Replaceable: Edit

By: Imeralt Evalon

Chapter 3



But that was not what shocked Sakura and the majority of Neji's fangirls (half of them had fainted), what shocked them was that it wasn't everyday Neji, the cold Hyuuga prodigy, kissed a girl.


Author's Note: Thanks for all the reviews! 49 reviews! kick ass! I love everyone who reviewed because you guys are the only reason I'm still writing this story. Sorry for the very late update, debate is stupider than a 2o cent whore! Now on to the story!



Sakura stared as Neji walked away, leaving her to stare at his backside. She cocked her head slightly to the side before turning red again, mentally berating herself. "Oh my god Sakura…you did not just think that Neji's ass was nice." She mumbled to herself before flushing a brighter red. She couldn't help but stare at his butt again as he continued to stroll home. She bit her bottom lip, trying to get all those dirty thoughts from her head. She should not be looking at Neji's Hyuuga butt!

'But oh god…his ass looks so nice in those pants!!' Inner Sakura squealed and Sakura could only shake her head violently, trying to rid all those NC-17 thoughts that popped into her mind again. Seriously, she shouldn't be looking at anyone's ass, especially not Neji…who just kissed her hand.

"I shouldn't do this, especially since I already have a boyfriend…who cheated on me."

"Sakura." She knew that monotone voice anywhere. She turned around quickly to see Sasuke, staring at her like she was a madwoman. She couldn't help but look down; she really didn't want to see him right now, not after what he did. But she knew that if she wanted to play out this plan that she'd have to act natural.

"Hi Sasuke-kun! What's wrong?" Yeah. She'll have to natural before she can bring all the pain in the world to him. 'If only I could emasculate him right here!' Inner Sakura cried out and Sakura wanted to smirk so badly, but she still had to stay in character.

Inner Sakura scoffed, 'Psh, "character" my ass. If it were up to me, I'd castrate him. Here. NOW! Come on! We aren't medic-nin for nothing; we can sew it back on…later.'

"Where's the dobe?" Sasuke asked quickly, as if he was slightly nervous about something. She was a medic-nin, she knew all the signs of nervousness. "Why Sasuke-kun? What's wrong?" She asked, curious. It wasn't every day that Sasuke was nervous. But then again, today was a day for everything to do out of whack.

First, it was Neji, not Naruto or Sasuke or even Kakashi, walking her to Konoha's hospital. Usually, the male members of Team 7 were very protective of Sakura, so they never allowed anyone, beside themselves, escorting her anywhere. Then, Neji Hyuuga kissed her hand, okay sure, it wasn't like a passionate making out, but still, it was Neji. The guy was almost as cold as Sasuke at times. 'Not that you minded though.' Inner Sakura chimed in, while cackling evilly, and all Sakura could think was about how much she hated my inner self right now. Now, Sasuke was acting nervous, which is definitely an odd thing. Sasuke Uchiha never got nervous, he was always calm, cold, and collected. Today was an odd day and I blame Sasuke for it!

Why? Because the whole out-of-whack day started after I found that he was cheating on me! Frankly, it wouldn't have mattered much if he had told me first, broke off the relationship, then I wouldn't have particularly minded that he was with Ino. Seriously, I am not that childish girl who would cling onto him, confessing my undying love for him. It's not my fault I grew up and decided I really didn't want to be a baby machine for the Uchiha clan just yet. I mean frankly, I'm still young. Barely the age of 21 and I have my whole life of being Konoha's best medic-nin, besides apart from Tsunade. I don't have time popping out babies for Sasuke Uchiha.

Now that I think about it, thank god I told him to wait until I was ready to get married to him. He really is a jerk when I look back. First, he wanted to fuck me, excuse my language, but he tried to "sex me up" and release his little damn Uchiha sperm inside of me when we had first started dating. But I told him no. 'Or more like punched his ass to Suna…yeah. He was in the hospital for more than a month.' Inner Sakura said smirking happily at that fond memory.

Yeah. Well, I told him no, that I wanted to wait for the right guy that I was going to marry. Of course, that didn't suit to right with him, since obviously I didn't believe that he was my "right guy" so ever since then he won't even let a guy come near me, and actually tries to stare down some of my male patients. I'm so happy the shinobis of Rookie Nine and Team Gai pay him no mind. Sometimes he even gets jealous of Naruto, insert the eye roll here please, and always challenges him to those stupid fights that I know Naruto is too childish to back down from.

One time I caught Naruto stealing some old lady's panties because of some challenge Sasuke dared him to do. Sometimes I do wonder of the sanity of my best friend, I know he isn't the smartest person in the world, but panties? The only thing I can do is punch him and shake my head while walking away.

"Sakura. Are you paying attention?"

"Yes Sasuke-kun." Alright, not really. But I'm smart, I'm pretty sure I can figure out what he had been talking about for the past 5 minutes, although, I was sure his lips weren't moving.

"I need to find the dobe...immediately." He stated simply before looking at me for an answer. Seriously, what the hell? How am I supposed to know where Naruto was? I don't go following him around everyday.

"What?" I said, even though I already knew exactly what he was implying. Little Sakura has nothing better to do than trail around her two male members of Team Seven. Urgh. That's what pisses me off about him. Ever since he got back from Orochimaru, he expects everything to be the same.

Naruto is still a dobe in his eyes. Even though, its true that Naruto is still an idiot, he can kick Sasuke's ass in a fight any day!

Kakashi is still a perverted jounin. Okay, that's still true.

But, he expects me to still be that weak, helpless fangirl that used to follow him around and would do anything he asks. And that's not true! 'That stupid sexist jerk! Come on! Let me CASTRATE HIM!!' Inner Sakura screamed inside my head.

"Where is Naruto, Sakura." Sasuke states slowly, as if I should have already know what he was asking, but now he was talking to me like I was a retard because he was speaking slowly as if I couldn't comprehend.

"How should I know Sasuke-kun? Why don't you go off and find him yourself? You have two legs, wouldn't it be smarter to off and find him yourself than waste your time talking to me?" I rolled my eyes arrogantly as he stared shocked at my smart ass retort. I walked past him haughtily and silently contemplated whether or not I should flip him off along the way.

When I finally got behind the doors of the hospital, pausing slightly to figure out that Sasuke had already left, I let out a little giggle. That was so much fun!

I smiled brightly at the receptionist as I thought of the plan Neji-kun and I concocted against Sasuke!

- With Neji -

I smirked as Sakura told Sasuke off and smothered the urge to go up to the Uchiha prodigy who fumed off to Ichiraku, muttering about PMS and overbitchiness. Sakura certainly knocked him down his little throne a peg or two.

I strolled off towards the store, buying a couple of items that Sakura had told me to get for the plan. She was diabolically smart and beautiful, yet so conservative. I looked at the purchases I had bought, and made a conclusion.

Sakura was smart, beautiful, conservative, and definitely liked to save money.

Every item I had just purchased was under 10 dollars, especially since Sakura told me different places where I should get these items cheap.

Considering all the other girls I have met throughout my lifetime, I had discovered one thing. Girls like money. Not only that, they like to spend money too. If they got their hands on lots of money, they would like to use it, although this was just a hypothesis.

I am not a cheap person though; I just rather not spend countless dollars on something I know I don't need. But every girl my uncle had forced me to go on a date on had liked me only because I had money, money that they thought they could spend.

And since I was told to listen politely and treat women gentlemanly and pay for anything they desired, I was forced to spend hundreds of dollars on girls who cared only for my money.

I rubbed my temples just thinking of those girls, they were pretty yet simple minded, and only cared of what I can buy them, not whether or not I loved them. I know that Sakura, didn't care for money, but she cared about love and other things money couldn't buy.

Walking back to my house, I came to another conclusion.

I loved Sakura Haruno even more than I did before.

-Back to Sakura-

It was late when I got out of the hospital, finishing my late hospital shift. I waved goodbye to shishou and Shizune. Sasuke was already asleep since he always slept early, unless of course, he was sleeping with Ino.

I had to pick up the items I asked Neji to buy for me. I let out an evil laugh; this was going to be so hilarious! I couldn't wait to proceed with plan 'Emasculating Sasuke Uchiha Part 1'.

Stopping by at the Hyuuga's manor, I waited for Neji to come downstairs with the purchases. I smiled at him as he came down in nothing but boxers. WAIT...WHAT?!

My face flushed a bright red, trying to ignore the Hyuuga Prodigy's delectable very well sculpted body, with a nice muscular build, and the low dip that promised that there was something worth looking at under those...gah!!

I tried to pull off my heated look at his body, abruptly looking back at Neji's smirking face.

"Um...h...hello Neji." I stammered, trying to look at anything but his body...I mean FACE! FACE!

"Hello Sakura-chan." He replied, a teasing tilt to his voice, made me look at him, glaring playfully.

"Don't make fun of me Ne-ji-kun!" I enunciated each syllable, sticking my tongue out childishly at him.

Neji just smirked back, "Don't stick that tongue out unless you're going to do something with it."

Flushing again, I put back my tongue, before flicking him off, pouting at him. "You're being mean Neji-kun. I just wanted the purchases!"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Mean? I highly doubt so Sakura-chan. I believe what you are about to do is 'mean', wouldn't you consider so?" None the less, he held out a bag of the needed items.

I giggled evilly, grabbing the bags of goodies from him, giving him a small peck on the cheek, before taking off to the road back to my house, leaving Neji Hyuuga staring at MY back.

Skipping happily back to my house, I smirked diabolically as I noticed Sasuke was sleeping heavily. "Perfect." I muttered as I pulled out the items.

I hit the pressure points on Sasuke's neck, ensuring that the Uchiha prodigy wouldn't wake up. I rummaged in the plastic bag before pulling out a box of blonde permanent hair dye. I lifted him up off the bed, dragging him towards the tub in the bathroom; purposely let his head hit the side of the doorway.

I began following the directions, laughing as I watched his hair turn from dark midnight black to Naruto blonde. I fixed his hair, changing it from his chicken hair style to exactly how Naruto's was styled. Sasuke always messed with Naruto's looks; always telling the "dobe" how stupid he Sasuke can look exactly like him!

I let out a laugh, before pulling out a permanent marker. When Sasuke woke up in the morning, he'd be in for the shock of a lifetime, especially since this wasn't all I was going to do.

I put him back into the bed, leaving him like he was before turning around to continue with 'Emasculate Sasuke Uchiha part 2'.


Review please!

And if you have any plans you want Sasuke to go through, just review the chapter, and I might even consider it! Why?

Cuz every review is read and loved!