Title : How did I fall in love with you?

It was the end of a long day after a hard case when Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo was on his way home. But there was something that happened today, when he imagined hearing Kate's voice and that's when memories of her filled up his mind. He tried so hard to keep it in the back of his mind and focusing on his work the whole day.

Now he's driving in his car, blinking away hot tears that were falling freely. He didn't care to stop. He's in pain..,

"God Kate!" he said in a shaky whisper voice. "If only you were still around.." he couldn't complete his sentence. All he needed was to touch her, hug her, to feel her right there.

After a long drive he came to a stop, getting out of the car. He froze in place, it's not home. He's here to visit …Kate. Entering the graveyard walking over to where's written 'Catilin Todd'. When there, he kneeled down, brushing his finger tips on her name. Although it was dark but the moonlight gave enough light to see the name written on the stones.

"Hy Kate..Katie…" said Tony with a small sad smile. "Where are you? I miss you."

More tears fell down his cheeks. "You knew all along I loved you, didn't you?"

He stayed there for a few moments in silence just thinking about her ...

"I want to .." sob "dedicate this song for you.." sob "I know you always loved my voice." Said Tony with a grin.

Taking a few minutes to stop his crying and get his breathing atleast close to normal; and that's when he started.

"Remember when, we never needed each other?

The best friends like sister and brother

We understood, we'd never be, alone."

While singing he got his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He always had her picture there; the first picture he'd taken from her first crime scene. He smiled, seeing her always seemed to bring a smile to his face. She's always beautiful.

"Those days are gone, and I want you so much

This night is long and I need your touch

Don't know what to say, I never meant to feel this way

Don't want to be, Alone tonight."

Remembering all the silly banter they shared only made him cry again. Sniffing and wiping away the fresh tears that fell and he continued…

"What can I do, to make you mine?

Falling so hard so fast this time

What did I say, what did you do?

How did I fall in love with you?"

How did it happen Kate? Tony thought.

"I hear your voice

And I start to tremble

Brings back the child that, I resemble

I cannot pretend that we can still be friends

Don't want to be, Alone tonight"

Remembering today, while he was working on the case they had, from no where he heard Kate's voice; and she was calling him; saying his name 'Tony.' You called for me right Kate? He thought in his mind knowing she can hear him, she can hear his thoughts now. Yes you can hear me.

"What can I do, to make you mine

Falling so hard so fast this time

What did I say, what did you do?

How did I fall in love with you?

Oh I want to say this right

And it has to be tonight

Just need you to know, oh yeah

I don't want to live this life

I don't want to say goodbye

With you I wanna spend

The rest of my life"

You know it Kate, I know you do; it never had been goodbye and you're still in my life. Although you might have been gone but you are still here said Tony in a soft voice pointing at his heart.

"What can I do to make you mine

Falling so hard so fast this time

What did I say, what did you do?

How did I fall in love with you?

Tony continued singing, although his voice has become shaky.

"What can I do, to make you mine

Falling so hard so fast this time

Everything's changed, we never knew

How did I fall

In love,

With you?"

Finally he came to the ending of the song, he said "you loved this song Katie didn't ya? I know you did." he said grinning although his eyes were still teary and puffy red. "I actually was planning on taking you out on a date and play this song and we could have danced together, holding each other,.." he swallowed but still continued. ".. and maybe I would have sung it myself later." Saying this made him grin imagining Kate hitting him either on his shoulder or ribs and making fun of his sound playfully saying it was awful.

He missed her hitting him, he missed all the silly banter that were between them, that's when he realized he missed her touch the most, although the touch was her hitting him. He still missed it.

A cold drop of raindrop fell on one of his cheek and then another on his head, that's when he realized it was raining. Looking up at the night sky, having a bright moonlight and shining star.

"Kate, which star are you up there?" he said asking her. Only to have the sound of raindrops hitting the ground answer him.

"Kate.." he whispered "is this just rain? Or is it you're tears? Or is it mine?" he asked softly.

To be continued ….

Okay, I know there might be some mistakes but ...

I hope this fic is good, c'mon tell me by reviewing …

Anyway I have some ideas for continuing..

I thought of leaving it at this but maybe a few more wont hurt…

But let me see some reviews? oki? plzz