
Title: Greed

Fandom: Vampire Knight

Pairing: Yuki Cross x Zero Kiryu

Rating: R for limeish

Theme(s): week 43—Seven deadly sins (What? It's only a year late...), with a touch of week 64—Obsession

AN: Theme info from the MakinLemonade ML challenges. This is shortfic as always, people. Also, please be aware that this fic contains sexual situations. Please do not read if you are not old enough to handle this. I really have no idea where this series going, and I'm sure that any conjectures I make in this fanfic will be completely wrong. I just have a dirty mind and am completely misinterpreting two panels from the scanslation I have of Ch. 21. On purpose, of course. Mainly because Zero is hot. And I promise I'm still working on my other fics.

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Matsuri Hino and no profit is being made from this work.


The feel of her teeth closing gently on his neck, the faint brush of the tip of her tongue, and the hot wash of her breath made his entire body go stiff, a jolt of surprise running through Zero's nervous system. After that, he couldn't get Yuki out of the room fast enough, afraid he'd give in to temptation and take her up on her offer to feed.

Because every time he fed from Yuki, he wanted more.

He became more addicted to her, addicted to the way her body yielded so gently to his. Addicted to the way she felt locked in his arms, surrendering to his control. Addicted to the taste of her skin, to the taste of her blood pouring into him. He both loved and hated feeding from her. What made it worse was that he knew he needed to feed, knew that his system wasn't accepting the blood tablets. He was slowly starving, and he knew it. He was sure Yuki knew it as well, though she hadn't yet said anything to him.

He didn't want her to feed him out of pity. He wasn't afraid of death. In fact, he once preferred death to becoming a vampire. After he turned, he had vowed to kill the pureblood vampire that murdered his family and then end his own life.

Yuki wouldn't let him. She had him feed from her, tried to sacrifice herself to the pureblood that bit him in order to save him, told him that she would make him live even if it meant he hated her, said she would watch over him and keep him from losing his humanity.

She made him want.

She made him want all of her, not just her blood. He wanted to protect her from everything and everyone, even himself; at the same time he wanted every inch of her body, her thoughts, and every corner of her heart to be his and only his. When he fed from her, all he could think of was how much he wanted from Yuki.

He wanted her tongue in his mouth, on his skin. He wanted her body bent to his in surrender. He wanted her bare beneath him, her skin rubbing against his, a fine layer of sweat covering them both. He wanted the arch of her neck as her body bowed beneath his and the feel of her legs clamped around his waist as he slid into her. He wanted her wetness wrapped around his cock, and the flush on her face as he pushed her towards orgasm. He wanted the pulse of her muscles around him as she came, and the sigh of his name through parted lips. He wanted her warm, brown eyes locked on his, seeing only him, feeling only him.

He knew none of that showed on the surface. Zero went to great pains to make sure that nothing leaked through his facade. Long training taught him that emotions were weapons you placed in the hands of your enemy, and he couldn't afford to give anyone that kind of advantage. Not if he were to protect what was most dear to him.