Today is the day, that's what you decided this morning. Now it's time to follow through.

You see him standing near the fence like he always is. The sun shines on his brown hair giving it a golden glow and the light softens the sharp features of his face.

God, you wish you could touch him, take off those glasses and run a hand over his cheek and through his hair. You realize that you've been staring at him, as usual, so finally you move. Walking towards him with a Ponta in your right hand and your left in your pocket, you stop behind him and you swallow. He hasn't noticed you yet.

'Ne, Buchou?' you ask in almost a whisper.

He turns around and looks at you with mildly questioning eyes. You let your cap slide over your eyes to hide the blush creeping to your face and manage to ask with breathy voice, 'Can I talk to you after practice?' You're so nervous that your right hand with the Ponta is about to shake and you just hope he doesn't notice.

'Ah.' He answers and you look up just in time to see him nod and walk away towards the courts. You finish your now slightly warm Ponta and follow him to the courts, to the rest of the Regulars.

You're in the locker room, you survived the crushing bear hugs from Kikumaru-senpai and Momo-senpai. You knew about the practice matches when he told everyone to go play. ' Echizen vs. Kawamura.' You heard him say with that deep velvet voice of his. The voice and face you drean of at night…..No, you have to stop thinking like that otherwise you won't be able to talk to him. You look around the room, noticing that everyone is finishing up.

You're sitting on the bench, white cap in place, which is an odd sight because you're wearing your school uniform, but you don't care. You sit slouched, back against the lockers, cap over your eyes and your hands in your pockets. You appear to be lounging a bit, but you sit like this top hide a few things. You're slouched so you won't be sitting as stiff as a board. Your cap is hiding your eyes, which look at him every now and then. And your hands, your hands are jammed in your pockets to hide the fact that they are trembling.

Then finally it's quiet, everyone is gone and the two of you are alone. You look up as he sits down on the bench across of you. He looks at you as he asks, 'What do you want to talk to me about, Echizen?' For a moment you can't move and you just stare. Then you stand up and start pacing. You make a few attempts to talk but your voice won't come out.

You're nervous, so nervous that you can't stop pacing and that you start fumbling with the hems of your sleeves. You know he sees you fumbling yet you hope he doesn't.

You remember your decision and you stop pacing to stand in front of him.

You look in his eyes for a moment and when your cap hides your eyes again you whisper, 'Buchou, I….I like you!' Clumsily and nearly missing you press your lips against his.

His soft and warm lips, you notice. But he doesn't move or say anything, so you pull back and almost shout as you bow, 'Gomen!' Then you bolt it out of the room running as fast as you can. You don't look back, afraid that your heart won't be able to cope with the look on his face………..Later on you wish you had looked back.