eyeing Archie. Archie grinned and waved his hand in the direction of the suitcases.

"That's for a year's pay." He said softly. Atlanta eyed him suspiciously and opened a suitcase. Bills upon bills littered the suitcases insides, spilling over. Atlanta opened each one, her expression growing more shocked upon every one.

"How much is there?" She questioned.

"Fifty-thousand." He replied, loving the way Atlanta's gorgeous eyes widened more with every second.

"That much?" She whispered.

"Yeah, in each suitcase." Archie responded playfully.

"You are rich. And you made me pay for all those movies." Atlanta accused, narrowing her expressive hazel orbs.

Archie chuckled, "That's all yours Lanta. You are the rich one."

Atlanta spun to face the money and then spun again to watch Archie.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Atlanta demanded angrily.

Archie smiled and advanced upon her. He kissed her softly, pulling her in close. Her anger dissipated as she melted into his embrace.

"I mean, all of this money is yours, in case something happens in emergency. In my will, all the rest is split between you and Danaya." Archie explained, kissing her nose. Atlanta smiled.

"Now you are just bullshi-"

"Atlanta, I am dead serious. I hope nothing happens, but after I went to the Vida ládron, I had my will changed to that." He told her.

"Just how much money do you have that you can give away two hundred thousand dollars, for emergency?!" Atlanta growled.

"Lots. And lots of bank accounts to go with it. Also, if you want to go to college, your fund is paid for." Archie informed her.

"Now you are just bragging." She indicted.

"Yep, but that's okay, cause we all know you will always beat me in a race, so I have to brag about something."

Atlanta nodded and pulled Archie towards the bed, still occupied with suitcases.

"Atlanta, the suitcases are still on the bed…" Archie's sentence trailed off as Atlanta kissed him passionately. The suitcases were quickly moved.

Later in the night, as Archie lay with Atlanta in the small bed, he thought to himself. He looked out the window, remembering when Atlanta had told him that sometimes she could see the future in the stars. He tried to gaze into the future, but after many minutes of trying he decided to leave it to Calli.

Archie was content. He was happy and complete, and even with a power hungry time god out on the loose, Archie would be okay. He would be okay with Atlanta, and his friends and his newly found sister at his side.

But he still wondered at how he had salvaged his humanity. He had to have somehow; I mean, Calli had prophesized it. And prophecies were never wrong.

But if they were never wrong then how come Calli had never said that Atlanta being raped had been a false turn in prophecy? How come she had never contradicted herself there, or at least eliminated that possibility.

Maybe it was still supposed to happen?

Archie shook lightly, a shiver going down his spine at the thought of the beautiful red-head in his arms being harmed. Atlanta yawned groggily, and watched Archie from her place on his chest.

"I love you." She whispered. "It doesn't matter who you were. You are not that person anymore. And no matter what happens, you are a good person."

"Do you think I have regained my humanity, Atlanta?" Archie wondered softly.

Atlanta nodded gently against his chest.

"Do you actually think the barrier to the gods would let a bad person in?" Atlanta pointed out quietly. Archie thought back to when he had walked through the janitors closet, just hours ago. It hadn't been hard to go through, in fact it had seemed easier than usual.

"Thanks…" Archie murmured sincerely, watching the red-head's now sleeping face move up and down with his breaths.

"I love you too. And no matter where I am, or what I am doing, you will always come first from now on. And nothing will happen to you as long as I'm around."

Archie breathed in and out evenly, once more glancing out the window.

The stars were glowing brightly, the pristine light shining through the curtains to whisper sweet promises about the future.

A/N: This chapter was dedicated to all of my reviewers whom I love. It is also for Snow, who is going away for two weeks so I will miss her so very much. The part with Atlanta and Archie was for her, because today the boy Snow likes showed her a demanding side to him that she liked! Lol!

Also, someone asked for a sequel. While I love this story, I have no idea for a plot in it. I tried to give myself some options here, but if you want a sequel and have ideas, just tell me!!