This is my first fanfic let alone slash, please be nice and RnR so I can find the weak/strong points.

The bold quoted text is Kindrel's thoughts

Kindrel trudged along the icy path. Despite how bitterly cold it was he always loved Winterspring. It was a beautiful place despite its dangers; sometimes he would find a quiet grove of frozen trees or a crop of boulders to rest.

He was a Blood Elf mage, and he was very frail looking even for a Blood Elf. His hair was pitch black and went down several inches below his neck when tied back. It would alternate between being very smooth or very ragged for random reasons. He usually wore a cloth facemask that concealed everything below his nose.

Unlike most Blood Elves, Kindrel was timid and peaceful; he always wore a tired expression on his face. He never really understood the feud between the alliance and the horde, if they had just dropped their shit and worked together everything would be better. It was too bad that the people in power were too immature to come to this realization. He considered himself a neutral party, but when attacked it doesn't mean he wouldn't bite back. He'd just prefer not to.

He was obtaining yeti hides for some goblin in Everlook, the job had good pay and he needed the money. He had to be careful on which spells he has to use on the yetis and where to hit them, so he wouldn't ruin the hide. He found out a quick scorch to the eyes to blind them and then slitting their throat with his skinning knife was effective enough.

He hated skinning, he was glad it wasn't one of his main professions. He had to do it once in a while for a quest or a job. He loved mining and engineering, goblin engineering to be specific. Though he was peaceful, he loved to blow things up. He was strange like that, usually a peaceful one but when the time came to get crazy, he indeed got crazy.

After successfully killing and skinning another yeti he trudged up a hill and there his heart skipped a beat. About fifty feet away was a Draenei paladin carefully harvesting an Icecap. He was in plate armor that Kindrel didn't recognize but he did recognize the ominous looking hammer on his back. It was a Draconic Maul, a special mace grade weapon from Black Wing Lair he had seen a warrior in his guild wielding before. This was one powerful guy.

The Draenei suddenly looked up at Kindrel. Kindrel was struck with blood chilling fear. "You idiot, why didn't you fucking run?!" He thought to himself—"RUN STUPID RUN!" Kindrel slowly began to back away from the paladin. The Draenei then began to stand up. At that Kindrel ran, the cold wind howled in his face as he sprinted down the hill.

He then got on the path and started to follow it, he didn't know where it lead but he didn't care, all that mattered was getting as much distance between him and that Draenei as possible. Then he heard galloping behind him, he looked back and saw the paladin riding a summoned horse. "Fuck" He cast blink desperately trying to get away. He didn't really need a mount, as a mage he could teleport anywhere with the proper runes. Now he needed one and he regretted it.

Kindrel ran across a bridge of ice and into a gray area, then he skid to a halt. In front of him was a scary looking felguard holding a large sword. "Double fuck" As the felguard began to charge Kindrel shot a bolt of frost into its face making it roar in pain. Then he shot another bolt at its feet freezing it in its tracks. He made way back to the bridge when he saw the paladin coming across the bridge towards him. While Kindrel was momentarily distracted the demon took the chance to break his icy binds and take a huge slash out of Kindrel with its sword.

Kindrel let out a gasp and nothing more, he collapsed to the ground facing the demon. He heard the Draenei come near, he was positive he was going to die. Then surprisingly the Draenei jumped up into the air and brought his huge hammer down on the felguard's head smashing its skull in and instantly killing it.

The Draenei turned around and kneeled before the Kindrel's prostrate form, he picked up Kindrel's arm where the huge gash was made. The Draenei closed his eyes and a burst of light came from Kindrel's wound, it was gone. The Draenei smiled at Kindrel "That should feel better." He said. The confused Blood Elf stared at the Draenei in disbelief. The stare turned into a gaze, he was really quite handsome, his brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and he had a beard. His voice was deep, exotic and charming. He did have azure skin, tendrils hanging from his face and a plated forehead and a tail and different shaped legs and huge hooves, but it all seemed to fit. It's what made him a Draenei. "Th-Thank you…" Said Kindrel. He felt so lightheaded, was it possibly from a near death experience, or was it this Draenei?

Kindrel then caught site of the small pool of blood that bled out of him in the snow. "Oh it was that…" Kindrel took one last look into the Draenei's blue glowing eyes. They we're full of concern "Are you alright?" he asked. Then everything blacked out for Kindrel.

-Kindrel opened his eyes, cold and bitter wind was whipping through his hair. Someone's arm was firm around him, he heard galloping. He was too weak to keep his eyes open and he closed them again.-

Kindrel woke up; he was lying in a cot. As his vision came into focus he realized he was in a tent. He cautiously crawled out and looked to the side, he was on a cliff side which overlooked nearly all of Winterspring. It was nighttime and the moon shined down upon the snow and ice. It all looked so ethereal and ghostly, like a dark heaven. Kindrel then looked towards the fire in front of him. The Draenei was next to the fire sitting on a log grinding herbs with a pestle and mortar. He caught sight of Kindrel and smiled, he took a vial filled with teal liquid out of his backpack and gave it to Kindrel. "Drink that" he said "It'll help you recover the blood you lost." Kindrel obeyed, it tasted very faintly of tomatoes.

It was rather awkward for Kindrel, this Draenei saved his life, healed him and took him to shelter and he didn't even know what to say. Plus he didn't even know his name. What was most disturbing was that he was alliance and Kindrel was horde. It was great alliance and horde could get along like this but it was really rare. "I'm eternally grateful for you saving my life, but why?

The Draenei smiled, "Why not?"

"I just expected that you would have killed me with you being alliance.." Said Kindrel.

"I don't kill people for something that isn't their fault." Said the Draenei.

Kindrel smiled "I have never met such a friendly alliance before, they all usually just try and kill me despite my attempts at making peace."

"You know, for a Blood Elf you are pretty cute—I-I mean tranquil." At this the Draenei closed his eyes and turned his head to the side slightly clearly embarrassed.

Kindrel looked at the ground quickly and began to blush. Then he responded, "You know for a Draenei you are pretty sexy—I-I mean altruistic."

The Draenei looked back at Kindrel who grinned at him. "Well all of us Draenei are known to have big hearts." He said.

"My name is Kindrel, Kindrel Traven."

"I am Drakken Veroth" Said the Draenei.

Kindrel realized he was shivering, as did Drakken.

"You should go back inside the tent, we can't have you getting cold on a low amount of blood like that due to a risk of frostbite." Warned Drakken.

"I guess we can't." Said Kindrel.

He crawled back inside the tent and tried to bundle up but the wind seemed to go through the tent and through him. It was one of the many disadvantages to being so skinny, he preferred being outside with Drakken. He thought about how rapidly things had changed for him. It was the plan to go back to Everlook and get his payment in exchange for the hides and then he met this paladin. Life certainly is crazy.

A rather harsh gust of wind blew and filled the tent with icy air, Kindrel shivered violently. Then he heard Drakken enter the tent, he wasn't in plate anymore, in fact he looked almost naked if it wasn't for the briefs he was wearing. Kindrel found himself surveying the Draenei looking at his azure skin and his rippling muscles. He found himself enjoying every detail, even his tail, legs, and hooves. "Oh my God, I think he's hot." Kindrel found himself blushing furiously, he also found himself growing rather aroused. "Control yourself you pervert! For God's Sake!"

Kindrel slowly turned to the side and shut his eyes trying to calm himself down. Drakken lay down next to Kindrel facing him. Kindrel could barely control himself now. To add to the situation, another fierce gust of icy wind blew up the cliff into the tent causing Kindrel to shiver violently. Drakken noticed this and embraced Kindrel in his warm arms and then threw a thick blanket around both of them. Kindrel now lay in Drakkens arms both of them entwined in a blanket. He could feel Drakken's legs and hooves, which felt weird at first but he got used to quickly. He could also feel the end his tail, which would constantly move and would flick across his now bare feet tickling him slightly and he could feel Drakken's tendrils graze across the back of his head. Drakken was warm, everything about him was warm, Kindrel was now as comfortable as a cat curled up in a patch of sunlight but he certainly could not get to sleep now.

"Wow, I like the way he smells too…like fresh rain" Kindrel could control himself no longer, the nearly naked Draenei embracing him who has saved his life several hours ago who smelled of fresh rain. Kindrel pulled his facemask down, poked his head up from Drakken's huge chest and pecked him on the neck. Then he waited for what seemed like an eternity but was really just about five extremely awkward seconds. Drakken returned the kiss to Kindrel and they were locked in that kiss for what seemed like five seconds but it really was five very delightful minutes.

After they broke the kiss, nothing was said, nothing needed to be said. They knew now how they felt for each other. Kindrel was once again lightheaded and he was positive that it wasn't from loss of blood. Maybe from lack of oxygen from having a five minute face sucking contest with Drakken, but most likely from how overwhelmingly ecstatic he was.

Kindrel fell asleep in Drakken's arms and soon Drakken fell asleep curling around Kindrel.

Outside the tent, the wind stopped and it began to snow in the dark heaven of Wintersping.