Author's Note: I am dedicating this story to Dreammistress Jade because she's given me the that fuel I need to write this story. So thanks, Zeineby. (I mean the WHOLE story not just this chapter...) Yeah, now just read it...

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight or any of it's Godly characters, just the plot to my here story. (And the idea of Zero/Senri, which you all must agree is a totally meant to be pairing :the fangirls mind:)


Caught In Suspension

I couldn't believe it, I was standing there in his arms…his very touch made we tingle all over. His teeth had come out and I felt him cut me. I closed my eyes tightly. He bit into my arm slowly, as if expecting a reaction.

"Does it hurt?" He whispered. I got the feeling he wanted it to. I just mumbled something incoherent and leaned forward into his arms so that I was close to his neck. I wanted to bite into him, but refrained myself. I knew that if I did bite him I could possibly get out of hand but damn did I want to taste him.

I moaned as I felt his tongue slide up my arm and before I knew it, I had bitten into his neck softly, so that none of his blood would fall to the ground. Every drop was precious to me. The taste of his blood filled my mouth and I sucked on the wound I had created to fill my mouth further with his taste. It was delicious, and I was starting to crave more, so I quickly pulled back. I didn't want to drain him. All the while Zero had gotten slightly stiff but the minute I stopped sucking he pulled away from me, starring me hard in the eyes.

I stared back into the lilac purple orbs, wanting to drown myself in them, he was perfection. His beauty all but flawless. I could feel myself craving for more, I wanted to hold him and never let go, make him mine, completely.

Zero took a step towards me, bringing his hand to my face. He slid it onto my check and took anther step forward, getting closer to me now. I felt myself take a step back, fearing that I could possibly hurt him in my hunger. He took another step, my stomach did somersaults. I took another back but hit the wall of the ally behind me. Zero leaned in closing the gap between himself and me, before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine. My knees grew weak and I almost fell on the ground. His left hand was firmly against my check and his right arm wrapped around my waist pulling me in to him. I could feel his chest against mine and the somersaults felt like sky diving.

I kissed him back hungrily, to fill myself with nothing but the taste of his lips. I could feel my heart beating hard against my rib cage and the softness of lips, the sweetness of his taste and the fact that we has holding me so close was only adding to m list symptoms. I felt like him brush his tongue over my bottom lip but I wasn't letting him in yet, I wrapped my arms around his waist, sending shivers down my spine. He was so firm, so well built. He pushed me into the wall behind me, sending me moaning but the moan died as his tongue thrust into my mouth and I truly tasted his sweetness.

It felt like my body had just been set on fire when I felt his tongue against mine. I found myself wanting him more, so much more that I didn't think it was possible to douse my craving for him. He kissed me hard, with a love I didn't even think he had for me. I was nearly shivering but he held me close anyway and finally I broke away from, panting for air.

He was in the same state, but that didn't stop him from getting at me, he tore at my t–shirt and I felt his lips kiss me as they went down my jaw line. I gasped in pleasure and shut my eyes, savoring the moment again. I clutched his shirt in my hands, never wanting to let go. His left hand was resting on my shoulder and now trailed down my arm so that it sat nicely at my elbow. I moaned as he bite into my neck and I felt his tongue lick the small trickle of blood that now flowed. I dub my nails into his back and he groaned as if enjoying it.

"Zero," I moaned, twisting my fingers through his silver locks. They were just as soft as I had imagined them to be. My fingers untwined themselves into the hair and I yanked his head up from my neck, I brought my lips to his, kissing him, hard, yearning to fulfill my lust for him. I trailed my tongue over his lips, committing every dip, crevice and line to memory. Oh it felt so right to have him like this, all to myself, so that I wasn't sharing him with anyone else. Once again our tongues clashed and we met each others desires, with passion and ferocity.

This time he broke off and he stared hard into my eyes. "Sen-Senri." He stuttered, as if saying my name was something new.

"Yeah," I mumbled, hand still in his hair.

His eyes were growing larger by the second, and he loosened his grip around my waist. "I…I think like you," his voice sounded like it was trying to convince itself more than me.

I felt my cheeks burn red and the blood that had run southwards from the before actions was all but in my face. "I think like you too." I hadn't thought that the words would have come out of my mouth so easily but they were floating around us now. Dracula, what did I just say?

Zero smiled, my eyes widened. He was actually, genuinely smiling and it sent my heart racing so fast that I though I would die. He brought his left hand back to my face and took the arm around my waist and brought his other hand to my face, cupping it. He then leaned forward and kissed me gently, brushing his lips against mine so gracefully.

My spine sent an electric shock to the rest of my nerves, and my nerves replied by blasting, sending an explosive force throughout my body.

He pulled away, smiling gently, as if his face wasn't used to moving it's muscles in such a way. My hand was slowly falling out of his hair, down to his waist and I stepped forward so I had my head resting nicely into the crevice of his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and I'm not quite sure how long we stood there together but I enjoyed every second of it. I felt like my body had melted into his and I just wanted to stay like that forever. It's then that I remembered Takuma.

"We have to go back…" I trailed not really wanting to leave.

"Mmm," he hummed; giving me a tight squeeze which didn't do to well to my pants…they seemed to be getting tighter.

I smiled softly and pulled away. Zero's hand laced into mine but I didn't mind. I liked this new touching relationship. I had wanted it for quite some time. I looked at his delicate features, trailed over his lean face and was mesmerized by his eyes.

There were a million thoughts going through my head, How would the rest react to this relationship? And what would Kaname-sama think? But is this all even real or another one of my lewd fantasies..?

As the thoughts rambled through his head, he noticed that his feet were moving…and his hand was being held by something warm and smooth. He looked in front of him to notice silver locks whipping in the hair in an almost unearthly manner. Senri gasped at the beauty of it but finally quickened his pace so he wasn't just following the man of his dreams.

My hands in his hand. He felt like one of the crazy fangirls from school, but when he though it over, he wouldn't mind being Zero's fangirl. Actually he would enjoy every second of it. Zero was just that lovable. Senri absolutely loved the feeling going through his heart right now, it was positively delightful. He felt like a bird flying through the air.

I smiled as I walked, slightly behind him now. I wanted him to walk in front that way I could stare up at him as much as I wanted, without going positively red in the face. That's when he decided to look back and our eyes met. I felt my cheeks go red and the blood rushed to my ears. I was blushing…again. I quickly looked away, the red still on my face. Fro the corner of my eyes, I saw Zero almost laugh at my expression. My eyes softened…I wanted to hear him laugh.

Zero was the kind of guy who didn't seem like he could laugh, like he could be happy. I wanted to give him all of that let him feel like he was the most special person in the world, I wanted him to feel just like he made me feel.

I was staring at him again, his pale skin almost hiding him from the world. I squeezed his hand and he turned to look at my, slightly surprised. I smiled gently and his eyes seemed to soften. If I could have, I would have captured his face like that and watched it forever but that was just another dream, another wish, a desire.

I suddenly had a craving to find out everything and anything about him, what his past was like, what his favourite food was, why he was always looking so lost, what his favourite colour was but mostly why he didn't want anyone to get to close to him. I wondered how I had managed to but it didn't matter now. I was with him. At least I hoped I was with him. If this is some dream, I'm going to kill myself when I wake up. I though, miserably to myself.

The whispers in the crowd were back but I didn't care this time around. I glanced around to see where I was. We nearly at the ally where Takuma was probably waiting for us.

"Zero, wait!" I said quickly.

He stopped and looked at me, his eyes seeming concerned. "Yes?"

I slipped my hand out of his but he seemed unfazed. "About what happened…" I trailed looking at him.

He just stared back, refusing to show me any kind of emotion.

"We need…to, keep it away from everyone for now. I'm not quite sure how they'll all react…" I was looking at anything but him now. I didn't want to see if my words hurt him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever did hurt him.

"Is that it?" Zero's voice seemed relieved. My head zipped up and I looked at him. He leaned forward and gave me another delicate kiss on the lips. "We can keep it a secret until we know everyone's okay with it."

I smiled at him, he truly was the best. "Thanks." I whispered, wanting to kiss him.

He took a strand of hair out of my face and turned around and walked into the ally. I followed.

Takuma was waiting for us, smiling at himself. The ally looked like nothing had ever happened in it; the walls would hold the actions they had seen in an everlasting silence.

"You're back!" He exclaimed, happy to see Zero and I.

I nodded at him, my eyes never quite leaving Zero.

"Well, the car's waiting. Let us be off. I'm sure Zero has classes to get to and you and I need some sleep." He bubbled in his happy voice. Once again the question arose in my mind, Were vampires even allowed to be so giddy

I guess the answer would always be a yes, since he was in fact a vampire and there was nothing much I could do about it, besides, I liked Takuma.

Takuma walked over to the side of the ally we had come from when we heard the little girl's screams, when I had seen Zero in action. My heart thumped, sending forth a weakening sensation. I wanted to turn around and stare at him but that would only make Takuma wonder what the hell was going on.

He had started to hum and Zero had fallen a step behind me, so to keep his lone boy image. I sighed in slight frustration. If I was going to be with Zero, it was going to take a hell of a lot of work…

Author's Note: ZOMG. This turned into a smut fest. :O Hmm, tell me what you thought...I'm not quite sure if my smut writing abilities are very good yet...xDD But anyways, I hope you liked it. :D