Okay, another one of my crossover fanfictions, this time with Star Wars, Episodes I and II, and possibly III, but with those characters, so yeah… Here it is…


Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were on a mission. Just recently, a new solar system had been discovered, and at least one of the planets had intelligent life on it. From what the scanners and such had discovered, the technology on the planet wasn't very advanced, and the only intelligent life was human beings, so the Jedi Council had decided it would be best for two humans to check things out.

Once they got decently close to the planet, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan got into a small speeder and flew in towards the planet. It was fairly populated, and they searched for a decent place to land.

After a while, they landed in the woods near a small village. Of course, they had landed at night, and they had turned on a stealth shield, but they didn't want to take any chances. These people could be hostile, and the less people that knew about them, the better.

They had found out about the people's basic ways of life, so they could blend in easily. At the moment, they were wearing clothes that many civilians wore. They came to the center of town, where there was a station for some sort of wheeled transport. Obi-Wan was intrigued by the seemingly primitive technology that was a big part of this world. He hoped that the people were more civilized.

At the station, Obi-Wan noticed a woman with two small boys. The woman was struggling with something heavy, and although the boys were trying to help, they were too small to do anything.

Obi-Wan exchanged glances with his master. This would be a good chance to befriend one of the locals. They decided to help the woman.


Trisha Elric, as she introduced herself, was very grateful for the help. She led Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon through the countryside to her small house. The two young boys walked beside her, and once they arrived at the house, they began fighting about something.

Trisha tried to break up the fight, but the boys were stubborn. Eventually, the brown-haired one triumphed and ran away. Trisha went after him once she made sure her other son hadn't been injured.

Obi-Wan kneeled down beside the small boy. "Are you okay?"

The boy nodded, and stood up. Qui-Gon moved down to his level as well. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn. What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you, Edward. What were you fighting with your brother about?"

"Hmph. Alphonse is being annoying, he keeps talking about how I messed up his favorite book."

"And did you?"

"Only a little. I didn't mean to."

Obi-Wan smiled inwardly. How nice it must be to have a problem like this be the biggest problem in your life. He stood up.

Qui-Gon seemed to realize something. "So, where's your father?" he asked.

Edward shook his head. "Don't know. He left."

"And you don't know where he went?"

"Nope. It's making Mom sad. She cries when she thinks we don't see her."

Obi-Wan immediately changed his mind about what he had thought before. "So, it's just you three?"

"And Winry. We see Winry a lot."

"Who's Winry?"

"She's my friend. Al's friend too, but I like her more."

"Does she live nearby?"

Edward nodded, and pointed to a house in the distance. "She lives there with her parents and Grandma Pinako. We're going there for dinner tonight, actually."

"Sounds like fun."

At this point, Trisha returned, dragging Alphonse behind her. She smiled at the two Jedi and let go of Alphonse, who immediately ran inside. Edward looked conflicted for a moment, and then ran inside after his brother. Trisha watched as Edward went inside and closed the door behind him.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's gotten into them."

"Not a problem. They seem like very good boys."

"They are. They're also very talented alchemists."


"Yes, they inherited their father's talent. He would be proud if he could see them. So, what are you doing in our little village of Resembool? It's not like there's much to see here."

"We're just passing through."

"Oh, okay."

Edward and Alphonse came outside again. Whatever issues they had seemed to be resolved, because they were both very happy. They ran up to their mother and pulled on her dress.

"Mother, guess what we made!" Edward said as Alphonse pulled something from behind his back. It was a small toy.

Trisha took the toy and looked at it. "You transmuted this?"


"Wow, it's very nice! Good job!"

The boys looked at each other and smiled. Then, Edward looked up at Obi-Wan. "Wanna see me transmute something?" he asked.

"All right."

Edward found a nearby stick and began drawing a circle on the ground. Once he finished, he put his hands on it. Obi-Wan was rather startled as there was a flash of light, and then a small figure rose out of the ground. Obi-Wan assumed it was an animal of some sort.

"Very impressive," Qui-Gon said. Edward smiled again.


They spent the next few days in Resembool. Edward seemed to regard Obi-Wan as a hero, because he followed him around a lot. After a while, he started asking Obi-Wan questions.

"Hey, where are you from?" he asked as he drew a circle on a piece of paper.

"We're from very far away."

"Are you aliens?"

Obi-Wan laughed. "No, we're not aliens. We're humans, just like you."

"Can you do alchemy?"

"No, but I can do other things."

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because, it's a secret."

Ed pouted. "That's no fun."

"No, I suppose it isn't. So, what are you making this time?"

"I'm gonna make a horse!"

"Really? That sounds exciting!"

Ed placed a block of wood on the circle and pressed his hands against it. There was a flash of light, and a small four-legged creature emerged from the wood.

"Very nice," Obi-Wan said. Ed grabbed it and placed it in Obi-Wan's hands.

"It's a present, so you remember me when you leave. You said you'd be going soon, didn't you?"

"I did, didn't I? Yes, we're leaving very early tomorrow."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going back to where we live."

"So you're going far away?"


"Are you gonna come back ever?"

"We might. If we do, I'll be sure to stop by."

Ed smiled again, his golden eyes shining.