This is a fairly short fanfic (also known as 'one-shot'). Also this is my first OFFICIAL fanfic. So please don't expect writing like Shakespear or something.Anyhoo, this story is alittle hitsuhina, though I am a complete fan of hitsuhina. Also, I am really sorry about the grammer mistakes. Like the wise men say "Practice makes perfect!"

Summary: Hitsugaya is getting tired of the name 'Shirou-chan'. Hinamori can fix that!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any part of Bleach, but if did ohohoh... what fun could I have with it?

Today was definitely not Hitsugaya's day. His head was throbbing from a recent flu and the pressure of old people jabbering "who's the better captain."

And to make this situation much worse, Hinamori decided to drop in Hitsugaya's office today.

Today was NOT Hitsugaya's day.

Ironically Hinamori decided to talk about the name "Shirou-chan."

"Isn't 'Shirou-chan' such a CUTE name, Shirou-chan?" Hinamori asked dreamily.

Hitsugaya glanced at her sharply and smiled weakly.

"Yes it is," he forced through his teeth.

"I shall forever call you 'Shirou-chan'!" Hinamori declared.

Hitsugaya rolled his eyes and muttered.


"In fact, I will keep saying Shirou-chan until I can't say it anymore! Shirou-chan, Shirou-chan, Shirou-chan, Shirou-chan, Shirou-chan…" she kept chirping.

This was driving Hitsugaya crazy. He effortlessly tried to cover his ears with his hands but Hinamori was saying 'Shirou-chan' too loud.

After 40 seconds or so, Hinamori started twirling around and randomly jumping while chanting 'Shirou-chan'.

"N…No you're gonna break the va..."


Hitsugaya was too late with the warning. He just stared down at Hinamori and the shards of the broken (and expensive) vase.

Hinamori laughed weakly and stuttered,


This apparently pulled Hitsugaya's trigger.


Hinamori's eyes brimmed with tears and she ran out the room without saying another word.

Hitsugaya stood still in the same spot for 5 minutes or so. Then he sighed and sank into the nearest couch.

Today was definitely not Hitsugaya's day.

After the 'incident' Hinamori called Hitsugaya by his title. Hitsugaya was grateful for this for about 10 minutes then he started to feel awkward. He was quite used to "HI SHIROU-CHAN!" or "HITSUGAYA-KUN!"

Now he had to admit, he missed the name 'Shirou-chan'.

Hinamori kept calling Hitsugaya 'Hitsugaya-taichou' for about 4 days until Hitsugaya finally gave up.

In the morning

"Good morning, Hitsugaya-taichou," Hinamori muttered politely with a low bow.

Hitsugaya twitched and cringed at that name.

"Uhh….Hinamori, Ca…Can we talk?" he asked shyly.

Hinamori blinked and slowly nodded.

"W…will you stop call me 'Hitsugaya-taichou' anymore?" he asked softly.

"Nani? Then what would I call you? Hitsugaya-sama?" she asked confusingly.

Hitsugaya shook his head.

"Hitsugaya-kun? Hitsugaya-chan? Hitsugaya-san?" Hinamori asked again.

Still, Hitsugaya shook his head no.

Hinamori looked at him sideways and muttered,


Hitsugaya blushed and nodded slowly. Hinamori's lips turned into a huge grin and she suddenly jumped on Hitsugaya and hugged him tightly.

"OI…Hinamori!!" Hitsugaya gagged underneath Hinamori's weight.

"Hehe, you'll always be my Shirou-chan!" she said happily.

Hitsugaya couldn't help but smile. 'Shirou-chan', he liked that name.

Liked it? Hated it? either way, please review D