A/N: This is the stereotype I fit into at school kinda.

For Girl's Cabin fans: I'm trying to update but it's coming along pretty slow, sorry!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, it'd be very poorly drawn.

Doesn't it suck being the kid who came from "the other school?" Tenten just so happened to be that kid and as she could tell you, it sucks.

It was the end of a long boring and lonely first day back at school. Tenten unfortunately had to kick off her junior year at a new school due to her father's job transfer. She was in the locker room, trying on a gym uniform for size. Thankfully, it was the last block of the day.

"Damn girl, you have huge boobs!"

Tenten blushed as she was about on put on her normal shirt. She turned her attention to a cute girl with bright, yet some how natural looking, pink hair and big green eyes.

"Um, thanks?" Tenten answered uncomfortably.

"You're welcome," the pink haired girl said cutely and pranced away.

Totally weirded out, Tenten slipped her shirt on and went to tell the coach what size she needed.

"I'll take a medium," the brunette said.

"Don't listen to her. Mark her for an extra small."

Tenten whipped her head around to see the pink haired girl again.

"But I'd be an eyesore in clothes that small," Tenten defended.

"You'd be an eyesore looking like a bag lady," pink hair retorted.

"She'll take the extra small," the cute girl confirmed.

"But," the brunette started.

"Nope, now let's get out of this smelly joint."

And with that, the pink haired girl looped her arm though Tenten's and dragged her out of the locker room.

"So Busty, what's your name?" Pink hair asked.

Tenten blushed again. "Tenten."

"Well I'm Sakura and we totally have to go shopping after school," she stated.

"Sorry, but I," Tenten started to turn down.

"Hey, it wasn't an offer. It's like a sin having a body like yours and wearing old loose designer clothes like you are now," Sakura commented.

"These clothes aren't designer, and why do you care what I'm wearing?" Tenten asked defensively.

"Sweetie, there's a whale on your boob meaning that shirt cost well over a hundred. Also, you need to dress to flatter. You won't get any guys dressing like that. Plus you have to look hott when I introduce you to the sisters," Sakura explained.

"The sisters?" Tenten questioned.

Sakura flipped her hair back stuck her neck out, showing off a black chord worn as a tight choker around her neck. In the middle were two charms that were in the shape of two S's with diamonds embedded in the white gold.


"Skank Sisters," Sakura replied simply.

"Skank Sisters?" Tenten asked with slight interest.

"It's like our own private club and you're perfect other than your wardrobe. Now do you have a car?" Sakura inquired.

"Er, no, I have a driver," she responded.

"Sweet, call and say you don't need a ride. Be quick, the bell is about to ring," Sakura commanded.

Tenten looked for teachers, but none were look so she whipped out her cell and speed dialed her driver.

"Blegh even your phone is boring, we'll have to fix that too," Sakura commented.

"Hello…yeah, I'm going to the mall today, okay? ….Alright. Bye."


The bell went off and Tenten followed Sakura through the swarm of students. They ended up out in the parking lot and didn't have to walk too far to reach Sakura's car.

"Oh my god, your car is…" Tenten gasped.

"I know, isn't the hottest Hummer ever?" Sakura asked as she opened the door to the driver's seat.

"It's hot pink," Tenten said in a astonishment.

"My dad got a custom paint job for it."

The two climbed into the driver and passengers' seats and Sakura started the engine. Immediately the radio blasted Gasolina by Daddy Yankee and the bass vibrated the car and the space around it.

Tenten winced at the loudness and the bass, but got used to it after a minute. Then Sakura turned the radio off to talk as they drove off the school campus.

"You have a credit card, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, but only for emergencies," the brunette replied.

Sakura looked over Tenten's attire.

"Yeah, this is definitely an emergency."

"Why do you call your group the 'skank sisters'?" Tenten asked.

"Well, it suits us," Sakura responded simply.

"By isn't a skank like a slut?"

"Not at all! Sluts are disgusting scumbags who will sleep with anything that walks on two legs. Now being a skank, it's being a total whore while staying a virgin," the pink haired girl explained.

"So if you do it, then you're not a skank anymore and you become a slut?"


Tenten was beginning to understand things as they turned into the mall parking lot. They hopped out of Sakura's car and headed in the large building.

"This is gonna be so fun! It's like 'What Not to Wear'!" Sakura giggled in excitement as she dragged Tenten into a huge department store.

"Now, we need something Ino will approve of, but won't make Hinata freak out," Sakura thought out loud as she picked out many skirts, shirts, pants, shorts, shoes, jackets and accessories. She came to a halt as they reached the dressing rooms and she shoved all the items into Tenten's arms.

"Try everything on and come out and show me," the pink haired girl ordered and pushed the brunette behind the door and closed it shut.

Tenten stared at the piles of clothes in her arms.

"Wait! Don't try anything on! I've found something perfect!" Sakura called through the dressing room door.

Tenten opened the door to see Sakura holding up an outfit

'Oh my god…'

Tenten felt ridiculous. She felt like a huge flashing sign that said "HEY LOOK AT ME! I'M A FREAK!" She wanted to run into the nearest bathroom and hide out until the mall closed.

"Why are you so against this outfit? It's so cute and you look amazing in it," Sakura gushed.

"But it's so…bright," Tenten whined.

It was true; her outfit could be seen from the other end of the mall. Sakura had chosen hot pink Juicy sweats and the matching jacket with a simple white spaghetti strap underneath.

"The more people will notice you my dear. Now let's see what MAC has in store for you," the pink haired girl guided.

"Who's Mack?" The brunette questioned.

"You're so clueless it's adorable!" Sakura squealed and pulled her into the MAC makeup store.

"Now just sit in the chair and somebody will come over and do your make-up," Sakura explained.

'Oh god, not make-up too…'

Once Sakura was all finished with Tenten's makeover, Sakura held the taller girl's hand and lead her to the food court. The brunette stumbled a few times, trying to get used to wearing wedges instead of her usual sneakers.

"Okay, now just be cool. Don't be too shy, but don't say anything too vulgar either. Just be confident," Sakura advised as she dragged her new friend over to a table where two other girls sat.

One girl was dressed in an above-the-knee brown A-line skirt with an orange polo and a light blue Ralph Lauren sweater. She had beautiful pale skin and strange, yet intriguing white eyes. Her navy hair was tied up in a slightly off center ponytail. She looked like a Tommy Hilfiger advertisement.

The girl sitting next to her had a dark, crisp tan and long bleach blonde hair tied back in a messy bun. She wore worn out flip-flops, about a dozen hemp and macramé anklets, short denim shorts and a small yellow tank top. You could see that under her tank was a black bikini top. She had a pair of large Chanel sunglasses in her hair and wore a puka necklace around her neck. It seemed like she just stepped out of the movie "Blue Crush."

Both of the girls, like Sakura, wore the SS choker around their necks.

"This better be important Sakura. I'm missing out on some good waves," the blonde girl spoke impatiently.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch Ino. I think I found a new sister," Sakura grinned widely.

The two girls sitting down widened their eyes a bit in interest.

"You guys, I introduce you to Tenten or Busty as I like to call her." Sakura pushed Tenten out in front of her where the other two girls, who checked her out from head to toe.

"Well, she's not a total shoobie," Ino remarked.

"What do you think Hinata?" Sakura asked the white-eye girl.

"I-I like her outfit," Hinata stumbled.

Sakura gave Tenten an "I-told-you-so" look.

"But looks aren't everything. We have to see if she can make it through initiation," Ino smirked.

"Initiation?" Tenten asked in confusion.

"It's not that bad sweetie. We just have to see if you're confident enough to hang with us and wear our name proudly," Sakura answered with a sheepish glint in her eyes.

Tenten had a bad feeling about this whole initiation thing.

A/N: Kinda "Mean Girls"-ish...okay, majorly "Mean Girls"-ish. What can I say? I love cliques, style, stereotypes and make overs. Hope you enjoyed. Please review. Peace. Love. Happiness. Sora.