Hello! This is my first KKM fanfic and the first one I wrote in english. I've known KKM serie for a long time and this fanfic has been on my mind since the end of the latest novel. I must warn you that my characters personalities are not entirely anime based because since I read the novels and love them, I tried to portray some traits that they have there. I hope this won't scare people away.

This prologue is all on Wolfram POV and there is mention of light ConYuu but the real pairing will eventually be Yuuram/WolfYuu.



It was another lovely day in Shin Makoku. The sun was shining brightly, there were no clouds in the sky and it looked like finally, after a long winter, spring had decided to shine over Blood Pledge Castle.

But it was not just the weather. Today was a lovely day because finally Weller Kyo Conrad was back at Shibuya Yuuri's side.

After all the pain endured by the young boy, Wolfram was ready to bet that Yuuri would have found this day wonderful even if outside there had been a thunderstorm.He understood his happiness though, because he too had experienced the same pain and had seen his fiance hurt by everything that happened in the past months. But now that his half brother had returned, everything seemed to be back to how it was before.

Yuuri was happy, and that was all that mattered. This is what his mind was trying to tell him. His heart, however, didn't share the same opinion.Of course, he was happy that Conrad was back too, but another feeling was lingering in him at the present time. He felt useless. When Conrad betrayed them, even without acknowledging it, Yuuri started to rely on Wolfram way more than before.

The blond knew that he was not like his brother, and that the way he showed his support was different, but he also knew, after seeing Yuuri crying in his arms, that the boy needed him a lot.

But now the doubt that had haunted him for months was beginning to take form.

Did Yuuri need him just because Conrad wasn't there? Wolfram tried more than once not to ask himself this question. His fiance, his King relied on him and he was happy to stay at his side even if he wasn't able to express how much he actually cared for him. Though that was also because he had never been able to openly show any soft feeling. But now that Conrad was back, things were back to normal.

Yuuri didn't practice fighting with swords with him anymore, Yuuri didn't ride with him anymore, Yuuri didn't go to him to talk. His fiance seemed to have found a new life and Wolfram felt he wasn't part of it. He sighed.

Looking outside their bedroom window, he could see his half brother and his fiance happily jogging and laughing. Yuuri's smile to Conrad was adorable, he never directed that kind of smile to Wolfram. It seemed stupid now to go there and throw a fit at his fiance, reminding him that he was a cheater. He knew that Yuuri never wanted this engagement, after all. But even if he was satisfied to see Yuuri so happy, on the inside the selfish old Wolfram was screaming.

And in another part of his heart, the ache was increasing.

He doesn't need me anymore

After all, he had really nothing to offer to Yuuri, not Gwendal's experience in war, not Gunther's knowledge of Shin Makoku's history, not Conrad's kind and warm smile, not Daikenja's reincarnation's good advice...

He was always told he was beautiful, enchanting and had only that to offer, but Yuuri clearly wasn't interested.

The blond mazoku couldn't help but smile, a sad smile of acknowledgement.

It didn't help that today it was 2 years since Yuuri slapped him. Besides, he managed to get the promise from him that this evening they would go and watch the stars with Greta. Of course, Yuuri didn't remember their "anniversary". To him, it was only another excuse to finish his studies earlier and have fun with Greta, but for Wolfram, having his family together was enough, even if he was the only one to know the real reason. But that was before Conrad was back, and now he doubted that Yuuri remembered that promise.

He already knew what was the right thing to do, but he didn't have the courage to do it. Even if he decided to break the engagement, he knew that seeing Yuuri's relieved face after the statement would be more painful than a stab. Frankly, he wasn't even sure on whether he could continue to see him everyday without feeling hurt... Not to mention that, had his feeling become a distraction, he would have put the King in danger.

But he couldn't go on like this. He needed to start over, to start from the beginning and find another reason to live that didn't involve his black haired soon-to-be ex-fiance. Another sigh, and giving his back to the window he decided to take the matter into his own hands right now, there was no use in procrastinating.

"He needs you, you know?" The sudden voice startled him.

"How come a trained soldier like you couldn't feel my presence, not even when I closed the door?" A pair of black eyes was watching him, the lips of the Great Sage's reincarnation were slightly smiling.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking..." he answered.

"Really hard I would add," the smile became wider "seriously, if I didn't knew better I would say you're having love problems, Von Bielefeld kyo."

The indignation in Wolfram's voice was evident "I'm sorry your Excellency, but I think you're wrong, and in any case it's none of your business. Now, if you will excuse me."

He walked to the door and opened it, intending not to listen to anything else from that person.

"Don't act without thinking, Von Bielefeld kyo. As I said, he needs you, even if it might not look like it to you...or to him." Wolfram replied, without looking back.

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about"

Closing the door behind him, he decided to go to Gwendal's and tell him he wanted to request some days off, he needed to leave from here as soon as possible.

In the bedroom, Murata was still sitting on the bed, arms crossed, his eyes invisible under those glasses that reflected the sunlight.

"I wonder what will happen now."


Thanks for reading this prologue! Since it was quite short I decided to submit also chapter one so if you like, please read that too

Fine modulo