Author's notes: I'm a fanfiction writing virgin, so please be gentle.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, including Avatar.

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Aang had improved since we fled Ba Sing Se.

He'd 'improved'...considering he died two days ago.

Aang died, but because of some miracle-water, he was now able to draw agonizingly slow, painful breaths. It's a bittersweet improvement to say the least.

The guru, strangely enough, had anticipated our arrival. He'd muttered something about 'sensing the avatar's distress' or whatnot, when Appa first touched down at the Eastern Air Temple. He and Katara had quickly ushered Aang inside to be mended.

I knew the old, emaciated-looking Guru was probably out of his mind just by looking at him. Instinct's, ya know? The whole 'sensing' talk had just cemented the fact. Katara seemed to trust him immediately however, and when I'd followed the three into the hallowed temple, I found them deeply involved in healing my friend.

I peer in on the group from an archaic archway. The room before me is quite bizarre...I always thought the point of building a shelter was to provide protection from the elements.

This place seems to attract them.

The three walls across from the archway offer expansive views of the mountain terrain surrounding the temple: with the two pillared verandas I'm sure this was intentional, but a nagging feeling tells me the gaping hole on the third wall should be attributed to Nature and Time. Flowers and vines grow through the cracks in the stones, somehow finding a way to bend around the crushing weight of earth. Rarer species find homes in pots. Tiny trails of water still flow through an ancient fountain in the corner.

In the center of it all Aang lays on his stomach. Actually, Guru Patik supports his chest: neither he nor Katara want Aang to put weight on his already weak lungs. Katara leans over Aang's other side, her healing hand hovering over the hideous scar on his back.

The scar is certainly the most horrific injury, but I've learned that far worse injuries are almost never seen...just like with Jet.

And Katara hadn't known how to fix him.

She's been trying to heal Aang ever since we fled Ba Sing Se, barely resting. Even now, after two days of travel, she tiredly sways over her patient. I feel a small pang of pride. In my memory I see a little girl that grew frustrated and angry when she didn't get a bite in the first five minutes of ice fishing...or who fidgeted uncontrollably through her lessons, wishing only to play in the snow...

That little girl grew up. The patience and diligence she demonstrates now is proof of that.

My eyes move to the starburst-like scar in the middle of Aang's spine. As much as Katara tried, the scar didn't seem to fade. She stopped wasting her time a day ago; instead focusing on the injuries we couldn't see.

Though a selfish part of me wishes she'd just keep trying. That scar simply unnerves me.

Footsteps. I glance over my shoulder.


Toph wanders in next to me, Momo perched on shoulder.

I force a small smile, "Where's the Kingster?"

Toph snorts, "Singing a lullaby to his bear in the stable, where else?"

The Earth King and that bear have an unhealthy relationship, of that I'm sure.

"Appa's in the stable, too."

I turn grateful eyes to her, "Thanks, Toph."

I hadn't wanted to do the chore...instead opting to be close to Katara...Really, how sad is it to have a younger sister as a security blanket? So very unwarrior-like.

Katara turns, apparently just noticing our presence, "His breathing is improving."

She sounds hopeful and somehow it makes me feel even more pathetic. Her hope has always been so comforting. I'm the protector and yet I need her comfort. Our roles should be reversed. I slowly move into the room. Toph follows close behind, more tentatively than I'd have ever thought her possible.

I guess I'm tentative too: for the life of me I can't seem to keep my eyes from fixating on that scar. It shines a bright crimson on my friend's otherwise smooth back...

My little brother's back.

Yes...little brother. It's cliché, I know. Go barf if you feel like it...but cheerful, fun-loving Aang somehow wormed his way into our little family some time ago, even if my own macho-ness won't allow me to admit as much in public.

The scar seems to sneer at me. As I stare at it, I swear it screeches and laughs like a hysterical Fire Nation princess. I wasn't there when it happened, of course, but staring at that scar I can see lightning explode into the boy's chest, his blood splattering grotesquely...even though I know the blood would have cauterized instantly...I still see it.

My stomach churns, but I'm not hungry. I barely manage a whisper to my sister, "That means he'll be okay, right?"

Behind me, the ever-steady Toph shudders. Spotting Aang, Momo chirps and acrobatically flips to his side. The tiny creature sniffs his limp hand, no doubt confused why his favorite person stopped giving him treats.

Katara's eyes follow the lemur to the ground...and don't come back up. Yoga-master answers in her place, his unfamiliar accent breaking the silence.

"Your friend here is quite strong. He nearly mastered in days what took me a lifetime to perfect. In time, he will recover."

The guru's words spoke of confidence. Of 'knowing'. Despite Aang's heavily beaded brow, and horrible wheezing, this senile fool appears to have no doubts. Despite the fact that Aang's heart stopped working...

"You all doubt your friend."

Silence. Suddenly, the room feels cooler. I can't begin to imagine how the old man feels, being all skin and bones. You'd think he'd do something about that...clothes, for instance.

The guru repeats his question, "Well you do, don't you? Your faces predict a grim outcome. You doubt him."

Who did this guy think he was...reading my mind like that.

His words don't sit well with Toph though. She storms forward, her tentative step somehow vanquished.

"Like hell!" she spits, "Twinkletoes here is a lot tougher than he looks, he's stood up against me, after all."

Makes him a hell of a lot braver than me.

The guru laughs lightly at the small girl's words. "Very courageous indeed!"

It takes a moment, but Katara also perks up.

"And he's never given up...especially not on us," She smiles at him fondly.

Guru Patik catches the tender look, "He has much heart...much love. It ties him to this world."

For some reason beyond me, three pairs of eyes then look in my direction...

And Toph wonders why I forget she's blind...


Guru Patik looks exasperated, "If Aang is to recover, you must relinquish your doubts. You must trust in him."

I ponder his words. How can my intangible, definately-not-medicine nor water-healing-magic, Aang recover from a lightning bolt to the heart? Such horrible logic. And yet, looking at the man's withered face, I can tell he's sincere...

But sincerity didn't matter much if he was insane, did it?

I can trust. I just need to have a reason. Point in fact...I trust that the world is round, because I've traveled most of it and know it to be true.

You might ask, but what about people, Sokka? Do you trust people? This is a little more difficult, but with time I can usually find a reason to trust someone if they deserve it. Ya see, I trust Toph because she's never lied to me, and I trust Katara because she's never hurt me...too badly, at least. And even though Aang commands a magic I don't fully comprehend, I trust him.

I trust Aang because Aang trusted me, without question, even before he really knew me. Such blind, unconditional, pure trust, simply demands trust in return...

I'm a man of action. It isn't enough for me to say I trust my friend. I have to show it. But how? I ponder this question for what seems like minutes, my mind working faster than a grey cheetah-hound and...wait...that's it...

It was the first thought that stuck me.

"I have an idea."

Katara looks confused. She'd been expecting me to say something more along the lines of her and Toph's statements.

"Huh?" Her eloquent reply. Poor girl's tired...

Awesome, I've got an advantage.

"Aang will get better. I trus-...know he will. But like crazy guy over there said –no offense-," I nod at Guru Patik, who grins, amused, "It's going to take time."

Katara feels the shoulder underneath her hand tense, as if electrified. If I strain I can hear the hitch in Aang's breathing. She massages the muscle to ease his discomfort while she listens on. Good girl...

I continue, "We only have two months. Even though Aang's hurt and can't travel, the clock's still ticking people. He has to learn firebending."

Katara's rolling her eyes. We've all heard this spiel a million times before and she's in no mood to hear it again, being so fatigued. Her eyes are drooping and her shoulders are drooping and she's basically just...drooping. If I don't hurry up she's going to tell me to get to the...

"We know all this...get to the point, Sokka."


"Heh...right. Anyway, Zuko's uncle...A-Iroh, was it?...He's a firebending master and a traitor to the Fire Nation. He has every reason to want to help Aang..."

Katara eyes me like I'm a dimwit through her drooped eyelids, "Well, yeah...but he was taken in Ba Sing Se."

"He doesn't have to stay that way."

I hold my breath.

Toph understands my meaning right away. The way she's fidgeting gives her away.

As I watch, I see Katara's eyes light up...she's putting two and two together.

"Please...Please tell me you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting..." It was said with such weariness.

So very anti-climatic of her.

"Oh c'mon...I thought the old guy was pleasant enough. Or would you prefer I bring back Scar –

"Quit it, Sokka! This isn't a joke."

That's much more like it.

I scratch the back of my neck, "You're right. I'm sorry."

She isn't appeased by my apology.

"You want to go back to Ba Sing Se."

The statement sounds like an accusation.

"Katara, I know it sounds crazy, but we can't afford to be shortsighted."

Yeah, it was a jab in her direction. She's so concerned about Aang that she isn't thinking in the long-term...ugh...that sounded so cold. I didn't mean to insinuate that my sister was selfish; I mean she gives all of herself in everything she does. She cares for him...I guess I'd be the same way if it had been her...

"Guru what's-his-face is right. We have to trust Aang will be okay..." I avoid looking at the scar, lest it cause my confident tone to waver.

"...but if he doesn't learn firebending by the time Sozen's Comet arrives, he won't be okay in two months, and neither will you or anyone else."

Katara deflates a bit. She doesn't want to acknowledge the logic in my words.

"Jeong-Jeong...what about him?"

I'd considered that briefly least now I know she's on the same page.

"I thought about that too. But we have no idea where he went after he escaped Zhao. We may not find him in time."

"We have two months!"

"It's a HUGE world Katara! We found Jeong by chance last time...he could be anywhere now!"

Katara frowns, "We can all go then...once Aang's on his feet again."

"How long will that take?...Besides...he's too important. If he runs into Azula again before he learns firebending..."

She throws her hands up in frustration, "It doesn't matter what I'll just make an excuse!"

Hey now...That was offensive. I wouldn't have volunteered to do actual work if I hadn't thought about it from a logical standpoint. My eyes narrow.

"I'd rather be spouting hot air than be full of—"

"Quiet!" The earth rumbles slightly.

The tremble causes both Katara and I to break our mutual stare-downs.

"...He has a point Katara."

My sister sputters, and I throw her a smug smile.

"What?!...both of you are insane!"

"No...he is." Toph points toward the guru.

"Ah haa!" An accented chuckle.

At least I wasn't alone in that particular speculation.

I soften my tone, "I know you think it's dangerous.."

"It's reckless, that's what it is! The Dai Li are practically ghosts, they see everything...not to mention Zuko and Azula...she bends lightning, Sokka! Big, scary, crackling lightning!"

She's still shaken. The haunted look in her eyes makes me wonder if she still sees Aang being struck over and over in her mind: his mouth agape, his eyes wide, as if merely surprised and not dying at that very moment. His eyes rolling into the back of his head as his Avatar state leaves him, and then he's falling. A speck. A meager speck falling listlessly. They'd all been lucky Katara had gotten there in time. Our mother's death taught us that Fate wasn't always so merciful.

I recognize her distress and quickly pull her into a hug. I feel a lot more useful when I get to be the comforter...

"I just don't want anyone else to..."

She breaks off and instead rests her head on my shoulder. I feel moisture dampening my shirt. It tears at my heart to know I'm causing her more pain.

Slowly, another pair of arms encircles us both from the side. I smile weakly at Toph.

"Don't get used to it."

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I had told Katara I wouldn't go...that the idea had been a whim and nothing else.

But I hadn't promised. It would have been too hard to break one with her. Actually, I pride myself in being pretty honest. I'd say I keep about eighty percent of my promises...

Which gives me a C average. Not bad. Though I've always done better with my scholarly interests than my virtues.

Of course, I had intended to stay. Seriously. The look on my sister's face had been so sad and tired. I didn't feel right leaving her like that.

She'd feel much better about it in the morning, after a good night's sleep.

It's Toph's fault anyway. She's very persuasive when she wants to be, ya know?

After my sister broke down (and I'm not saying she didn't deserve a little emotional release), I helped her set up her bedroll next to Aang's so she could get some rest. Her breathing evened out in minutes.

That's when Toph and I had a little chat. Seemed the earthbender had liked my idea to return to the Earth Kingdom capital...

"Toph, stop right there. I already promised Katara I'd stay put."

"'re friggin' pussy-whipped, you know that?"


What the hell was she talking about?

Toph's face reddened, "I don't know...I heard one of my opponents say it once."


"Forget it! Just hear me out, knuckle head!"

At that, I turned my eyes so they looked into her own, even though I knew she couldn't see it. When Toph gives orders like that, most everyone tends to listen.

"You and I are going to take Appa. We're going to travel back to Ba Sing Se, and we're going to bring Aang back a firebending sifu! We're going to do this because we're strong enough..."

She points to herself.

" enough..." She points in my direction.

"And friggin' PISSED enough to pull it off!" She stomps into the ground to emphasize her fury.

"...And Katara may not like it now, but her brain's all mushed cuz of Twinkle toes --and maybe mine is too-- but she'll thank us later!"

And that's when Guru Patik came out from behind the figural sculpture of a woman airbender.

"You'll need some supplies for your quest..."

I wonder...If the guru endorses my idea...

Crap. It really must be crazy.