Sorry for the long time between updates I've been busy working late on the ship. Thanks for the reviews and here is chapter 4 enjoy.


In front of a building there was four cars, one was a small blue full-size van name Ryan Kermoles, who was playing a game on his PSP, parked across from him was two adult full-size vans one being a dark blue Chevy G-20 van with custom grill guard and oversize off road tires name Tonga Vanz, and his brother Hector Vanz, a blood red GMC Vandura van with a scar on the right side that ran from the corner of his mouth to his taillight, playing a game of Tic-Tac-Tire, driving back and forth in a line was a pretty dark green Chevy G-20 van name Sara Kermoles, who was looking very worry for the orange muscle car being worked on in the shop.

"Hey Sara, don't worry dad and Max can fix him right up" said Ryan to his older sister as he continue to play his game.

Sara stopped driving, turned around and sighed as she looked at her father's shop door.

Then laughter snapped her out of her daze. She looked in the direction of the laughter, to see Hector and Tonga looking at her and laughing.

"Hey Sara…..ha ha….I don't see why you're….ha ha….so sad….he he….the kid probably….he he….deserved it" Hector said, as they both continue to laugh.

Hector was still laughing, when he heard a engine revved loudly, he stop laughing and his eyes went wide with fear, to see an very upset Sara driving toward him and Tonga caring a three foot long pipe in her right tire.

Hector had stopped laugh, but his brother continue to laugh saying "I know…ha ha…that car is such a wimp…ha ha" not hearing Hector warning to stop laughing before they get pummeled by Sara.

Tonga finely stopped laughing, looked at his brother and asked "WHAT? WHY DID YOU STOP LAU…." he didn't finish the question as his brow razed while saying "huh?" at what his wide eyed brother was pointing at. Tonga looked in the direction Hector was pointing, his eyes grew and the color ran out of his body in fear to see a now in raged female carrying a pipe not ten feet away and coming closer.

Sara's angry boiled over, she gun her engine while holding the pipe hoping to knock Tonga or Hector out with one swing, all the while yelling "WHY YOU OVER GROWN PIECES OF SCRAP METAL! I'M GOING KILL YOU!

At this they both turned and drove for lives screaming "IT WAS JUST A JOKE!" with an enraged Sara in hot pursuit.

"NOW WHO'S THE WIMP!?! COME BACK HERE AND TAKE YOUR BEATING LIKE THE TUFF VANZ YOU SAY YOU ARE!" she replied with a mad laugh as she continue to chase the two Vanz brothers leaving her brother behind with a puzzled but scared look on his face thinking "What the hell? SARA! Oh no! Got to get dad fast!"

Ryan dropped his PSP, turned and drove into the shop screaming "DAD?! HELP?! SARA'S GONE MAD!"

Mean while in the garage….

"There, the repairs are done." said a tired Max Vanz a midnight black ford E-150 van as he look over the mentors hooked up to orange barracuda on the lift.

"Nice job Max, on getting the new rear axle in. He will be out for about 2 to 3 hours, let's go get some food at the house before he wakes up." said Tony who was also tired from all the work they had done for the car.

As they made their way toward the door, it flow open with a SMASH and standing there was a worry, scared little van saying "DAD?! YOU MUST HURRY! SARA HAS GONE MAD AND IS CHASING HECTOR AND TONGA WITH A PIPE TRYING TO KILL THEM BOTH!" Both cars were shock at hearing this news.

"Oh great! Max you stay here. I'll be back with your brothers" said Tony as he sped out of the garage following his son. Max was still shock at the news that all he could do was shack his front end and look back at the car on the lift thinking "Why did Tony want this tuner fixed? And what made Sara that upset that she was trying to kill both his brothers Tonga and Hector?"

Later that evening back in Radiator Springs….

After Lightning and Robert found Sheriff they told him of Boost's story of what had happen that night to the tuners, he then had Boost come by the station to look at mug shots to help narrow the search down to a smaller number of suspects. Zach had come with Boost for moral support for his friend.

"It seems weird that a year ago those two were at each other fenders, know their best of friends." spoke Robert as he look over at the table where Boost and Zach were parked looking at mug shots.

"Yes it does" replied Lightning to Robert's remark of the tuners.

Three hours later Boost gave Sheriff the nine mugs shots for him check out in the police database. It took him two hours to gather all the information and put it together in nine folders. After he was done, Sheriff went over to the table where Lightning, Doc, Robert, Sarge were and parked next to Doc and set the folders down. He then cleared his throat to speak to them about his findings.

"This is information on the cars that attach the tuners. They're as follows: Twenty-Four years old twin dodge ram truck Ben and Ringo Thompson these two have been in trouble for small things from speeding to running cars off the road. Next is thirty year old large forklift Jesse "Fork" Whitmore he's been in trouble for mainly brawls in which he has put cars in the hospital, this due to his short fuse temper. Next up twenty-nine year old freightliner longnose tow truck Reggie Linders he has been in trouble for assault & battery and vandalism. Next four big trouble makers are the thirty-three years old quadruplets full-size vans, the Vanz brothers Max, Tonga, Hector, and Rimo these four have been into trouble with the law at the of seventeen, ranging from shoplifting to assault & battery." Sheriff finished with sigh and sat back on his suspension.

"Whoa Sheriff these cars sound bad. Why don't we bring them in for what they did?" ask Lightning with some anger in his voice.

"It doesn't work that way Kid." replied Doc with a glare at Lightning, who looked down at the floor.

"Sheriff you said there are nine suspects, but you only spoke of eight. Who is the nine suspect?" ask Sarge with worry look on his fender.

Sheriff sigh and spoke the nine suspect name "And finally forty-seven year old camero Tony Kermoles his only trouble he has been in with law was a simple speeding ticket he got at the age of twenty-one." At that last comment, everyone look at Sheriff with collective response of "What?" at this response, Sheriff looked as if he wanted to disappear and hide at that moment.

Mean while as Sheriff continue to talk to the others cars of what needed to be done, a shadow makes its way out the front door unseen. The black car sped to the clinic where the tuners were waiting for the car to return from the police station. The car enters the garage saying "I'm back. Getting the information was too easy."

"Great job Skull. Now we can find these cars and make the pay for messing with DRH. Plus find Snot Rod as well." Spoke a ready and eager Boost with a smile.

Skull look at a down hearted DJ and Wingo saying "Plus we will add in some extra licks for you two, right Boost?"

"Right" replied Boost who was parked by the door waiting for Skull to hurry up so they can get going.

So they said their goodbyes and left the clinic heading out of town on route 66. Soon they past the welcome sign to Radiator Springs. About forty minutes later they made it to the spot where the gang was attacked the night before.

"Hey Boost I think we need some extra muscle and I know just the cars." Said Skull as he stop and turned around to see that Boost had stop at the side of the road looking down in the ditch with sadness and anger in his eyes.

He drove up to the sad and angered tuner asking "Are you going to be ok dude?"

"I'll be fine bro." replied Boost

"And what extra muscle are you talking about" replied Boost to Skull's first question.

"Over at old man Morgan's place. You know his two sons Ruckus and Rampage." replied Skull answering Boost question with a smile on his fender.

"WHAT?! Those two crazy country hick cars? No way!" replied a shock Eclipse to the young Mustang.

Skull just smile and said "Mary Lou Morgan will be there bro." and with that the Eclipse blushed at hearing the name Mary Lou Morgan.

"Ok, let's go get those hick cars." replied Boost as he and Skull continued to make their way toward old man Morgan's farm for extra help.

Back at Kermoles home…..

"Have a nice night Max and sorry for what Sara did to your brothers." said Tony to the ford van with a hurt Hector and Tonga in tow.

"I'll will and don't worry they had it coming." replied Max with laugh at what Sara did to the two vans.

"WHAT!?!" replied both vans at Max last comment.

After bidding farewell to the vans he went into the house to deal with his daughter bad behavior toward the two vans. As he entered the living he saw Sara parked near the fireplace looking at the wall intently. In the kitchen was his wife Rebecca Kermoles an older model navy blue Chevy G-20 full-size van and his son Ryan doing dishes. He stopped halfway to the kitchen, turned so he was looking at his daughter. He went to say something first but Sara spook up.

"What?" ask Sara in angered tone in her voice.

"Oh don't you give me what Sara. You're the one who attack Tonga and Hector with a pipe. Right?!" shouted Tony.

"Those two had it coming after what they said about Jeff. About he is a wimp and laughing at the fact that he got beat up like he had it coming. So I got mad and did something about it!" Sara shouted back at her father as she got up to leave out the front door.

"You could have kill ether one had I not stopped you! And where do you think you're going young lady?!" shouted Tony as he followed his daughter out the front door, stopping on the porch, as Sara continued down the ramp.

"I'm going to sit by Jeff for awhile!" Sara shouted back as she drove up to the shop, open the door and drove in. After locking the door she slowly drove over to where the barracuda was resting parked in front the car thinking "Jeff, I wish you were awake".

As she sat there her thoughts flashback to the night after the dance where Jeff escorted her home from the prom.


"I never had so much fun in my life!" spoke a happy orange barracuda to the green G-20 van.

"Where did you learn to dance like that Jeff?" ask Sara as both cars continue to drive to her house.

"Well I can't dance very well, so I got some help from Franco." replied Jeff who blushes red with embarrassment to her question.

Sara look surprise at hearing what Jeff just said, that she didn't realize that they were about to drive right by her house, when a car horn cause Sara to slammed on the brakes just in time to realize she was in front of the house. She turned and gave Jeff a sorry look for daydreaming and not realizing where she was at, but in doing so caused the barracuda to brushed red with embarrassment

"Thank you Jeff for escorting me home and I had a lovely time tonight." said Sara

"You're welcome Sara. And I had a great time too." replied Jeff

Sara didn't know who made the first move, but before they knew it both were lock in a kiss that neither wanted to end. When they finely did Sara felt that her engine was still racing and Jeff looked like he was still a cloud 9.

Sara managed to come down to finely say "Good night" with one last kiss to before heading up the ramp and going inside. From the house she could hear the barracuda speed off while shouting "GOOD NIGHT SARA! SEE YOU TOMORROW!" at that last of the words she let out a sigh and replied quietly "Good night Jeff".

End of Flashback

Sara thoughts return to the barracuda on the lift in front of her, with sigh wishing he would wake up and say something, anything to make her feel better about the situation.

Sara drove up to Jeff and kissed him on the fender saying "Good night Jeff. Please get well." She then backup so she was parked next to the lift the car was on, and started to cry until she fell asleep.

As the sence unfolded on the screen the car let out a sigh of frustration thinking "What does she see in that punk!?" The car drove out the room and down the hall to the window in the living room stopping to look one last time at the shop thinking with a grin "Looks like I'm going to have to make this work to my advantage." He turned and drove up the ramp, down hall to his room parking next to his wife to get some sleep.

Well there is the end of chapter 3, will Boost get payback on Tony and find SR, can Sheriff and others bring in Tony's Gang, and what is Tony planning Snot Rod. You'll have to wait and see. More reviews. "X"