Once upon a coma

Disclaimer: Anything you recognise isn't mine; it belongs to the great J.K Rowling!

This story is set probably at the beginning of 'The Half Blood Prince' Dumbledore is still alive etc but also I've changed the chapters so it goes along with 'The Deathly Hallows' as well. I will warn you though that the story has spoilers, so if you haven't read the 7th book yet, read this after you've finished! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it.

James, Sirius, Lily, Remus, Peter and Michelle were sitting in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire, wondering what to do with their free Saturday, and the Hogsmeade trip had been cancelled due to bad weather, not that that normally stopped the group, but they just couldn't be bothered to go into the village in the thunder and lightning.

'That's it I'm bored' moaned James, who was lying on Lily's lap while she fiddled with his already messy hair.

'You don't say, seriously why did bad weather have to come today, I really wanted to get my Christmas shopping done' Replied Michelle.

'But it's only the beginning of November, why would you want to do your shopping now?' asked Sirius who was playing a game of exploding snap with Remus and Peter.

'To get it out of the way stupid, I might as well get the stuff when I have money, before I go spending it on new clothes and books and stuff' said Michelle who was scrunched up on the one seater with a book on her lap.

'Well why don't we do something productive then? Like the library or something, it's better than staying here' Lily replied which made James sit up.

'Better in what way, it's a classroom full of boring books, with a boring librarian and a boring forbidden section we can't get into because the boring caretaker keeps his boring cat there to keep watch' James whined.

'How many times did you say boring in that sentence… why don't we go down to the Great Hall then, Dumbledore must be planning on doing something, with all the students that will be bored in the castle.' Said Remus as the cards exploded on the table.

'I WIN' shouted Sirius, making Michelle, who had got back to reading her book, jump out of her skin.

'Boys' sighed Michelle.

'I think that's a good idea Remus, and while we're down there we could ask Dumbledore where he wants us to patrol tonight?' Lily said looking at James, she and James were head boy and girl, they had been officially going out for two months, since the beginning of term, after years of trying to get Lily to fall for him, and it finally worked.

'What about my bedroom?' Winked James and Lily sighed, smacking her boyfriend lightly on the arm.

'Seriously sex on the brain you've got, no smart arse, I mean a real patrol' Lily laughed and stood up. 'Well who's coming down then?' and the group stood up within a shot.


'Seriously Snape, these things will knock your opponent out for yonks, just hit them on the back of the head with it, weaker the back I think, duno though I'm just saying what the guy in the shop said, you'd be able to get potter back for all the shit he's caused you this last seven years no problem with these babies' Avery said to Snape and handed him two of the little contraptions.

'Well you have done well, be sure not to tell anyone what has been said when Potter lands critically in hospital' Said Snape putting on his cloak.

'No not a word, good luck mate' Replied his friend as Snape walked out of the dormitory door, out of the Sytherin common room and started making his way towards the great hall.


'Oh all we need, look who it is, slimy Snape, ALRIGHT SNIVELLUS' yelled Sirius as he saw Snape approaching from the opposite corridor.

'Sirius shut up will you, don't provoke him, it's the last thing I want today' Lily said shaking her head and giving James the 'tell him' look. Lily couldn't look Severus in the eye; they had been best friends for five years until he called her the unforgiving word…

'Look Lils I don't control him, he's a grown boy, if he wants to make a joke out of Snivellus' Lily glared at James 'I mean Snape, then I'm not going to stop him.' Smiled James as Sirius was still shouting provoking Snape, who was currently carrying the two contraptions Avery had handed him in his two hands, there were two, so Snape if he didn't hit Potter the first time, He could get him again, and if he got him the first time, he could always use the second to get that loudmouthed Black.

'Seriously why did I fall in love with you again, actually don't answer that, I'm really not in the mood for this…' Lily sighed and kept walking towards the Great Hall, pretending that she couldn't hear what Sirius was saying.

'Have you washed your undies today Snivellus? We might take a little peep later, and of course the whole school will be there, naturally' provoked Sirius, seeing that Snape was getting irritated he turned his back and started walking in front of Snape behind his friends.

'This is the perfect chance' Thought Snape 'No one is around so no one can blame me, and I'll get him good and proper' Snape loosened one of the contraptions in his hand and lifted it just above his head, and aimed for Sirius, letting it go throwing it in the air, it hit Sirius on the back of the head with a thud and a scream. The group turned round to see Sirius lying on the ground, Lily ran up to Snape and started screaming.

'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, BRING HIM BACK NOW! Why have you always got to be so evil? You could have walked away, been the bigger man but no … always resorting to evil violent magic'

James, Peter and Michelle ran to Sirius' body trying to relive him and Remus ran over to Lily to try and calm her down.

'Lily stop, Sirius will be fine, we'll take him to the hospital wing and he'll be fine' Remus tried to reassure Lily, but it obviously wasn't working as she continued to yell at Snape.

'BRING HIM BACK! BRING HIM BACK!' Remus pulled Lily loudly away from Snape, who was standing smiling irritating Lily even more.

'Whatever you've done Snape, you'll pay' Remus said still pulling Lily away, who was now crying.

'Its her own fault, making friends with those fools in the first place, she was happy with me being her best friend… but she had to change all of it, not accepting every apology I made, making a fool out of me in front of the entire school… I'll show her' Snape said letting loose the other contraption 'its not exactly Potter, but its close enough' he finally thought and through the other one directly at Lily's head, who again like Sirius' landed to the floor with a thumb and screamed painfully.

This time James ran up to Snape and cuffed him round the neck.

'WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE? BRING THEM BACK, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?' and smacked Snape straight in the face, who also fell to the floor with a thud.


Lily woke up with a startle, she lifted herself up and found herself on the Hogwarts floor, alone, and she looked around and decided it was defiantly Hogwarts, the East Wing, something happened to her here, she just couldn't put her mind to it what had happened. She lifted herself up and walked towards what she believed to be the Great Hall. Her head was banging, if only she remembered what had happened.


Sirius was walking though the corridors of Hogwarts, and noticed the mirror that led to Hogsmeade, the one on the forth floor. He opened it to look inside and it was caved in, the entirety of it.

'Damn it, that bloody caretaker must have found out about it, I was only here last week, and it's been caved in, the scum bag' thought Sirius and he closed the mirror.

He walked back down the stairs in order to find some form of life that he recognised, all the students so far he hadn't got a foggiest who they were, obviously new students he hadn't seen yet, but there were so many, he put it down to working to hard in lessons.


Lily was still wondering down the hall ways trying to figure out where she was exactly, it defiantly looked like Hogwarts, but one could not always defiantly be sure until proved these days. She wondered for a while until she heard someone pounding up the stairs behind her, looking round her saw Sirius' looking really angry.

'What's the matter?' Do you know where we are, Oh I'm so glad you're here, what happened I don't remember a thing?' Lily asked giving the still fuming Sirius a hug.

'I don't know, you're the first person I've seen, But I tell you what I do know, that blasted caretaker has only gone and caved in the passage behind the mirror, I didn't even think he knew about it! And there it was, all caved in!' Sirius said waving his arms around.

'But he can't have, James and I were there this morning, after we found out the Hogsmeade trip had been cancelled we were tempted to go down through the passage, but thought against it, he wouldn't have had time to cave it up so soon, that would take hours, its only been an hour and a half' Lily said looking at her watch.

'Then you explain how it happened?' Sirius said sitting down on the floor, then Lily smiled and shouted.

'YES! I know what has happened, for some reason both you and I are stuck here, there's no one else around and things are defiantly different, can't you feel it in the air, it doesn't feel the same, we're in a parallel universe, where things are completely different, either that or we've gone forward or back in time, which no mater how many people say its impossible, its possible, trust me' Lily explained and Sirius looked up at her lost.

'So you're saying we're in a different time zone?' He asked and Lily nodded.

'We were obviously sent here for some reason, so lets go find out what!' Lily said putting her hands out to pick Sirius up and the both walked down the stairs and through to the entrance hall.

'Hey I've realised why it's so quiet in the castle Lily, there's a Quidditch match on, it can't be that different if people are still playing Quidditch' Sirius said looking up to the flying broomsticks wising around the top of the Pitch.

'Maybe not, lets not go in there, just stay out here, on the outside, its better than drawing attention to ourselves by walking in there however long we're late, if you understand' Lily said pushing Sirius in the opposite direction of the pitch.

'But…' Sirius managed to say before he was pulled away.


'Great match Harry!' Ron said giving his best friend a high five.

'Ravenclaw never stood a chance!' said Hermione.

'Since when have you ever been interested in Quidditch?' Rom said giving Hermione a dirty look, who gladly gave one back.

'Since my best friend happens to win all the matches!' Hermione answered giving Harry a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

'Come on you two, lets go back to the castle before we get stuck in the crowds' Harry said leading his friends away to the exit of the pitch.