"What? I can't let you adopt John's daughter," Alexa said.

"Why not? We're finally together and we should be a family."

"We are a family but I am not going to legally make you Kaleigh's father," Alexa said. "How would you feel if John were asking to adopt Tyler?"

Randy shook his head, "I see what you mean, I just got caught up and thought it would be a good idea".

Alexa shook her head, "Yeah," Alexa said.

Randy smiled at Alexa and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I love you so much," he said looking into her eyes.

Alexa smiled, "I love you too."

Randy leaned in and kissed Alexa very passionately, the kiss got more and more intense as the two started rubbing each other, Alexa knew where this was going to lead and as bad as she wanted it she knew she had to stop so she pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Randy asked, looking at her.

"Nothing, we can't do this right now, right here."

Randy put his arm around Alexa's waist, "So let's go upstairs."

"No, Randy you just broke your collar bone, I'm pretty sure that sex isn't going to help any."

"There's ways around it, please baby," Randy started kissing her neck but stopped shortly after when he realized she wasn't really giving in. "What is wrong Alexa? We haven't had sex since we've been back together, I know we're taking it slow but I can only go so long."

"I need to make sure that that's not all this is about," Alexa said.

"If you don't know that this means more to me then just sex by now then maybe we shouldn't try to be in a relationship anymore," Randy said as he walked away from her.

Alexa stood there and took a deep breath and called for a cab before walking back outside, "So, me and Tyler are going to head out now."

"You guys aren't staying here?"Elaine asked.

"Nah, we're gonna stay at the hotel up the street. We'll be back bright and early tomorrow morning though," Alexa said giving a fake smile.

"Okay, I'll walk you two out," Becky said. She stood up and took her nephew from her mother as she handed him over and waited for Alexa to say her goodbyes before the two of them walked through the house. Alexa grabbed her bags and they walked out onto the front porch.

"The cab should be here soon," Alexa stated.

"Good, we can talk then," Becky said.

"Look I…"

"Wait, I just want you to know that whatever fight you and Randy are in right now will pass soon. You two are meant to be together, you've always been. Even when he was he abusive dick, he still loves you more than he loves his own life, and each and every time he gets mad or walks away angry it's because he loves you so much that he doesn't know what to do. And you, I know everything I just said about him applies to your feelings for him too. You guys are in love…but the two of you don't realize just how much you're in love with each other and I promise, the day you two figure it out will be the day your life becomes complete."

Alexa smiled on the verge of tears, she had no words. She just hugged Becky for the longest time until she heard the cab driver honk his horn. Becky handed Tyler to Alexa, "Tell him I said I love him."

"I'll tell him but believe me, he knows you do."

Alexa smiled as the two of them walked over to the cab and got in, she waved goodbye to Becky before the cab pulled off. Becky turned around and went right back into the house, heading for her brothers room.

She didn't even bother to knock as she opened the door and walked in, Randy was laying on his bed watching TV, "Why would you just bust in like that?"

"How can you treat her the way you do?"


"Your girlfriend, you know the one you've put through more hell than anyone ever deserves to be in?"

"I didn't do anything?"

"Well what did she do to piss you off this time?"

Randy sighed, "We haven't had sex since we've been back together."

"And that's a good enough reason to make her feel like shit?"

"Becky you don't understand, I am finally ready to be the man that she needs, the man that she deserves and I'm ready to give her everything and she just seems like she doesn't want it."

"Haven't you ever heard of taking it slow? Why don't you take a look back and everything you've done to her? She needs to reassure herself that it won't happened again. You have her heart, you have everything, the only thing that she can control is when you guys are going to have sex."

Randy sighed, "I didn't think of it that way."

"You never think of it anyway besides your way."

"Can you tell her to come up here?"

"She left," Becky answered.

"Where'd she go?"

"Her and Tyler went to stay at a hotel and the best thing you can do is let it all go for now. They'll be back in the morning and you can sort this stuff out then," Becky said before walking out of the room.

Randy sighed and leaned back in bed, there's no telling what he'd do to himself if he lost her again.

The Next Morning…

Alexa walked into Randy's parents house and headed straight for the kitchen. After a long night of thinking she finally knew what to do, she asked Elaine to watch Tyler for a little while before heading upstairs. She walked into Randy's room and smiled when she saw he was still sleeping, she climbed on top of him and began kissing his neck. Randy slowly woke up and once he figured out that it was Alexa he started rubbing all over her body with his right hand. Alexa then sat up and removed her shirt and pants before going to remove Randy's.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Randy asked, stopping her.

"I'm ready…I wanna do this," Alexa said.

"Come here," Randy said as he pulled Alexa to him. "You're not ready and you don't want to do this, and it's fine, I'm perfectly okay with that."

"But I thought you wanted it," Alexa said.

"Oh, I do believe me but I want it when you're honestly ready," Randy said.

Alexa smiled and kissed him.

"I want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you ever again, I want us forever and I'm never going to do anything to jeopardize that," Randy said.

"I want forever too," Alexa said.

Randy and Alexa kissed again before being interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Just a minute," Randy said as Alexa put her clothes back on. He then got up and opened the door and saw the girl he had been with in between fights with Alexa and while she was with John, Samantha.

"Who is this?" Samantha asked.

"Whoa hold on…"Alexa started.

"Baby calm down," Randy said. "I got this," he turned back to Samantha. "Why are you here?"

"I heard you were hurt," she said. "And I wanted to make sure you were okay, but it looks like this groupie beat me to it."

Alexa got out of bed walked to the door, "Who the fuck you…"

"Babe," Randy said. "I got this," he said again.

Alexa sat back down on the bed.

"Look, I don't know what made you think I wanted to see you but I don't want you here. And she," he said pointing to Alexa, "is not a groupie. She's my girlfriend, and you need to stop being disrespectful."

"So wait, you'd rather be with her then…"

"Oh no that dirty fucking hoe is not in my house again after I told her ass to stay the fuck away from here," Becky said, interrupting Samantha.

"Samantha just leave," Randy said.

Samantha huffed and pouted before exiting the house.

"Who let her in?" Becky asked.

"I have no clue," she just came up here knocking on the door.

"Who was she?"

"Disgusting. It was some trash hoe Randy would date in between you and him being together."

"Ew," Alexa said.

"Hey, it was one of my many mistakes," Randy said.

"Well anyway," Becky said. "We're all going out shopping and we were wondering if you guys wanted to go before you catch your plane."

"Shopping? I'm in," Alexa said.

"I'll go too," Randy said.

Everyone climbed into their separate cars and headed to the mall, they spent the rest of the day shopping before Alexa, Tyler, and Randy had to make their way to the airport. Elaine decided to drive the three of them there.

"Okay, well you three be careful," Elaine said. "Randy take it easy please, I hate the fact that Vince is making you do a show this soon after your injury."

"Mom, I'll be fine," Randy said. "I'm just talking, I'm not wrestling."

"Okay, and Alexa keep an eye on him and tell little Miss Kaleigh I miss her," she said.

"I will," Alexa smiled as the three got out of the car, said bye to Elaine and made their way into the airport.


A/N: Okay…sooo…I want to end this story within the next 3-4 chapters but I cannot find out how to end it. It's driving me crazy AHHHHHH!! And, this took awhile because I recently found out I was pregnant and was in between houses. Well, I hope you liked this chapter. Read&Review. Kthanx.