Awww final chapter, you guys! I want to thank everyone who reviewed! It has really motivated me. Wow, it's going to be weird not writing this anymore. Rebecca Norrington, you requested that I continue the story and show James as a father. I'm not going to continue with this story, but you will get to see a bit of him as a father. I'll explain how at the end. Now, I'll go ahead and get on with the last chapter. Please review this one last time!

Chapter Twenty-one: The Perfect Wedding

"Oh, my dear, I cannot believe you're back!" Alexandria Winchester exclaimed as she enveloped Lorraine in an embrace. The Royal Valor had docked only moments before, and when it was reported that Lorraine, who they had all thought was missing or worse, returned with them, many of the curious townspeople had come to see for themselves. "We were all so worried for you!"

Lorraine blushed a little. "I didn't mean to worry everyone," she said sheepishly, "I suppose I could have left a note."

Alexandria rolled her eyes. "Yes, you certainly could have." She moved her perceptive eyes from Lorraine to where James could seen still taking care of some things on the ship and back again. "I believe you have some explaining to do as to why you did it though, hmm?"

Lorraine blushed again. "Do I really need to explain?" She turned her face towards James with an affectionate, doting look in her eyes. It hadn't taken them all that long to get back to Port Royal, but in that time the two of them had become even closer than they had been.

Alexandria grinned. "I suppose you're right. I knew it would come to this. It is a wonderful match." She regarded the couple with an approving look for another moment, then she turned her full attention back to Lorraine. "Why don't you come back with Edward and I to our hotel. It's a nice hotel. We're staying there until we can get our house rebuilt. And we can all have tea. I'll leave a note for Commodore Norrington to join us, if that would persuade you to come."

Lorraine bit her lip in thought. She had planned on staying while he finished up and then going back to his home with him. He had warned her that it would take a while and that it would be boring. She had argued that she would be fine, but the wait was becoming taxing. "Wait just a moment, Alexandria," she said then turned and ran to where James was. "James!" she called, getting his attention.

He smiled. "Hello."

"I'm going to have tea with the Winchesters at their hotel," she told him, "How much longer will you be?" She didn't want to be separated from him for longer than she absolutely had to be.

He shrugged. "Not much longer." He flashed her a grin. "I told you so."

She couldn't help but grin back at him. "Don't be so arrogant," she said playfully, "You still don't know everything."

"So you say."

She scoffed, but still couldn't keep the smile off her face. He was a trying man indeed, but he was a trying man that she loved. She tilted her face up to him. "Are you going to kiss me good-bye?"

He chuckled and a mischievous gleam appeared in his eye. "Don't you think you've had enough kissing?"

She grinned at him. "Never."

He swept her up in his arms and held her close as he pressed his lips to hers. She couldn't hold back the soft moan that she made against his mouth. His lips felt so good, so perfect. She wished they were somewhere alone where they could really be together. Now, every time she was with him, every time she saw his muscular physique and those riveting green eyes, she longed for him to take her. Even as she kissed him, she blushed.

"Was that satisfactory?" he murmured against her cheek when the broke the kiss.

"Perfect," she breathed. Reluctantly, she disentangled herself from his arms. She wished she never had to leave the comfort of his wonderful embrace, but she knew if they stood like that much longer, they'd be making a scene. "Come join us as soon as you can," she continued. Then she turned and left with Alexandria and Edward Winchester.


Almost two weeks later.

With shaking knees and sweaty palms, James stood at the front of the church. The reverend was standing behind him, and Andrew was at his left. It was the day. It was the day. He couldn't believe it. After living so long without someone to love and hold, he could hardly believe that he was about to get married. And the woman he was going to marry was kind, loving, and beautiful. She was everything he wanted and needed in a wife. She was everything to him.

He tried in vain to slow his pounding heart. He couldn't imagine why he was so nervous. But he was. He knew there was nothing to be nervous about. There was nothing for him to fear with Lorraine. She would never hurt him. But still he could not control his nerves.

"Calm down," Andrew whispered to him, voicing his own thoughts, "What do you have to worry about?"

James looked out at the guests. There weren't that many. The Winchesters, Governor Swann, Elizabeth, Will, and a few of James's and Lorraine's closer friends in the town. They had decided to keep the event small and intimate due to Lorraine's condition. That thought brought a small smile to his face. Surprisingly, the whispered gossip about why their wedding was taking place so soon did not bother him. Why should he care? He was going to be a father. Lorraine was certain now. The past few mornings, she had become sick, but then during the rest of the day, she was fine. That was a sign of pregnancy. And James knew he wasn't imagining the small rise on her usually flat belly. He couldn't wait until she grew great with his child and their babe was born. It would be a very happy time.

"I suppose nothing," James finally managed in reply to Andrew, "It's just…. Well, this is all new to me."

"Of course it is," Andrew laughed, "You haven't got any other wives lying around that you haven't told me about?"

James laughed softly. "No, she's the only one."

"I'm glad you two are so happy together. It's good to see you so happy. After what happened… I was worried for you."

James nodded silently, eager for Lorraine to appear. "What's taking so long?" he asked impatiently, "How long does it take a woman to get ready?"

"Take it easy, James. She's not going to back out on you."

James tried to relax. Mrs. Winchester and Elizabeth- now Mrs. Turner- were helping Lorraine get ready. The three women were probably just talking or doing something else that women do, but he wished that they would hurry up. "What in the world…?" he began, but he cut off when the double doors at the back of the church opened, and Alexandria and Elizabeth came in and took their seats beside their husbands. James knew by the looks that they both flashed him that it was nearly time. His hands began shaking even more.

Then the music began.

The doors opened a second time, and this time, his bride appeared. Every face turned to her as she began walking down the aisle. James's breath caught in his throat. Her long auburn curls were unbound, and they were arranged perfectly around her face, nestling at her shoulders, and falling down her back. Her violet eyes were bright and full of life and love. A small serene smile graced her beautiful lips. The dress looked perfect on her. It was the whitest white, and it fell in flowing folds down past her ankles. It clung to her curves in a way that made his knees go weak. She was a vision.

She offered him a trembling smile as she came to stand with him and the reverend. Andrew took his seat on the front row. Smiling at her reassuringly, James took her hands in his. He was surprised to find that hers were shaking too. It made him a little less nervous to know that she was nervous as well.

"Dearly beloved," the reverend began, "We are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony…."

Neither James nor Lorraine really heard anything the reverend was saying. Through the whole service they were lost in one another's eyes, barely aware of anything else. James found himself wondering what their life would be like. What it would be like to be a married man. There was certainly a lot to think about, what with Lorraine being with child. Would he make a good father? She seemed to think so, but he wasn't very sure. Would their children even like him? He hoped they would. Lorraine would tell him he was silly if she knew he was having such thoughts, but he couldn't rid himself of the doubts.

So lost in his thought was he that he didn't even realize what the reverend had said until he cleared his throat and repeated himself. "You may kiss the bride."

James smiled and pulled Lorraine close to him. He brought his lips down to hers in a binding, soul sharing kiss. From that moment on, they would never have to be separated and not know if they would ever be with each other again. From then on, they were man and wife. The realization made James's whole being soar with elation. He could taste the salty tears of joy that had escaped from her eyes, and he kissed those away.

The small crowd clapped and cheered as he gathered her in his arms and ran out of the church to the carriage that was waiting for them. She laughed and buried her face in the side of his neck. He didn't want to let go of her, but he had to when he sat her in the carriage and then went and got in at the other side. Apparently, she hadn't been happy about the separation either, for as soon as he was half-way into the carriage, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a deep, long kiss.

"I love you, James Norrington," she panted passionately when she broke the kiss, "Now and forever."

"And I love you, Lorraine Norrington," he replied. Saying her name with his last name made him smile. He couldn't believe that they were actually married. The joy of it was almost too much. "Now and forever. Always." He kissed her again.

When the kiss ended she rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Do we have to go to the reception, James?" she asked, looking up at him. A lusty look appeared in her eyes. "Because I'd much rather go back home with you. Alone. All night."

He laughed throatily. "I'm sorry, my love, but I believe we have to go to the reception. Don't worry though. We have all night and many nights to come to be all alone together." His eyes glazed over thinking of those coming nights. It was tempting to just forego the reception all together, but he knew that the guests would be expecting them. They could endure it at least for a little while. If they left early, well, the guests would understand.

He spent the rest of the short carriage ride with Lorraine cradled in his arms. He lovingly stroked her hair and placed soft kisses on her cheeks and lips. He didn't think he had ever been happier.

Epilogue: A New Arrival

"Oh, Alexandria, how did you ever deal with having children?" Lorraine demanded furiously, looking at her huge stomach with no small amount of anger. Elizabeth, who sat in the chair beside her, looked down at her large stomach, and her furious eyes asked the same question.

Lorraine and Elizabeth had become fast friends over the past months, especially after Lorraine found out that Elizabeth was also due to have a child. They were both in their third trimester and Lorraine was ready to pop any day now. Throughout their pregnancies they had visited each other at their houses, but soon Lorraine became to big to go much of anywhere. Elizabeth was fortunate enough to have not gotten as big as Lorraine, and so she was still able to come visit Lorraine at her home.

Now they sat in Lorraine's parlor with Alexandria. They both found they enjoyed talking to the older woman since she had had children of her own who were now grown and knew what they were going through.

"It will be over soon, my dears," she said sympathetically.

Lorraine was still in a bad mood though. She should have already had the baby, but it seemed that the little thing just didn't want to come out. Her situation had been increasingly putting her into bad moods. "When will it end?!" she exclaimed.

Elizabeth and Alexandria laughed. "For you, I would say very soon," Alexandria replied.

"I hope so."

"How is James now that you are so close to having the baby?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, he's happy!" Lorraine grumped, "He's thinking about names and where the child's going to go to school and such things. He hasn't had to carry it around for these nine months!"

Elizabeth laughed. "Will's much the same," she replied.

"Be lucky he hasn't decided to make you stay home," Lorraine said. The other two women looked at the large hump in Lorraine's dress with raised eyebrows. Lorraine scoffed. "Well I know I couldn't go anywhere anyways, but it would have been nice if James hadn't ordered me to stay home. I mean to think, I'm the one who has all the problems, and he just decides that he can order me to stay in the house?! And then he has to go away to work during the day, and I get so terribly bored." By the end of the tirade, Lorraine was panting for breath. She had to pick up her fan, laying on the table beside her, and begin to fervently fan herself. She always forgot that it was easier to get herself worked up in her present condition.

"Calm down," Alexandria advised, "Stress isn't good for you."

"James just doesn't want anything to happen to you," Elizabeth told her with a smile, "He makes you stay here for your own good."

"I know, I know," Lorraine admitted. She wasn't truly angry with James. Even when she picked fights with him, he was rarely the cause of her anger. She just needed someone to lash out at.

Alexandria and Elizabeth spent the rest of the time filling Lorraine in on the town gossip. Since she could no longer get out, she never knew what was going on. James went out everyday, but he rarely paid attention to such things.

"Well," sighed Alexandria a few hours later, "I think it is about time that I get home."

Elizabeth pushed herself from her chair with a huff. "I think I'd better go too," she said, "Will will be worrying."

"Oh not both of you!" Lorraine protested, "James won't be home for another hour or two at least!" She did get so bored when no one was over. That was the thing that she hated most about her condition.

Both of the women protested that they simply must be going. Lorraine sighed and tried to push herself out of her chair. "Well, I'll at least see you to the door," she panted.

"Lorraine, you should stay seated," Alexandria warned.

"Don't do that. You could hurt yourself!" exclaimed Elizabeth.

But Lorraine stood anyway. "See? I'm…." She cut off. When she looked down at her dress, she saw that the front was darkening with water. She wasn't sure what she had done. Surely she had not wet herself! She would die of mortification.

"Oh, dear God," Alexandria breathed, "Lorraine, your water just broke. You're going into labor."

Lorraine's eyes widened in fear, and she let out a gasp as her eyes darted from one woman to the other. All those days of being lonely and bored and not being able to go out. All those days of not being able to stand because of her swollen ankles. All those nights of arguing with James because she was irritable from all the pregnancy hormones. All those times she had screamed: "I want it out!" And now she didn't know if she was ready or not. Now that it was actually happening, she didn't know if she was ready. Well, she supposed it was too late for that. "Have one of the servants go get James," she commanded hurriedly, "Tell them to be quick about it, and they had better not come back without him." She knew one thing was certain. She could not have this baby if James wasn't present.

Alexandria ran off to do her bidding, and Elizabeth stood in front of her, not knowing what to do. "You won't leave just yet, will you?" Lorraine asked her fearfully, "I know you need to get home, but you won't leave me here alone? Please stay just until James gets here?"

"Of course," Elizabeth replied, taking her hand reassuringly, "I wouldn't leave you like this. I will certainly stay until James gets here."

"Thank you," she breathed.

Alexandria returned only a few moments later. "Alright, I have sent one servant to go get James and another to go get the doctor. Now, we need to get you into bed." She bit her lip. "That will prove difficult seeing as I'm the only one here who's not pregnant, but we'll manage."

It took them a while, but finally they got Lorraine to her bed. And none to soon, for right when she got comfortable, the first bout of painful contractions hit her. It was going to be a long night.


James paced the floor in front of Lorraine's room. She had been in there for hours. At first Dr. Williams had let him stay in the room and hold her hand, offering words of comfort when she needed them and just being there when she didn't. But then he had sent him out. The birth wasn't going well. She had always been a slight, petite woman. It seemed that the baby was just too big for her. James fought to control his breathing. What if something happened to her?

Elizabeth had left when he arrived. Alexandria had remained for a little while longer, but then James sent her home when it began to grow late. Lorraine had been in labor for hours. A night and morning had already passed since her water broke. It was now nearing later afternoon. At least the screams had stopped for the moment.

That had been the worst part. After Dr. Williams sent him out, he could still hear Lorraine crying out with pain, hear her sobbing in agony. It was almost too much for him to take. Every moan of pain had sent shivers up and down his spine. He couldn't bear the thought of his wife in pain. He didn't want anything to ever hurt her. He wanted to be able to always protect her. But this was something that he had no defense against. There was nothing he could do about this.

Then it started again. James offered up a silent prayer to the heavens that she would be alright. Tears sprang to his eyes. This couldn't be happening. Just when he was happy, and it seemed that nothing would go wrong, it seemed as though God was going to take her from him. How could this happen to him? What had he done to deserve it?

James could no longer take waiting outside to find out what would happen. Lorraine needed him with her. He reached for the door knob, and as he did a long, shrill, pained scream emitted from behind the door. It was the loudest, most agonizing scream that he had heard the whole time. The blood drained from his face. She had died. Lorraine was dead. He threw open the door, and that was when another sound reached his ears. It was like the soft crying of an injured animal.

Ignoring the sound, he rushed to Lorraine's side. Her chest rose and fell slightly. Thank God for that. She was still alive.

"James," she murmured weakly when he took up her hand, "Look." Her other trembling hand lifted to point towards Dr. Williams. He was holding something. "Our baby look."

The doctor smiled and held the bundle in his arms out to James. "A son, Commodore."

"A son," Lorraine murmured, a small smile coming to her face. She was weak and pale. Sweat covered her brow. At the time, James was more concerned for her well being than he was the baby.

As if reading his thoughts, Dr. Williams said, "She will be fine, Sir. It was a difficult birth, but she will be alright. She will be weak for a while, but she will live."

James sighed with relief.

"James," Lorraine said, shaking his hand, "Take him. I want to see our son." He smoothed back her disheveled and made a soothing sound. Leave it to her to be more worried about seeing their child than her own health.

To appease her, he went and lifted the bundle from Dr. Williams' arms. "I'll give you three a minute," the doctor said, and then he left the room.

The baby boy's hair was wet and matted to his pale forehead, but James could tell that it was the same shade of dark auburn as Lorraine's. The small eye opened and looked up at him. Green eyes, like his. The boy stopped his wailing and peered up at him curiously. James couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"James." Lorraine's voice broke into his thoughts. He looked over at her, and she was weakly holding her arms out to him, an impatient look painting her face. "Let me hold him."

James looked from the baby to her. She could barely hold her arms up. Did she have the strength to hold their son? He was a fairly heavy baby. But looking back at her eyes, he knew that he wouldn't do well to argue with her. He had seen that determined look many times before. When she got that look, there was usually know talking to her. He took one last look at the beautiful baby and then passed him to her.

"Oh, James!" she gasped, "Look at him. He's beautiful!"

James smiled down at her. "Just like his mother, hmm?"

Lorraine smiled. "Oh, our baby," she murmured as she affectionately stroked his downy curls. She pitched her voice high as she spoke to the boy. "I never thought you'd get here, baby," she cooed, "I'm your momma." She reached out with her free hand and took James's arm. She pulled him closer. "And this is your father." She looked up at him. "Say 'hi' to your son, James."

James grinned at her then looked down at the babe. "Hello," he said a little awkwardly. Lorraine looked up at him lovingly.

They silently watched the baby for a few more moments. Then Lorraine looked up with a small gasp. "What shall we name him, James?" she asked.

He studied he son. "I don't know. What does he look like?"

Lorraine's brow furrowed as she looked down at the now sleeping babe. "I'm not sure." She bit her lip. Then suddenly a small smile spread across her face. "Could we name him Elias? After my father?" She looked hopefully from the baby to him and back again.

James pretended to consider it, but in reality, he could have denied her nothing, especially after she had just had his first son. He looked down at the boy's face. "I suppose Elias fits," he said thoughtfully, "Yes, he certainly looks a bit like an Elias. And your father was a good man. I have no objections."

Lorraine smiled at him for a moment then turned her attention back to the baby. "Elias," she murmured, stroking his sleeping face, "Our son, Elias."

Seeing that she was growing weary, James lifted Elias from her arms and laid him down in the crib. When he was sure that the baby was sound asleep and situated comfortably, he returned to the bed. Lorraine scooted a little to make room for him beside her. She rested her head against his chest when he sat down. "Are you feeling at all better?" he asked quietly as he stroked her hair.

"I'll be alright," she said reassuringly, giving his chest a pat, "I'm just tired and sore." She sighed. "I'm so happy, James."

He smiled. "Me too. Me too."

The End.

I'm finished! Please review! Even if you haven't reviewed at all before this, just say a few words. Please! I love to get reviews! They make my day! Anyways, as far as the whole seeing James as a father that I mentioned at the first of this chapter, I am going to do another story. It will not be centered on James, but he will be in it, as will Lorraine and their new son. SparrowsVixen requested that I do a Jack/OC, and I was thinking about it and I decided that I would like to have it just kind of continue from this story, but it will be Jack/OC. So be looking for that out soon, and I hope you guys read it too.