I do not own Kim Possible.

I wrote this story quite some time ago and after deciding to go back and finishing some of my old stories off, thought I'd start with this one. My frame of mind with where this story was going may have changed slightly so I've revamped the older chapters ever so slightly. I hope you enjoy you and let me know what you think. Happy reading.

"This will be my greatest plan ever!" Draken yelled in triumphant as he held up a small hand held laser.

He was stood at his work bench after fitting the final component. The laser was small and portable. The silver device looked similar to a dart gun with a glass jar attached that held redish like goo.

"Great work, congratulations on another job well wasted. Blah blah blah," Shego mocked from a lone chair that was placed near a table at the other side of the room.

Shego seemed quiet board as she flickrd through a Club Banana magazine with her feet propped on the table. Draken lowered the laser and looked over to his sidekick with a clear look of upset on his face. His bottom lip quivered for a moment before he began to wave his arms round in the air.

"Shego!" he wined like a small child. "This will be how we take over the world... For real this time."

"Just like all the rest of your plans for world domination?" Shego asked but didn't look up from her magazine.

"I…err…" Draken started Strachan the back of his head. "This will be different though. Please Shego."

She go finally looked up at the blue dolt before giving a sigh, "go on then, let's hear it."

"Thank you Shego," he beamed in pride before returning to the laser in his hand. "With this mind eraser, I will erase the minds of small rodents making them believe that I am their master and using them to steal for me. Once they have stole enough, I will buy the worlds supply of…" Draken started to go on before Shego tossed her magazine at his head. "SHEGO! What did you do that for!?"

"Well doy, Dr. D," Rolling her eyes as she swung her legs of the table to face the doctor. "You are currently holding the power to erase minds here. Think about it now, you could erase the mind of a certain teen hero here. Maybe even make them believe that their evil."

"What? The buffoon? What good would he be evil?" Dr. Draken asked as Shego eyed him.

"Seriously? You can build a mind erasing ray gun in less than a week yet you struggle to get this," Shego asked as Draken opened his mouth about to speak. "Kim Possible."

"Kim Possible?" he said as if he was trying the name out. "Of course! If I erased Kim Possible's mind and made her believe she was evil, then I would have two of the most deadliest women on the face of the planet at my side. I will be unstoppable!" he said then gave a evil laugh as he rubbed his hands together greedily.

"Yey, what a great plan Dr. D, call me when you need something," Shego said as she began to file her nails with a file that was left on the desk.

"Actually, right now would be good," Draken said as Shego gave a small sigh. "I need the attention of a certain teen hero… or should I say, teen evil?" he laughed with a evil chuckle.

"Actually, you shouldn't. Teen evil sound stupid," Shego said standing up.

"Shego!" Draken yelled annoyed but Shego had already made her way out of the room and was making her way to the hovercraft.