Aburame Ichizoku


By: Nyssa Benthin

The series Naruto is © Masashi Kishimoto

Obsessive development of the Aburame clan is courtesy of me. ;)

I strongly recommend reading Aburame Ichizoku before reading this fic (which is its continuation), as I will not explain things from it.


In the hidden village of Konoha, there is a small, tightly knit clan of bug users, who for as long as anyone can remember have had a close, symbiotic relationship with little, black and white, teal-eyed beetles called kikaichu.

They are so introverted, so reclusive that not even people from their own village know much about them. However, their general avoidance of human contact is not one of hatred or distrust. It is merely in their nature.

They are not devoid of feeling or emotion, as their fellow ninja tend to think by their subdued actions and voices. However, when you have a million insects living under your skin, it can change your behavior to something that most don't classify as truly 'human'. However, where they may be inhuman in their behavior, if you really got to know them, they most likely will be some of the most humane people you'll ever meet.





Ichizoku: A clan, or family.

Aburame: Basically means "Oil eyes", (a good reference to their sunglasses, or for me to their dark remains of where their eyes once were). Aburame is also close to the Japanese word for cockroach "Aburamushi" (Literally "Oil insect")

Mushi: insect or bug

Kikaichu or Kikai mushi: "Destruction bugs" the name given to insects the Aburame's have a close relationship with. They live solely on chakra as a food source, and can devour the chakra of any person or animal they come into contact with (thus making it a formidable form of attack). In the American dub of Naruto they are called "Parasitic Beetles" (a name I rather personally despise, cause it makes them sound like parasites, when they have a symbiotic relationship of mutual benefit, called 'mutualism' in the animal world, with the Aburames).

Mushi bunshin: "Bug clone" the Aburame version of the chakra bunshin every ninja learns, however it requires far less chakra to use and is semi-solid almost like a kage bunshin (shadow clone).

Bento: A meal prepared and put into a special sectioned, flat box (or boxes), usually wrapped with a decorative handkerchief. Basically a fancy lunchbox. X3

Jutsu: Literally "Technique", sometimes a nin may be heard using the term "ninpou" instead, which means "ninja law" or "Ninja arts".