Chapter 1

Aikka sadly waved to molly his heart thrumming in his chest he felt a sad longing inside him but when he looked down and saw her smile those feelings vanished. He waved to her again, for one last time as his ship lifted off. He caught a glimpse of molly-waving good-bye to Oban. He silently gazed at her "good bye my earth princess, we will meet again."

Aikka stared out into the sunset its brilliant colors flickering across the horizon he smiled. The blazing red often reminded him of molly….no wait Eva the name hung to the air. It's a beautiful name he thought. He shook himself from his dreaming. Often these days he was caught thinking of her. His sword master Canaan had obliged the thought of her for he remembered all that she had done on Oban. "She was an acceptable opponent and worthy avatar", as he used to put it after they had left Oban. Still his parents refused to let him contact her or even think of her. He sighed after Oban his life had turned into a nagging pain that had no adventure of the sort in it he missed his days of exploring and causing mischief and no matter what his parents asked aikka would never forget Oban and the adventures he had had there. A smile brushed his lips, but he soon pushed it away. Walking back into his room and closing a white door with beautiful carvings in it. Blocking of the view of the sunset.

G'dar flew through the air his wings bringing a gentle hum into the air. Aikkas hair ruffled in the wind. This was the only time aikka ever had to himself, the only fun he ever had now a days. Aikka lovingly patted G'dar; the smooth shell under his fingers was warm. Aikka spoke some encouraging words to G'dar as they continued on past the hills of his palace. The landscape soon changed to calm rifts and valleys as they continued towards the horizon ahead of them the sun was just beginning to rise. When the sun rose higher in the sky aikka stopped and landed G'dar leaving the beetle in peace as he ate the fresh-dewed grass. Aikka walked under the valleys trees climbing up a dormant home with ease. When he reached the round top he gracefully sat down with his legs crossed beneath him he looked at the rising sun its colors spreading on either side of the horizon. His mind began to wander and his thoughts soon drifted to molly he shook his head to push the image away and looked up onto the horizon. He jumped to his feet at the sight, his breath left his body, for upon the horizon were several fleets of krogs even at this distance aikka could see the red and black colors flashing in the sunlight. He had to leave know he must warn his people he whistled to G'dar. When G'dar appeared, he kneed the bugs shell to show his urgency to get to the palace. G'dar under stood and speed ahead. Behind them, the krogs were slowly advancing.