This is a OHSHC and Gakuen alice crossover

Note: I'm just testing if I could try to crossover animes...It's a bit hard but I'll try!!!

Okay, all of them were in high school, Mikan and the gang were 16 years old

Tsubasa-sempai and Misaki-sempai already graduated

On a sunny afternoon, at the Alice academy school grounds, a helicopter landed on the campus, making the students look outside, from the classroom windows. Coming from the helicopter is a stream of body guards, spreading themselves all over the school campus and contacting each member if its safe.

"Hey look!"a student from class B pointed at the helicopter

"Yes, look at the eblem , looks like it comes from the Ouran Private Academy "Yuu explained while pointing at the helicopter

Then,the superintendent came out from the helicopter, along with his personal secretary

"Oooh, that man must be the superintendent"Sumire said

"Come on students! Go back to your seats, we still need to finish this discussion before the end of the period"Mr.Misaki said

"Yes sir"the students went back to their seats and listend to Mr.Misaki's discussion

Meanwhile, at the headmaster's office...

"Mr.Suoh, welcome to Alice academy. So what do you think of the institution?" the headmaster asked

"It's marvelous! A perfect surrounding for "special" students of this institution"Mr.Suoh complimented

"Splendid, now, let's talk about the upcoming school festival"the headmaster asked

"Sure, and, do you have one of those talking apples?"Mr.Suoh asked and the headmaster sweatdropped

It's already lunchtime and Mikan and the others went to the school gardens...

"You know what, those men looks suspicious, right Anna?"Nonoko asked

"Hmmmm...Well, I'm not sure. Because the eblem on the helicopter is the second most prestigious school in Japan, and that makes us third, since this school is still quite new and CLAMP school is the first"Anna explained

"Really?"Koko asked

"What?"Mikan asked

"Yeah! I think, Ouran Private Academy is a high-class school headed by a powerful financial group"Yuu said

"And that financial group you're talking about is the Grand Tonerre company or the Ohtori company? "Hotaru asked

"Hey, what are you talking about? What is this Ouran school, whatever this mumbo jumbo..I don't get it"Mikan said

"You mean, you haven't heard of Ouran Private Academy ?!"Yuu asked

"You don't know because instead of listening to the discussion, you're busy sleeping and repeating my name several times, and it's getting on my nerves"Hotaru said

"Hotaru..."Mikan pouted

"Anyways..."Yuu said

"Hi Ruka! Natsume!"Mikan exclaimed

"Hello Mikan"Ruka greeted

"Do you have to shout little girl? We're only a few meters away from you"Natsume said

"Ne- Ruka, do you know about Ouran school?"Mikan asked

"Yes, why did you asked?"Ruka asked

"Obviously she doesn't know about it"Hotaru said while eating her lunch

"Fine then...well, besides about the financial issues of the school, the Ouran Private Academy is a school where the future leaders of Japan's largest companies study leadership and management skills. Not only that, they also study various languages like french, english, german, even latin "Yuu explained

"So...?"Mikan asked

"Well, in short, Ouran Private academy is the school for the wealthy..."Anna said

"And prestigious families"Nonoko said and then Hotaru's eyes began to spark

"Is it real or is it my imagination that I saw Hotaru's eyes suddenly sparked?"Mikan asked

"Yeah..."Ruka wondered

"And Ouran Private Academy is also known for their big festivals and really expenisve parties"Yuu said

"OH WOW! Ouran school so cool!!"Mikan said

"Yeah...Lot's of rich people"Hotaru mumbled

"And also the HOST CLUB!"Anna and Nonoko exclaimed

"Host club? What's that?"Mikan asked and lightning stikes to the two girls' nerves

"Ugh...The host club"the boys suddenly backed away from the group and started working on other stuff

"Ne Hotaru, what is this Host Club? And why did Natsume, Ruka, Koko and Yuu backed away from us?"Mikan asked

"Ahh...Host club, a girl's haven of love"Anna said with twinkling eyes

"Huh?"Mikan replied

"Apparently, Ouran Host club is composed of handsome high school students that gives "fortune" to female customers"Hotaru said

"Really! Have you seen them?"Mikan asked

"Actually, I think its just a rumor"Hotaru said

"No way!! It's true! We saw their website!"Anna and Nonoko protested

"And besides, I think they're not even one-half of Natsume's charm"Sumire said

"AAAAAACHOO!"Natsume sneezed

"You've got a cold Natsume?"Ruka asked

"Nope..."Natsume replied

"Someone must be talking about you"Yuu said

"Tch...Whatever..."Natsume wiped his nose with an hankerchief and they continued on what they're doing...WHATEVER THAT IS..

Soooooo...What do you think? Please give me your comments, suggestions etc! Let me know if I should conitnue it or not! OKay!("u)