Five Things Kelly Adores About Ryan


She adores it when he touches her (not in a perverted way mind you, she likes that for completely different reasons), when he hugs her or holds her hand. She can even forgive him if he rustles her perfectly groomed hair because he is providing contact, something that she loves.

But she loves it best when it's the middle of the night and she's at his place, tucked comfortably under the covers, his arms wrapped loosely around her. And if there is a breeze or a sound or something, his arms tighten, bringing her closer to him, protecting her from the danger.

That's when she knows it's love.


She adores it when he whispers to her. His lips, breath, words, against her ear make her heart flutter every time. Occasionally, his tongue will lightly touch her ear lobe or the side of her face, causing shivers, the good kind, to run like lightning up and down her spine.

What she loves more though is the secret meaning behind whispering. It means that this is something that he only wants her to know. He'll leave the bubble that he keeps around himself, lean in and tell her something, something that he could have easily said in front of Jim or Pam or anyone.

But he doesn't.


She adores looking at him before entering a room. She'll watch him talk to Jim by the coffee machine or to Toby before she walks back to her desk. She likes to see his interactions with others. What he's like. Who he is to these people. She feels like she is being introduced to a different Ryan with each observation.

She wants to meet them all someday.


She adores it when he kisses her. The feeling of his plush, soft lips against hers is one that can only be described as pure, unadulterated heaven.

Their first kiss is probably her favorite. Not that time on February 13th (she doesn't count that as a real first kiss because she was drunk and he was really just doing it to shut her up), but the time after it, on their real first date.

They planned to have dinner and a movie and wanting to keep it cheap she had gone to his place with some take out and a rented film. She remembers it well; the exact shade of white on the walls, the feeling of the couch on the back of her arms and legs.

About halfway through the movie, he just leaned over and placed a kiss onto her lips. It didn't last long, but his facial expression afterwards, something he tried to hide, made her know that he had felt the same thing she had.


She adores it when he comes to stay the night in her apartment. It's very special because it doesn't happen very often. She always cleans like a mad woman right before hand and goes to get the best take out. She views it as one of her chances to dote on him without him knowing.

Plus, he always leaves something behind, a shirt, a pair of pants, a bar of soap, like he's invading her apartment.

And that's the way she likes it.