Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT, but I do own my OCs

Blood Stained Tears:

She shivered watching as her world was turned upside-down; her friends had betrayed her, turning her in after keeping her secret for so long.

How did they even know who her father was?

"Why did you run away?" he would ask her, but she would never answer.

She received beatings for that. Now she was afraid for who and what she was…looking herself in the mirror, she looked in her bruised eyes.

Her father was trying to break her, like so many countless others.

She was going to be sold into the slave market…to be more pacific, the sex slave market.

But her friends knew about it…were they threatened to be put on the market as well?

She narrowed her eyes as the door to her cell opened, showing a tall bulky man.

"So this is her," he breathed.

"Yes…like a promised, still a virgin, and has everything that you wanted," her father answered. She couldn't help but be hurt, her father selling her to some bastard so that they could fuck her until she was as good as dead.

"What is her name?" she turned to the man, he was huge, muscular, and had long blonde hair. The scars on his face made him look more intimidating.

"Hun, you don't recognize my daughter?" her father asked.

"Peterson, I always thought you would sell your little Bella on the slave market," Hun chuckled, "she's as beautiful as you described." His eyes looked her over with lust.

She fought the urge to slap him; she wasn't in the mood for another beating that day.

"So…when do you want her at your special headquarters?" her father smirked.

"Have her brought by soon…" Hun smirked down on her, "very, very soon."

It seemed like an eternity later…but she was pulled out of the room and brought to where she would be cleaned, and put into the slutiest clothes on the face of the planet.

She was afraid, and her father knew it.

-Two Hours later-

She sat in the limonene looking at the window; her long brunette hair pulled up in a pony tail, her hair was curled at the ends, her clothes also consisted of a black leather micro mini, that didn't show her underwear, and a sluty red V neck tank top. Her black leather boots shined, just as her blood red lips.

"Bella," she snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at her captive, "I'll make a deal with you."

"What kind of a deal Hun?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"If you stay on my good side…"

"If," she laughed.

He scowled at her, making her immediately stop, "If you stay on your good side, then you won't have to sleep with me period."

"And if I do?" she asked.

"Then you're in for the time of your life," he smirked at her.

She couldn't help but gulp at that, most of the girls back at where she was, didn't make it out a virgin…and they were fully broken…but she…she wasn't.

"So what's it goin' be?" he asked.

"Hun, I can't make any promises," she whispered.

"And why not?" he demanded.

"Because…broken or not," she whispered, "You can't hold me down." He didn't hear her, and she became frustrated at that.

He had no idea that she nearly gotten herself killed just to get out of that place…she wanted out…BUT NOT THIS WAY! Biting her lip, she looked out the window, watching as buildings went by.

Life was going to be hell until she found a way to escape the grasp of this bastard.