"Okay, so we have everything we need?"


"Well then, let's get going," Matt said as he entered Emily's car. His car was at the mechanics as his air conditioning had broken down.

It was six o'clock in the morning and Matt and Emily yawned as they buckled up their seatbelts and began to make their way to Santa Monica. It was a one and a half day drive and the wedding was in two days. They figured that they'd get there by lunch the next day and have enough time to greet everyone and relax before the wedding day.

Both Matt and Emily had butterflies in their stomach, but each for their own reasons. Matt hadn't seen his dad in years and hadn't seen his family for even longer. He didn't know how to act around them, and worse yet, didn't know how they would act around him. He was most nervous about seeing his brother again. They had been close all throughout their childhood, but then their mother died, and they had become strangers to both each other and themselves.

Emily's butterflies wouldn't calm down. She tried negotiating with them, but obviously it didn't work. She was just so worried about whether Matt's family would like her or not. Sure Matt hadn't seen them in a long time, but they were still family, still flesh and blood. And if that wasn't enough, she was also worried about Matt. About how his family would react to seeing him after so long. She hoped that everything would run smoothly, but she wasn't naïve enough to believe that it would. She just wished that nothing too out there would happen. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Fifteen minutes later and music filled the silence. They hadn't spoken since they had left Matt's place and Emily felt herself falling asleep. She jerked herself awake and racked her brain for something to start a conversation with so she could stay awake. Thankfully, her stomach chose that moment to rumble, letting her know that she was hungry. Matt chuckled, obviously having heard it himself, and pulled off to a small café on the side of the road.

They both got out of the car and instinctively moved towards each other as they made their way into the café. A young waitress showed them to a table in the semi-crowded café and gave them both a menu and took their coffee orders before leaving to give them a moment to ponder what they wanted. Matt yawned and Emily rubbed her eyes as they scanned the menu.

"What do you think?" Matt asked her.

"Not sure, I think I'll just get a toasted ham and cheese croissant. What about you?"

"Chocolate-chip pancakes with whipped cream," Matt answered almost immediately.

Emily let out a chuckle, shaking her head. "Not very healthy. Do you want to get fat just before you see your family again?"

"I don't think I can change that much in one day," Matt told her, grinning.

Emily shook her head, smiling as the waitress returned to their table and gave them their coffees. She took their orders, and after some non-successful flirting with Matt, she left the table. They both took a small sip out of their cups and savored the taste.

'Why am I so nervous,' Emily thought to herself. 'Okay Em, just take some deep breaths and everything will be fine.'

Matt noticed Em's deep breathing and reached over the table to grab her hand. "Don't worry, you'll do great!"

"Aren't I supposed to be comforting you?" Emily smiled.

"You've done your fair share of comforting this past week. Now it's my turn." He responded before planting a small kiss on her hand.

They received their food and ate it in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was the complete opposite. Both were comfortable just sitting quietly and occasionally giving the other a forkful of their food. Half an hour later they had finished eating and were just sitting, hands entwined, and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. After taking a quick look at the time, they decided that it was time they got back onto the road. Matt quickly paid for their meal while Emily went outside and started the car. Stuffing the change into his pocket, Matt approached the car on the driver's side and waited for Emily to shuffle over to the other side. After waiting for a few seconds he quickly realized that she had no intention of moving over as she looked at him and flashed him a grin.

"Come on Em, shove over," he told her.

He saw her shake her head 'no' and promptly buckle her seatbelt on. Looking up at the sky, he groaned before circling the car and slipping into the passenger seat. He looked at Emily, giving her the evil eye. She took a quick glance at him before cracking up laughing and putting the car into gear.

"Meanie," Matt said pouting.

He reached over to the radio and switched it on.

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger,

'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better..

"There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in? She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?" Emily sung along.

Matt's eyes widened before he quickly reached out and turned the radio back off.

"Hey!" Emily protested.

"There is absolutely NO way I'm listening to that song…ever!"

"But it was just ending," she moaned.

"Not caring."

"Well then what do you suggest we do smarty-pants?"

"Smarty-pants?" Matt laughed. "How original."

"Oh be quiet," she said, trying to stifle her laugh.

"Game time! Let's play Geography," he said, jumping up and down in his seat. His eyes began to slowly widen at Emily's slightly confused face. "You don't know how to play Geography?"


"Unbelievable! Well, you start with a place name like California, and the next person has to think of a place that begins with the last letter of California," Matt explained.

"Ooooh, I know this game."

"Ok! I start, California."

"Alabama," she said shaking her head at how child-like he had suddenly become.


Twenty minutes later, they were still playing. Matt was getting excited because it was taking Emily longer and longer to think of places.

"Umm, Waikikamukau." (A.N: Ok people, this is pronounced why-kick-a-moo-cow haha.)

"What! You're making that up."

"I'm serious. It's a place in New Zealand."

"Now you're just trying to make yourself sound smart."

"Don't believe me? I have an atlas in the glove compartment, go and look."

Matt reached forward and opened the compartment. Sure enough there was an atlas in there, he grabbed it and started searching for Waikikamukau. After a few minutes he found it.

"Haha, that is so cool," he said laughing.

Emily shook her head but laughed along with him, "See, I told you."

"There's also a place called 'Shag Point' in New Zealand."

"Did you know that you have to go through 'Intercourse' to get to 'Paradise'? Both places in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania."

Matt started to laugh uncontrollably and pretty soon, Emily had joined in too. Matt then spent the next hour or so looking up funny place names in the atlas.


Ok, ok, so you guys have every right to kill me. It has been aaaaaaaaaaaaaages since I last updated. What can I say? I'm the queen of procrastination. At least this chapter made you laugh, right?? And by the way, yes these are all real place names. Thanks to all that helped me figure out what MnEm could do during their trip.

