Author's Notes:- Thanks to Stonedtoad for betaing.

I was inspired to finish this by the new series of Doctor Who. You've got to love the man, he has style.

Anyway, enjoy. (And don't threaten me too much after you've read it)

Rodney stood alone on the balcony, finally alone after the long detailed debriefing Dr Weir had insisted on. He didn't want to go into specifics about what had occurred earlier, he especially didn't want to relive the death of Laura. He'd known her for a few hours but her death had left a huge hole in him, matched by the ones Radek and Carson carried.

"Rodney," Jeannie came up to his side, "Are you okay?"

He turned to look at her, his sister and he knew that very soon she would leave him too.

"I'm sorry I did this to you," Jeannie sighed, "I'm sorry that I'm leaving you with a mess…"

"Don't," Rodney cut her off, "I'm glad you came into my life. I was so bored back on Earth, I had nothing there and now…Weir asked me to take over Turner's job, Radek apparently insisted that I get it."

A small smile touched Jeannie's face, "I'm glad. At least I know I'm leaving you in a good situation."

"You're leaving?" Rodney asked, hoping that the events of earlier had changed her plans.

Jeannie nodded, "I have to. Because I no longer exist here without the stabiliser the best place for me is the TARDIS."

"I'm just going to miss you," he whispered.

Jeannie smiled and silently hugged him before leaving him to brood for a little longer.


"Hey," John caught Jeannie as she left the balcony.

"Hi," she smiled slightly, "What are you doing hanging around here, Colonel?"

John shrugged, "I was going to ask you the same thing as your brother. Are you staying?"

"If you already heard my answer," Jeannie folded her arms across her chest, "Why bother asking?"

He shrugged again, "Hope that maybe I could persuade you to stick around."


"There's a lot for you to hang around here for," he reminded her, "You know that, don't you?

John stepped forward and gently kissed her. Jeannie let it linger for a second before stepping back from him.

"Don't," she whispered sadly, "Don't make this harder, John. I have no choice in the matter, I made this decision to save my brother and I have to face the consequences."

"You could stay," John reminded her, "You…"

"I can't," she stated as calmly as she could, "John, no matter what I want, I have to leave." She stepped forward and stretched up to kiss his cheek, "Take care of him, John and take care of yourself."

With that she turned and left.

"You know," the Doctor said as Jeannie entered the TARDIS, "I don't usually stick around this long."

Jeannie rolled her eyes, "I know. I had some people to say goodbye to but I'm ready."

The Doctor looked up at her from the console, "Are you sure? Rodney…"

"Is safe," Jeannie cut him off, "Look, if I hang around and talk anymore, I won't be able to leave. Please, just push the button."

He nodded, and without any further questioning he moved the TARDIS out of Atlantis. Neither of them knew of the two men standing outside watching, Rodney McKay and John Sheppard stood together saying goodbye to her before they walked together to the Control room.

Jeannie moved away from the console and took a seat, sighing as she stared at the stabiliser keeping her anchored in reality.

"It will hold you here for several more days," he reminded her, standing beside her, "Jeannie, I could think of something…"

She held up her hand to stop him, "There's no point," she looked up at him properly, tears filling her eyes, "Best to get it over with as fast as possible."

"Doctor," a new voice filled the TARDIS just before Jeannie removed the stabiliser.

Jeannie let out an annoyed sigh, "Oracle."

"Return to my home," the Oracle told them, "There I shall explain as best I can."

The Doctor turned to his companion and raised an eyebrow questioningly. Jeannie rolled her eyes.

"Why not," she snapped, throwing her hands in the air, "I can stick around for an explanation."


The Oracle's home was now a garden, filled with rows and rows of flowers and a deep blue cloudless sky above them.

"Am I the only one really creeped out by this place?" Jeannie asked as they walked from the TARDIS through the garden.

The Doctor shrugged, "It's reflecting that she's happy."

"Oh joy," Jeannie sneered, pushing her hand through her hair, the cheery world around her making her nauseous.

They continued deeper into the Oracle's home, finally finding the woman sitting under a tree, her white dress pristine and a smile on her face.

"Thank God she's not playing with the fluffy bunnies," Jeannie muttered, "I would have had to throw up then and there."

The Doctor chuckled as he gently swatted her shoulder. He nodded to the woman sitting in front of them.

"Hello, Doctor," the Oracle greeted him as she stood to face them, "Jeannie, I have so much to thank you for."

"I'm glad everything that I went through and everything I put my brother through was worth it," Jeannie replied sharply, she let out a hiss of irritation, "Why didn't you give us some…indication of what was going on? Do you have any idea what you put us through?"

The Oracle dropped her head slightly, her long hair fell into her face and the Doctor and Jeannie shared a confused glance as they saw a tear trail along the Oracle's cheek.

"I wish to apologise," the Oracle voice was filled with tears, "But you must understand that the only reason I did this was so I could survive."

Suspicion filled Jeannie; she folded her arms across her chest, "Did what?"

"I was the one who engineered what happened to your brother," she confessed, "I placed the device in his laboratory."

"Y...Y….Y…You," Jeannie stuttered, shock and confusion filling her as the Doctor caught her, "You killed him?"

"What I did, I did only to ensure that the power to destroy them existed," the Oracle stated, her voice never changing from the calm, soothing tones, "Only then would I be safe."

"You manipulative bitch," Jeannie snapped, rage filling her eyes, "You killed my brother."

"Jeannie," the Doctor held her back.

"Please, listen to me," the Oracle said, "Rodney is not dead. It was just…the machine was to make sure that you would come to me. He will waken."

Jeannie tore herself away from the Time Lord, her blue eyes glistening as she stepped menacingly towards the other woman.

"You tore me apart," Jeannie snarled at her, "You used me and my brother, for what? To stop Turner and his cohorts,"

"The power to stop them could only come from you both," the Oracle told her.

Jeannie closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths, "I would have helped you if you'd just asked."


"Jeannie," the Doctor chased her as she marched back to the TARDIS, the Oracle following him, "Jeannie, wait for a second."

Jeannie spun to them, her blue eyes blazing, "She used me, she used Rodney and very nearly destroyed us. I am not waiting around for her to do any more."

"I have returned everything so it is as it was," the Oracle told her.

"Alright, good," Jeannie told her sarcasm flowing from every word, "Now, I'll do something for you." Jeannie stepped up to the other woman, her blue eyes darker than the Doctor had ever seen, "I'm warning you, never come near me or my brother again. I know how powerful we are now, I know how to access it and I can teach Rodney. So, keep well away from us if you don't want to experience it first hand," with that said, Jeannie turned and entered the TARDIS.

The Oracle turned to the Doctor, "I apologise for what I have done, Doctor."

The Doctor stared at her, "So you should."

With that said, he followed Jeannie back to the TARDIS.

Rodney's body lay in the morgue; he looked as though he was simply sleeping. Laura Cadman stood in the doorway; she felt Carson at her side and rested her head against his shoulder. Rodney's death had shocked all of them; Laura wasn't surprised at how badly it was affecting her. They drove each other crazy but the time spent with each other when she was stuck in his head had left them with if not a friendship, at least a familiarity.

"Has anyone talked to Jeannie?" Laura asked, worry in her voice. She'd seen Jeannie when the woman realised Rodney was dead, had seen the complete devastation within her eyes and since no one had seen the women since, Laura was worried.

Carson shook his head, "The Colonel hasn't been seen either. I've a feeling he's with her somewhere they can both grieve."

Laura turned to hug him properly, knowing that Carson was just as devastated as she was; they'd been friends since before coming to Atlantis.

"I have to get back to work," Carson told her after several minutes.

Laura nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "I just want to say goodbye to him."

Carson nodded; he squeezed her hand before leaving her alone with Rodney. She felt a shiver run along her spine as she moved to stand beside him.

"Rodney," she started, for the first time since she'd met him not sure what to say, "You…you drove me crazy but I knew you'd always back me no matter what," Laura sighed and nervously reached out to take his hand, "I'm going to miss you."

Laura swallowed, forcing back the tears that were threatening her. Leaning over him, Laura studied his face before gently kissing his forehead. She felt pressure on her hand and gasped in astonishment as she realised Rodney had just squeezed her hand.

"Rodney?" Laura gasped, she touched his face watching in amazement as his eyes fluttered open, "Rodney, look at me."

As the scientist focussed on her, Laura started to laugh in relief.

"Cadman," Rodney murmured, looking around at her in complete confusion, "What's going on?"


Rodney sat on the infirmary bed, a blanket wrapped around him as he tried to stop shaking. Carson had an IV in his arm and several hot water bottles sitting against Rodney to help raise his body temperature. He glanced over to where Elizabeth, Radek, Laura, Teyla and Ronan stood, all watching him as though he was going to disappear at any moment.

"Where's Jeannie?" Rodney asked when Carson came over to check on him.

Carson hesitated, "I don't know. When we thought you were dead, she disappeared."

"I can't concentrate to find her," Rodney said, he was groggy, had a headache and just wanted to sleep.

"She was extremely upset when we thought you were…" Carson couldn't continue that sentence, "Once she senses you're awake, I'm sure she'll be here."

Rodney nodded, burrowing deeper into the blanket, nodding in thanks when Carson added another one around him.


John staggered slightly and leaned against the wall. He looked around his room, trying to remember exactly how he'd ended up here. Confusion filled him as John pieced together the fragmented pieces of his memory which ended with Jeannie saying goodbye before the world had faded and he'd ended up here.

"John?" Elizabeth's voice came over the radio, "John, answer me."

"Elizabeth," John replied to her call, "What's up?"

"Where the hell have you been?" Elizabeth snapped, "Never mind," she continued, "I need you to bring Jeannie to the infirmary."

"Jeannie?" John asked confused.

"Yes," Elizabeth replied, "Rodney's alive. Bring her down here."

"Ah," John stammered slightly, looking around the room, "I have no idea where she is."

"What?" Elizabeth sighed, "Just get down to the infirmary."

John nodded, despite the fact the woman couldn't see him and scrubbed his hand over his face. He pulled together his scattered thoughts and started down to the infirmary to check on his team-mate.



John ran over to his friend, sitting on the bed wrapped in several blankets. Rodney looked up and glanced behind John, obviously looking for his sister.

"You're okay," John laughed, "You're actually okay. I can't believe this. Jeannie was sure you were dead."

Rodney let out a slight gasp of shock as John grabbed him in a quick hug. Once the other man let him go, looking a little embarrassed at his show of emotion, John stepped back from the bed.

"How're you feeling?" John asked, ignoring his emotional greeting.

"Kinda cold," Rodney replied, pulling the blanket tighter around himself, "Where's Jeannie?"

John dropped his eyes, "I don't know. From what I remember, she called the Doctor and he took us to tell your parents you were dead."

"She told my parents?" Rodney winced, "Oh damn."

"After that she used the TARDIS and took us somewhere, I have no idea where it was," John continued, deciding not to tell about the woman's sacrifice, "After that, I don't know."

Rodney frowned and closed his eyes, he needed to be able to focus and find her. He had to find her.


The Doctor stood watching her as she sat curled in a ball under the control console, tears sliding down her cheeks. She'd been there for a while; it had always been a place she would sit when she needed to think.

"What?" she snapped at him.

"Where do you want to go?" the Doctor sat cross-legged facing her.

Jeannie shrugged.

"I thought you'd want to see Rodney," he pushed, wincing as the ice-clue eyes focussed on him.

Jeannie shook her head, "He's safe. I can feel he's fine but I'm not."

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm so sorry about all you went through. I'm sorry that I was the one who encouraged you to learn to use your abilities and I said you could trust her."

"You've got enough guilt to carry about, Doctor," Jeannie reached out and took his hand, "You don't need this," she sighed, "I'm a big girl you know."

He squeezed her hand tightly, "Well, we have to go somewhere, back to Atlantis if you want or maybe we could try somewhere else."

"What about Rose?" Jeannie asked, "I mean you did promise her you'd be back for her."

The Doctor shrugged, "And I will, but first I want to make sure you're alright."

Jeannie slid out of her hole and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, "Thank you."

He held onto her, rubbing her back slightly in comfort.

"Okay," Jeannie said decisively, "Firstly, we go to Atlantis so I can check on Rodney, then we pick up Rose."

The Doctor smiled, "You're coming with me again?"

Jeannie gave a slight shrug again, "I think I need some time to deal with what I know now and being here, in the TARDIS is the best thing for it."

"Right then," the Doctor cried, "Atlantis it is."


The TARDIS materialised in the same part of the city it always did, Jeannie exited the ship and headed straight to the infirmary, leaving the Doctor in the TARDIS.

"Jeannie?" several people cried in astonishment as she marched past them.

She ignored them and walked over to her brother, Rodney glanced up at her when she arrived and smiled in relief as she hugged him.

"Are you okay?" Rodney demanded of his twin, "If you thought I was dead."

"I'm fine," Jeannie replied softly, "Mostly. I just came back to see if you're okay."

Rodney nodded, "Just cold."

Jeannie laughed slightly and sat at his side, "Good."

The Doctor rested his hand on Jeannie's shoulder, "I'll wait for you in the TARDIS."

Jeannie quickly nodded to him before turning to where her brother was sitting in the mess eating breakfast with John, Carson and the rest of his team.

"Oh, this is going to be hard," she murmured walking over to them.

"Jeannie," Rodney smiled when she reached them, "Want something to eat?"

"I need to talk to you," she told him, "Come on."

Confused, Rodney grabbed the last piece of his toast, his look telling anyone who dared steal any of his breakfast would be dead. He quickly followed his twin sister out and stood waiting for her to talk.

"I did something when I thought you were dead," Jeannie confessed, "It basically…" she paused.

"Jeannie," Rodney asked, worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Quickly, Jeannie told him everything that had happened, in the most basic of terms.

"That was…" Rodney started, anger filling his eyes.

"I know," Jeannie cut him off before he could even start to yell, "But during this whole thing I learned just how dangerous we can be, together."

"And you think leaving is the best thing?" Rodney scorned.

Jeannie frowned at him, "I think I need time to learn to control this new ability before I'm around you during a crisis. I've seen the damage we can do if we don't control this properly and I don't want to endanger any one here."

Rodney frowned but didn't say another word, knowing it was pointless to argue with her when she'd already made up her mind.

"Are you going to say goodbye to John?" he asked, finally.

Jeannie dropped her eyes, "I can't. Tell him I'm sorry."

She hugged her brother once more, kissing his cheek quickly before slipping away.


Jeannie marched along the corridors, she wanted to get out of here as fast as possible but as she walked she was stopped by another woman.

"Laura?" Jeannie gasped, shaking herself as she remembered that none of it had affected them here and of course she was alive.

"Hey," Laura Cadman smiled, "Are you okay?"

Jeannie smiled back and to the other woman's surprise hugged Laura tightly, "Look after him for me," Jeannie whispered.

She started for the TARDIS once more as Laura stared after her in complete confusion.

Jeannie hurried on wanting to get out as fast as possible, sighing in relief as she saw the TARDIS in front of her.

"You're not leaving without saying goodbye," John called from behind her, making her stop in her tracks, "Are you?"

Jeannie closed her eyes, she'd almost made it.

"John," she sighed, turning to face him.

He walked over to her, "I thought you'd at least say…something and not disappear on me."

Jeannie stepped in and kissed him, "Rodney will explain," she murmured, kissing him once more, "Goodbye, John," Jeannie whispered, slipping out of his arms and into the TARDIS.